" Test for Vim9 script with failures, causing memory leaks to be reported. " The leaks happen after a fork() and can be ignored. source check.vim def Test_assignment() if !has('channel') CheckFeature channel else var chan1: channel var job1: job var job2: job = job_start('willfail') endif enddef " Unclear why this test causes valgrind to report problems. def Test_job_info_return_type() if !has('job') CheckFeature job else var job: job = job_start(&shell) var jobs = job_info() assert_equal('list', typename(jobs)) assert_equal('dict', typename(job_info(jobs[0]))) job_stop(job) endif enddef " Using "idx" from a legacy global function does not work. " This caused a crash when called from legacy context. " This creates a dict that contains a partial that refers to the dict, causing " valgrind to report "possibly leaked memory". func Test_partial_call_fails() let lines =<< trim END vim9script var l = ['a', 'b', 'c'] def Iter(container: any): any var idx = -1 var obj = {state: container} def g:NextItem__(self: dict): any ++idx return self.state[idx] enddef obj.__next__ = function('g:NextItem__', [obj]) return obj enddef var it = Iter(l) echo it.__next__() END call writefile(lines, 'XpartialCall', 'D') let caught = 'no' try source XpartialCall catch /E1248:/ let caught = 'yes' endtry call assert_equal('yes', caught) delfunc g:NextItem__ endfunc