" Test Vim profiler source check.vim CheckFeature profile source shared.vim source screendump.vim func Test_profile_func() call RunProfileFunc('func', 'let', 'let') call RunProfileFunc('def', 'var', '') endfunc func RunProfileFunc(command, declare, assign) let lines =<< trim [CODE] profile start Xprofile_func.log profile func Foo* XXX Foo1() endXXX XXX Foo2() DDD counter = 100 while counter > 0 AAA counter = counter - 1 endwhile sleep 1m endXXX XXX Foo3() endXXX XXX Bar() endXXX call Foo1() call Foo1() profile pause call Foo1() profile continue call Foo2() call Foo3() call Bar() if !v:profiling delfunc Foo2 endif delfunc Foo3 [CODE] call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'XXX', a:command, '') }) call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'DDD', a:declare, '') }) call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'AAA', a:assign, '') }) call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommand() \ . ' -es --clean' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_func.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) sleep 50m let lines = readfile('Xprofile_func.log') " - Foo1() is called 3 times but should be reported as called twice " since one call is in between "profile pause" .. "profile continue". " - Foo2() should come before Foo1() since Foo1() does much more work. " - Foo3() is not reported because function is deleted. " - Unlike Foo3(), Foo2() should not be deleted since there is a check " for v:profiling. " - Bar() is not reported since it does not match "profile func Foo*". call assert_equal(31, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*Xprofile_func.vim:3', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 2 times', lines[2]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[4]) call assert_equal('', lines[5]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6]) call assert_equal('', lines[7]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo2()', lines[8]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[10]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[11]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[12]) call assert_equal('', lines[13]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[14]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s\(let\|var\) counter = 100$', lines[15]) call assert_match('^\s*101\s\+.*\swhile counter > 0$', lines[16]) call assert_match('^\s*100\s\+.*\s \(let\)\= counter = counter - 1$', lines[17]) call assert_match('^\s*10[01]\s\+.*\sendwhile$', lines[18]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.\+sleep 1m$', lines[19]) call assert_equal('', lines[20]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[21]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[22]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo2()$', lines[23]) call assert_match('^\s*2\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo1()$', lines[24]) call assert_equal('', lines[25]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[26]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[27]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo2()$', lines[28]) call assert_match('^\s*2\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo1()$', lines[29]) call assert_equal('', lines[30]) call delete('Xprofile_func.log') endfunc func Test_profile_func_with_ifelse() call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('func', 'let') call Run_profile_func_with_ifelse('def', 'var') endfunc func Run_profile_func_with_ifelse(command, declare) let lines =<< trim [CODE] XXX Foo1() if 1 DDD x = 0 elseif 1 DDD x = 1 else DDD x = 2 endif endXXX XXX Foo2() if 0 DDD x = 0 elseif 1 DDD x = 1 else DDD x = 2 endif endXXX XXX Foo3() if 0 DDD x = 0 elseif 0 DDD x = 1 else DDD x = 2 endif endXXX call Foo1() call Foo2() call Foo3() [CODE] call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'XXX', a:command, '') }) call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'DDD', a:declare, '') }) call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommand() \ . ' -es -i NONE --noplugin' \ . ' -c "profile start Xprofile_func.log"' \ . ' -c "profile func Foo*"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_func.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_func.log') " - Foo1() should pass 'if' block. " - Foo2() should pass 'elseif' block. " - Foo3() should pass 'else' block. call assert_equal(57, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*Xprofile_func.vim', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[2]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[4]) call assert_equal('', lines[5]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sif 1$', lines[7]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 0$', lines[8]) call assert_match( '^\s\+elseif 1$', lines[9]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[10]) call assert_match( '^\s\+else$', lines[11]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[12]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendif$', lines[13]) call assert_equal('', lines[14]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo2()', lines[15]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[17]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[18]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[19]) call assert_equal('', lines[20]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[21]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sif 0$', lines[22]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 0$', lines[23]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\selseif 1$', lines[24]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[25]) call assert_match( '^\s\+else$', lines[26]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[27]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendif$', lines[28]) call assert_equal('', lines[29]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo3()', lines[30]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[32]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[33]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[34]) call assert_equal('', lines[35]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[36]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sif 0$', lines[37]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 0$', lines[38]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\selseif 0$', lines[39]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[40]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\selse$', lines[41]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[42]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendif$', lines[43]) call assert_equal('', lines[44]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[45]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[46]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[47]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[48]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[49]) call assert_equal('', lines[50]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[51]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[52]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[53]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[54]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[55]) call assert_equal('', lines[56]) call delete('Xprofile_func.log') endfunc func Test_profile_func_with_trycatch() call Run_profile_func_with_trycatch('func', 'let') call Run_profile_func_with_trycatch('def', 'var') endfunc func Run_profile_func_with_trycatch(command, declare) let lines =<< trim [CODE] XXX Foo1() try DDD x = 0 catch DDD x = 1 finally DDD x = 2 endtry endXXX XXX Foo2() try throw 0 catch DDD x = 1 finally DDD x = 2 endtry endXXX XXX Foo3() try throw 0 catch throw 1 finally DDD x = 2 endtry endXXX call Foo1() call Foo2() let rethrown = 0 try call Foo3() catch let rethrown = 1 endtry if rethrown != 1 " call Foo1 again so that the test fails call Foo1() endif [CODE] call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'XXX', a:command, '') }) call map(lines, {k, v -> substitute(v, 'DDD', a:declare, '') }) call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_func.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommand() \ . ' -es -i NONE --noplugin' \ . ' -c "profile start Xprofile_func.log"' \ . ' -c "profile func Foo*"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_func.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_func.log') " - Foo1() should pass 'try' 'finally' blocks. " - Foo2() should pass 'catch' 'finally' blocks. " - Foo3() should not pass 'endtry'. call assert_equal(57, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*Xprofile_func.vim', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[2]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[4]) call assert_equal('', lines[5]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\stry$', lines[7]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 0$', lines[8]) call assert_match( '^\s\+catch$', lines[9]) call assert_match( '^\s\+\(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[10]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[11]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[12]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendtry$', lines[13]) call assert_equal('', lines[14]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo2()', lines[15]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[17]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[18]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[19]) call assert_equal('', lines[20]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[21]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\stry$', lines[22]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s throw 0$', lines[23]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\scatch$', lines[24]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 1$', lines[25]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[26]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[27]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sendtry$', lines[28]) call assert_equal('', lines[29]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo3()', lines[30]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[32]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[33]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[34]) call assert_equal('', lines[35]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[36]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\stry$', lines[37]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s throw 0$', lines[38]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\scatch$', lines[39]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s throw 1$', lines[40]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sfinally$', lines[41]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\s \(let\|var\) x = 2$', lines[42]) call assert_match( '^\s\+endtry$', lines[43]) call assert_equal('', lines[44]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[45]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[46]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[47]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[48]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[49]) call assert_equal('', lines[50]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[51]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[52]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[53]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[54]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Foo.()$', lines[55]) call assert_equal('', lines[56]) call delete('Xprofile_func.log') endfunc func Test_profile_file() let lines =<< trim [CODE] func! Foo() endfunc for i in range(10) " a comment call Foo() endfor call Foo() [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() \ . ' -es' \ . ' -c "profile start Xprofile_file.log"' \ . ' -c "profile file Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_file.log') call assert_equal(14, len(lines)) call assert_match('^SCRIPT .*Xprofile_file.vim$', lines[0]) call assert_equal('Sourced 2 times', lines[1]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[2]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_equal('', lines[4]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[5]) call assert_match(' 2 0.\d\+ func! Foo()', lines[6]) call assert_equal(' endfunc', lines[7]) " Loop iterates 10 times. Since script runs twice, body executes 20 times. " First line of loop executes one more time than body to detect end of loop. call assert_match('^\s*22\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+for i in range(10)$', lines[8]) call assert_equal(' " a comment', lines[9]) " if self and total are equal we only get one number call assert_match('^\s*20\s\+\(\d\+\.\d\+\s\+\)\=\d\+\.\d\+\s\+call Foo()$', lines[10]) call assert_match('^\s*22\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+endfor$', lines[11]) " if self and total are equal we only get one number call assert_match('^\s*2\s\+\(\d\+\.\d\+\s\+\)\=\d\+\.\d\+\s\+call Foo()$', lines[12]) call assert_equal('', lines[13]) call delete('Xprofile_file.log') endfunc func Test_profile_file_with_cont() let lines = [ \ 'echo "hello', \ ' \ world"', \ 'echo "foo ', \ ' \bar"', \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() \ . ' -es' \ . ' -c "profile start Xprofile_file.log"' \ . ' -c "profile file Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_file.log') call assert_equal(11, len(lines)) call assert_match('^SCRIPT .*Xprofile_file.vim$', lines[0]) call assert_equal('Sourced 1 time', lines[1]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[2]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_equal('', lines[4]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[5]) call assert_match(' 1 0.\d\+ echo "hello', lines[6]) call assert_equal(' \ world"', lines[7]) call assert_match(' 1 0.\d\+ echo "foo ', lines[8]) call assert_equal(' \bar"', lines[9]) call assert_equal('', lines[10]) call delete('Xprofile_file.log') endfunc " Test for ':profile stop' and ':profile dump' commands func Test_profile_stop_dump() call delete('Xprof1.out') call delete('Xprof2.out') call delete('Xprof3.out') func Xprof_test1() return "Hello" endfunc func Xprof_test2() return "World" endfunc " Test for ':profile stop' profile start Xprof1.out profile func Xprof_test1 call Xprof_test1() profile stop let lines = readfile('Xprof1.out') call assert_equal(17, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Xprof_test1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*test_profile.vim:', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[2]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[4]) call assert_equal('', lines[5]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sreturn "Hello"$', lines[7]) call assert_equal('', lines[8]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[9]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[10]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test1()$', lines[11]) call assert_equal('', lines[12]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[13]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[14]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test1()$', lines[15]) call assert_equal('', lines[16]) " Test for ':profile stop' for a different function profile start Xprof2.out profile func Xprof_test2 call Xprof_test2() profile stop let lines = readfile('Xprof2.out') call assert_equal(17, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Xprof_test2()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*test_profile.vim:', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[2]) call assert_match('^Total time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[3]) call assert_match('^ Self time:\s\+\d\+\.\d\+$', lines[4]) call assert_equal('', lines[5]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s)', lines[6]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sreturn "World"$', lines[7]) call assert_equal('', lines[8]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[9]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[10]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test2()$', lines[11]) call assert_equal('', lines[12]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[13]) call assert_equal('count total (s) self (s) function', lines[14]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test2()$', lines[15]) call assert_equal('', lines[16]) " Test for ':profile dump' profile start Xprof3.out profile func Xprof_test1 profile func Xprof_test2 call Xprof_test1() profile dump " dump the profile once and verify the contents let lines = readfile('Xprof3.out') call assert_equal(17, len(lines)) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sreturn "Hello"$', lines[7]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test1()$', lines[11]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+\d\+\.\d\+\s\+Xprof_test1()$', lines[15]) " dump the profile again and verify the contents call Xprof_test2() profile dump profile stop let lines = readfile('Xprof3.out') call assert_equal(28, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Xprof_test1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sreturn "Hello"$', lines[7]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Xprof_test2()', lines[9]) call assert_match('^\s*1\s\+.*\sreturn "World"$', lines[16]) delfunc Xprof_test1 delfunc Xprof_test2 call delete('Xprof1.out') call delete('Xprof2.out') call delete('Xprof3.out') endfunc " Test for :profile sub-command completion func Test_profile_completion() call feedkeys(":profile \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profile continue dump file func pause start stop', @:) call feedkeys(":profile start test_prof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match('^"profile start.* test_profile\.vim', @:) call feedkeys(":profile file test_prof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match('"profile file test_profile\.vim', @:) call feedkeys(":profile file test_prof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match('"profile file test_profile\.vim', @:) call feedkeys(":profile file test_prof \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match('"profile file test_prof ', @:) call feedkeys(":profile file X1B2C3\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_match('"profile file X1B2C3', @:) func Xprof_test() endfunc call feedkeys(":profile func Xprof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profile func Xprof_test', @:) call feedkeys(":profile func Xprof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profile func Xprof_test', @:) call feedkeys(":profile func Xprof \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profile func Xprof ', @:) call feedkeys(":profile func X1B2C3\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profile func X1B2C3', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel file func', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel fu\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel func', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel he\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel he', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel here \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel here ', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel file test_prof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel file test_profile.vim', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel file X1B2C3\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel file X1B2C3', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel func Xprof\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel func Xprof_test', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel func Xprof_test \\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel func Xprof_test ', @:) call feedkeys(":profdel func X1B2C3\\\"\", 'tx') call assert_equal('"profdel func X1B2C3', @:) delfunc Xprof_test endfunc func Test_profile_errors() call assert_fails("profile func Foo", 'E750:') call assert_fails("profile pause", 'E750:') call assert_fails("profile continue", 'E750:') call assert_fails("profile stop", 'E750:') call assert_fails("profile dump", 'E750:') endfunc func Test_profile_truncate_mbyte() if &enc !=# 'utf-8' return endif let lines = [ \ 'scriptencoding utf-8', \ 'func! Foo()', \ ' return [', \ ' \ "' . join(map(range(0x4E00, 0x4E00 + 340), 'nr2char(v:val)'), '') . '",', \ ' \ "' . join(map(range(0x4F00, 0x4F00 + 340), 'nr2char(v:val)'), '') . '",', \ ' \ ]', \ 'endfunc', \ 'call Foo()', \ ] call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() \ . ' -es --cmd "set enc=utf-8"' \ . ' -c "profile start Xprofile_file.log"' \ . ' -c "profile file Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "so Xprofile_file.vim"' \ . ' -c "qall!"') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) split Xprofile_file.log if &fenc != '' call assert_equal('utf-8', &fenc) endif /func! Foo() let lnum = line('.') call assert_match('^\s*return \[$', getline(lnum + 1)) call assert_match("\u4F52$", getline(lnum + 2)) call assert_match("\u5052$", getline(lnum + 3)) call assert_match('^\s*\\ \]$', getline(lnum + 4)) bwipe! call delete('Xprofile_file.log') endfunc func Test_profdel_func() let lines =<< trim [CODE] profile start Xprofile_file.log func! Foo1() endfunc func! Foo2() endfunc func! Foo3() endfunc profile func Foo1 profile func Foo2 call Foo1() call Foo2() profile func Foo3 profdel func Foo2 profdel func Foo3 call Foo1() call Foo2() call Foo3() [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() . ' -es -c "so Xprofile_file.vim" -c q') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_file.log') call assert_equal(26, len(lines)) " Check that: " - Foo1() is called twice (profdel not invoked) " - Foo2() is called once (profdel invoked after it was called) " - Foo3() is not called (profdel invoked before it was called) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo1()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*Xprofile_file.vim', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 2 times', lines[2]) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo2()', lines[8]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[10]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[16]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[21]) call delete('Xprofile_file.log') endfunc func Test_profdel_star() " Foo() is invoked once before and once after 'profdel *'. " So profiling should report it only once. let lines =<< trim [CODE] profile start Xprofile_file.log func! Foo() endfunc profile func Foo call Foo() profdel * call Foo() [CODE] call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_file.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() . ' -es -c "so Xprofile_file.vim" -c q') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let lines = readfile('Xprofile_file.log') call assert_equal(16, len(lines)) call assert_equal('FUNCTION Foo()', lines[0]) call assert_match('Defined:.*Xprofile_file.vim', lines[1]) call assert_equal('Called 1 time', lines[2]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON TOTAL TIME', lines[8]) call assert_equal('FUNCTIONS SORTED ON SELF TIME', lines[12]) call delete('Xprofile_file.log') endfunc " When typing the function it won't have a script ID, test that this works. func Test_profile_typed_func() CheckScreendump let lines =<< trim END profile start XprofileTypedFunc END call writefile(lines, 'XtestProfile', 'D') let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtestProfile', #{}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":func DoSomething()\" \ .. "echo 'hello'\" \ .. "endfunc\") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":profile func DoSomething\") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call DoSomething()\") call TermWait(buf, 100) call StopVimInTerminal(buf) let lines = readfile('XprofileTypedFunc') call assert_equal("FUNCTION DoSomething()", lines[0]) call assert_equal("Called 1 time", lines[1]) " clean up call delete('XprofileTypedFunc') endfunc func Test_vim9_profiling() " only tests that compiling and calling functions doesn't crash let lines =<< trim END vim9script def Func() Crash() enddef def Crash() enddef prof start Xprofile_crash.log prof func Func Func() END call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_crash.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() . ' -es -c "so Xprofile_crash.vim" -c q') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) call assert_true(readfile('Xprofile_crash.log')->len() > 10) call delete('Xprofile_crash.log') endfunc func Test_vim9_nested_call() let lines =<< trim END vim9script var total = 0 def One(Ref: func(number)) for i in range(3) Ref(i) endfor enddef def Two(nr: number) total += nr enddef prof start Xprofile_nested.log prof func One prof func Two One((nr) => Two(nr)) assert_equal(3, total) END call writefile(lines, 'Xprofile_nested.vim', 'D') call system(GetVimCommandClean() . ' -es -c "so Xprofile_nested.vim" -c q') call assert_equal(0, v:shell_error) let prof_lines = readfile('Xprofile_nested.log')->join('#') call assert_match('FUNCTION \d\+_One().*' \ .. '#Called 1 time.*' \ .. '# 1 \s*[0-9.]\+ for i in range(3)' \ .. '# 3 \s*[0-9.]\+ \s*[0-9.]\+ Ref(i)' \ .. '# 3 \s*[0-9.]\+ endfor', prof_lines) call assert_match('FUNCTION \d\+_Two().*' \ .. '#Called 3 times.*' \ .. '# 3 \s*[0-9.]\+ total += nr', prof_lines) call delete('Xprofile_nested.log') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab