Test for mappings and abbreviations STARTTEST :so small.vim :so mbyte.vim :set encoding=utf-8 : " abbreviations with р (0x80) should work :inoreab чкпр vim GAчкпр  :" mapping of ctrl-c in Insert mode :set cpo-=< cpo-=k :inoremap :cnoremap dummy :cunmap GA TEST2: CTRL-C |A|  :unmap :unmap! :" :" mapping of ctrl-c in Visual mode :vnoremap :$put ='vmap works' GV :vunmap :" :" langmap should not get remapped in insert mode :inoremap { FAIL_ilangmap :set langmap=+{ langnoremap o+ :" Insert-mode expr mapping with langmap :inoremap { "FAIL_iexplangmap" o+ :" langmap should not get remapped in Command-line mode :cnoremap { FAIL_clangmap :call append(line('$'), '+') :cunmap { :" Command-line mode expr mapping with langmap :cnoremap { "FAIL_cexplangmap" :call append(line('$'), '+') :cunmap { :" :" issue #212 (feedkeys insert mapping at current position) :nnoremap . :call feedkeys(".", "in") :/^a b 0qqdw.ifooqj0@q:unmap . :" U works only within a single line :imapclear :imap ( ()U G2oki Test1: text with a (here some more textk. :" test undo G2oki Test2: text wit a (here some more text [und undo]uk.u :" :imapclear :set whichwrap=<,>,[,] G3o2k :exe ":norm! iTest3: text with a (parenthesis here\U\new line here\\\." :/^test/,$w! test.out :qa! ENDTEST test starts here: a b c d a b c d