" Test for various indent options func Test_preserveindent() new " Test for autoindent copying indent from the previous line setlocal autoindent call setline(1, [repeat(' ', 16) .. 'line1']) call feedkeys("A\nline2", 'xt') call assert_equal("\t\tline2", getline(2)) setlocal autoindent& " Test for using CTRL-T with and without 'preserveindent' set shiftwidth=4 call cursor(1, 1) call setline(1, " \t ") call feedkeys("Al\", 'xt') call assert_equal("\t\tl", getline(1)) set preserveindent call setline(1, " \t ") call feedkeys("Al\", 'xt') call assert_equal(" \t \tl", getline(1)) set pi& sw& " Test for using CTRL-T with 'expandtab' and 'preserveindent' call cursor(1, 1) call setline(1, "\t \t") set shiftwidth=4 expandtab preserveindent call feedkeys("Al\", 'xt') call assert_equal("\t \t l", getline(1)) set sw& et& pi& close! endfunc " Test for indent() func Test_indent_func() call assert_equal(-1, indent(-1)) new call setline(1, "\tabc") call assert_equal(8, indent(1)) call setline(1, " abc") call assert_equal(4, indent(1)) call setline(1, " \t abc") call assert_equal(12, indent(1)) close! endfunc " Test for reindenting a line using the '=' operator func Test_reindent() new call setline(1, 'abc') set nomodifiable call assert_fails('normal ==', 'E21:') set modifiable call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar']) call feedkeys('ggVG=', 'xt') call assert_equal(['foo', 'bar'], getline(1, 2)) close! endfunc " Test for shifting a line with a preprocessor directive ('#') func Test_preproc_indent() new set sw=4 call setline(1, '#define FOO 1') normal >> call assert_equal(' #define FOO 1', getline(1)) " with 'smartindent' call setline(1, '#define FOO 1') set smartindent normal >> call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', getline(1)) set smartindent& " with 'cindent' set cindent normal >> call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', getline(1)) set cindent& close! endfunc " Test for 'copyindent' func Test_copyindent() new set shiftwidth=4 autoindent expandtab copyindent call setline(1, " \t abc") call feedkeys("ol", 'xt') call assert_equal(" \t l", getline(2)) set noexpandtab call setline(1, " \t abc") call feedkeys("ol", 'xt') call assert_equal(" \t l", getline(2)) set sw& ai& et& ci& close! endfunc " Test for changing multiple lines with lisp indent func Test_lisp_indent_change_multiline() new setlocal lisp autoindent call setline(1, ['(if a', ' (if b', ' (return 5)))']) normal! jc2j(return 4)) call assert_equal(' (return 4))', getline(2)) close! endfunc func Test_lisp_indent() new setlocal lisp autoindent call setline(1, ['(if a', ' ;; comment', ' \ abc', '', ' " str1\', ' " st\b', ' (return 5)']) normal! jo;; comment normal! jo\ abc normal! jo;; ret normal! jostr1" normal! jostr2" call assert_equal([' ;; comment', ' ;; comment', ' \ abc', ' \ abc', '', ' ;; ret', ' " str1\', ' str1"', ' " st\b', ' str2"'], getline(2, 11)) close! endfunc " Test for setting the 'indentexpr' from a modeline func Test_modeline_indent_expr() let modeline = &modeline set modeline func GetIndent() return line('.') * 2 endfunc call writefile(['# vim: indentexpr=GetIndent()'], 'Xfile.txt') set modelineexpr new Xfile.txt call assert_equal('GetIndent()', &indentexpr) exe "normal Oa\nb\n" call assert_equal([' a', ' b'], getline(1, 2)) set modelineexpr& delfunc GetIndent let &modeline = modeline close! call delete('Xfile.txt') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab