" Test :hardcopy source check.vim func Test_printoptions() edit test_hardcopy.vim syn on for opt in ['left:5in,right:10pt,top:8mm,bottom:2pc', \ 'left:2in,top:30pt,right:16mm,bottom:3pc', \ 'header:3,syntax:y,number:y,wrap:n', \ 'header:3,syntax:n,number:y,wrap:y', \ 'header:0,syntax:a,number:y,wrap:y', \ 'duplex:short,collate:n,jobsplit:y,portrait:n', \ 'duplex:long,collate:y,jobsplit:n,portrait:y', \ 'duplex:off,collate:y,jobsplit:y,portrait:y', \ 'paper:10x14', \ 'paper:A3', \ 'paper:A4', \ 'paper:A5', \ 'paper:B4', \ 'paper:B5', \ 'paper:executive', \ 'paper:folio', \ 'paper:ledger', \ 'paper:legal', \ 'paper:letter', \ 'paper:quarto', \ 'paper:statement', \ 'paper:tabloid', \ 'formfeed:y', \ ''] exe 'set printoptions=' .. opt if has('postscript') 1,50hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printoptions let lines = readfile('Xhardcopy_printoptions') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20, opt) call assert_true(lines[0] =~ 'PS-Adobe', opt) call delete('Xhardcopy_printoptions') endif endfor call assert_fails('set printoptions=paper', 'E550:') call assert_fails('set printoptions=shredder:on', 'E551:') call assert_fails('set printoptions=left:no', 'E552:') set printoptions& bwipe endfunc func Test_printmbfont() " Print a help page which contains tabs, underlines (etc) to recover more code. help syntax.txt syn on for opt in [':WadaMin-Regular,b:WadaMin-Bold,i:WadaMin-Italic,o:WadaMin-Bold-Italic,c:yes,a:no', \ ''] exe 'set printmbfont=' .. opt if has('postscript') hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printmbfont let lines = readfile('Xhardcopy_printmbfont') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20, opt) call assert_true(lines[0] =~ 'PS-Adobe', opt) call delete('Xhardcopy_printmbfont') endif endfor set printmbfont& bwipe endfunc func Test_printmbcharset() CheckFeature postscript " digraph.txt has plenty of non-latin1 characters. help digraph.txt set printmbcharset=ISO10646 printencoding=utf-8 for courier in ['yes', 'no'] for ascii in ['yes', 'no'] exe 'set printmbfont=r:WadaMin-Regular,b:WadaMin-Bold,i:WadaMin-Italic,o:WadaMin-BoldItalic' \ .. ',c:' .. courier .. ',a:' .. ascii hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printmbcharset let lines = readfile('Xhardcopy_printmbcharset') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20) call assert_true(lines[0] =~ 'PS-Adobe') endfor endfor set printmbcharset=does-not-exist printencoding=utf-8 printmbfont=r:WadaMin-Regular call assert_fails('hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printmbcharset', 'E456:') set printmbcharset=GB_2312-80 printencoding=utf-8 printmbfont=r:WadaMin-Regular call assert_fails('hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printmbcharset', 'E673:') set printmbcharset=ISO10646 printencoding=utf-8 printmbfont= call assert_fails('hardcopy > Xhardcopy_printmbcharset', 'E675:') call delete('Xhardcopy_printmbcharset') set printmbcharset& printencoding& printmbfont& bwipe endfunc func Test_printexpr() CheckFeature postscript " Not a very useful printexpr value, but enough to test " hardcopy with 'printexpr'. function PrintFile(fname) call writefile(['Test printexpr: ' .. v:cmdarg], \ 'Xhardcopy_printexpr') call delete(a:fname) return 0 endfunc set printexpr=PrintFile(v:fname_in) help help hardcopy dummy args call assert_equal(['Test printexpr: dummy args'], \ readfile('Xhardcopy_printexpr')) call delete('Xhardcopy_printexpr') " Function returns 1 to test print failure. function PrintFails(fname) call delete(a:fname) return 1 endfunc set printexpr=PrintFails(v:fname_in) call assert_fails('hardcopy', 'E365:') " Using a script-local function func s:NewPrintExpr() endfunc set printexpr=s:NewPrintExpr() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'NewPrintExpr()', &printexpr) set printexpr=NewPrintExpr() call assert_equal(expand('') .. 'NewPrintExpr()', &printexpr) set printexpr& bwipe endfunc func Test_errors() CheckFeature postscript edit test_hardcopy.vim call assert_fails('hardcopy >', 'E324:') bwipe endfunc func Test_dark_background() edit test_hardcopy.vim syn on for bg in ['dark', 'light'] exe 'set background=' .. bg if has('postscript') hardcopy > Xhardcopy_dark_background let lines = readfile('Xhardcopy_dark_background') call assert_true(len(lines) > 20) call assert_true(lines[0] =~ 'PS-Adobe') call delete('Xhardcopy_dark_background') endif endfor set background& bwipe endfun func Test_empty_buffer() CheckFeature postscript new call assert_equal("\nNo text to be printed", execute('hardcopy')) bwipe endfunc func Test_printheader_parsing() " Only test that this doesn't throw an error. set printheader=%<%f\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P set printheader=%<%f%h%m%r%=%b\ 0x%B\ \ %l,%c%V\ %P set printheader=%<%f%=\ [%1*%M%*%n%R%H]\ %-19(%3l,%02c%03V%)%O'%02b' set printheader=...%r%{VarExists('b:gzflag','\ [GZ]')}%h... set printheader= set printheader& endfunc func Test_fname_with_spaces() CheckFeature postscript split t\ e\ s\ t.txt call setline(1, ['just', 'some', 'text']) hardcopy > %.ps call assert_true(filereadable('t e s t.txt.ps')) call delete('t e s t.txt.ps') bwipe! endfunc func Test_illegal_byte() CheckFeature postscript if &enc != 'utf-8' return endif new " conversion of 0xff will fail, this used to cause a crash call setline(1, "\xff") hardcopy >Xpstest bwipe! call delete('Xpstest') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab