" Tests for various Ex commands. source check.vim func Test_ex_delete() new call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c']) 2 " :dl is :delete with the "l" flag, not :dlist .dl call assert_equal(['a', 'c'], getline(1, 2)) endfunc func Test_range_error() call assert_fails(':.echo 1', 'E481:') call assert_fails(':$echo 1', 'E481:') call assert_fails(':1,2echo 1', 'E481:') call assert_fails(':+1echo 1', 'E481:') call assert_fails(':/1/echo 1', 'E481:') call assert_fails(':\/echo 1', 'E481:') normal vv call assert_fails(":'<,'>echo 1", 'E481:') call assert_fails(":\\xcenter", 'E10:') endfunc func Test_buffers_lastused() call test_settime(localtime() - 2000) " middle edit bufa enew call test_settime(localtime() - 10) " newest edit bufb enew call test_settime(1550010000) " oldest edit bufc enew call test_settime(0) enew let ls = split(execute('buffers t', 'silent!'), '\n') let bufs = ls->map({i,v->split(v, '"\s*')[1:2]}) call assert_equal(['bufb', 'bufa', 'bufc'], bufs[1:]->map({i,v->v[0]})) call assert_match('1[0-3] seconds ago', bufs[1][1]) call assert_match('\d\d:\d\d:\d\d', bufs[2][1]) call assert_match('2019/02/1\d \d\d:\d\d:00', bufs[3][1]) bwipeout bufa bwipeout bufb bwipeout bufc endfunc " Test for the :copy command func Test_copy() new call setline(1, ['L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4']) " copy lines in a range to inside the range 1,3copy 2 call assert_equal(['L1', 'L2', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L3', 'L4'], getline(1, 7)) close! endfunc " Test for the :file command func Test_file_cmd() call assert_fails('3file', 'E474:') call assert_fails('0,0file', 'E474:') call assert_fails('0file abc', 'E474:') endfunc " Test for the :drop command func Test_drop_cmd() call writefile(['L1', 'L2'], 'Xfile') enew | only drop Xfile call assert_equal('L2', getline(2)) " Test for switching to an existing window below new drop Xfile call assert_equal(1, winnr()) " Test for splitting the current window enew | only set modified drop Xfile call assert_equal(2, winnr('$')) " Check for setting the argument list call assert_equal(['Xfile'], argv()) enew | only! call delete('Xfile') endfunc " Test for the :append command func Test_append_cmd() new call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":append\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " append after a specific line call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3']) call feedkeys(":2append\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " append with toggling 'autoindent' call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":append!\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_false(&autoindent) %delete _ " append with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent' set autoindent call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":append!\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_true(&autoindent) set autoindent& close! endfunc " Test for the :insert command func Test_insert_cmd() new call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":insert\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " insert before a specific line call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3']) call feedkeys(":2insert\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L2', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " insert with toggling 'autoindent' call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":insert!\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_false(&autoindent) %delete _ " insert with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent' set autoindent call setline(1, [' L1']) call feedkeys(":insert!\ L2\ L3\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L2', ' L3', ' L1'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_true(&autoindent) set autoindent& close! endfunc " Test for the :change command func Test_change_cmd() new call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3']) call feedkeys(":change\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " change a specific line call setline(1, [' L1', ' L2', ' L3']) call feedkeys(":2change\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L1', ' L4', ' L5', ' L3'], getline(1, '$')) %delete _ " change with toggling 'autoindent' call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3']) call feedkeys(":change!\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_false(&autoindent) %delete _ " change with 'autoindent' set and toggling 'autoindent' set autoindent call setline(1, [' L1', 'L2', 'L3']) call feedkeys(":change!\ L4\ L5\.\", 'xt') call assert_equal([' L4', ' L5', 'L2', 'L3'], getline(1, '$')) call assert_true(&autoindent) set autoindent& close! endfunc " Test for the :language command func Test_language_cmd() CheckFeature multi_lang call assert_fails('language ctype non_existing_lang', 'E197:') call assert_fails('language time non_existing_lang', 'E197:') endfunc " Test for the :confirm command dialog func Test_confirm_cmd() CheckNotGui CheckRunVimInTerminal call writefile(['foo1'], 'foo') call writefile(['bar1'], 'bar') " Test for saving all the modified buffers let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo2')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar2')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000) call term_sendkeys(buf, "A") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call assert_equal(['foo2'], readfile('foo')) call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar')) " Test for discarding all the changes to modified buffers let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo3')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar3')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000) call term_sendkeys(buf, "D") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call assert_equal(['foo2'], readfile('foo')) call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar')) " Test for saving and discarding changes to some buffers let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {'rows': 20}) call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nomore\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new foo\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'foo4')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":new bar\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call setline(1, 'bar4')\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":wincmd b\n") call term_sendkeys(buf, ":confirm qall\n") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, Save (A)ll, (D)iscard All, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000) call term_sendkeys(buf, "N") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[Y\]es, (N)o, (C)ancel: ', term_getline(buf, 20))}, 1000) call term_sendkeys(buf, "Y") call StopVimInTerminal(buf) call assert_equal(['foo4'], readfile('foo')) call assert_equal(['bar2'], readfile('bar')) call delete('foo') call delete('bar') endfunc " Test for the :print command func Test_print_cmd() call assert_fails('print', 'E749:') endfunc " Test for the :winsize command func Test_winsize_cmd() call assert_fails('winsize 1', 'E465:') endfunc " Test for the :redir command func Test_redir_cmd() call assert_fails('redir @@', 'E475:') call assert_fails('redir abc', 'E475:') if has('unix') call mkdir('Xdir') call assert_fails('redir > Xdir', 'E17:') call delete('Xdir', 'd') endif if !has('bsd') call writefile([], 'Xfile') call setfperm('Xfile', 'r--r--r--') call assert_fails('redir! > Xfile', 'E190:') call delete('Xfile') endif endfunc " Test for the :filetype command func Test_filetype_cmd() call assert_fails('filetype abc', 'E475:') endfunc " Test for the :mode command func Test_mode_cmd() call assert_fails('mode abc', 'E359:') endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab