" Test to verify that the cmd list in runtime/doc/index.txt contains all of " the commands in src/ex_cmds.h. It doesn't map the other way round because " index.txt contains some shorthands like :!! which are useful to list, but " they don't exist as an independent entry in src/ex_cmds.h. " " Currently this just checks for existence, and we aren't checking for whether " they are sorted in the index, or whether the substring needed (e.g. " 'defc[ompile]') is correct or not. func Test_cmd_lists() " Create a list of the commands in ex_cmds.h:CMD_index. enew! read ../ex_cmds.h 1,/^enum CMD_index$/d call search('^};$') .,$d v/^EXCMD/d %s/^.*"\(\S\+\)".*$/\1/ " Special case ':*' because it's represented as ':star' %s/^\*$/star/ sort u let l:command_list = getline(1, '$') " Verify that the ':help ex-cmd-index' list contains all known commands. enew! if filereadable('../../doc/index.txt') " unpacked MS-Windows zip archive read ../../doc/index.txt else read ../../runtime/doc/index.txt endif call search('\*ex-cmd-index\*') 1,.d v/^|:/d %s/^|:\(\S*\)|.*/\1/ sort u norm gg let l:missing_cmds = [] for cmd in l:command_list " Reserved Vim 9 commands or other script-only syntax aren't useful to " document as Ex commands. let l:vim9cmds = [ \ 'abstract', \ 'class', \ 'endclass', \ 'endenum', \ 'endinterface', \ 'enum', \ 'interface', \ 'static', \ 'type', \ '++', \ '--', \ '{', \ '}'] if index(l:vim9cmds, cmd) != -1 continue endif if search('^\V' .. cmd .. '\v$', 'cW') == 0 call add(l:missing_cmds, ':' .. cmd) endif endfor call assert_equal(0, len(l:missing_cmds), "Missing commands from `:help ex-cmd-index`: " .. string(l:missing_cmds)) endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab