" Tests for the +clientserver feature. source check.vim CheckFeature job CheckFeature clientserver source shared.vim func Test_client_server() let cmd = GetVimCommand() if cmd == '' return endif if has('x11') if empty($DISPLAY) throw 'Skipped: $DISPLAY is not set' endif try call remote_send('xxx', '') catch if v:exception =~ 'E240:' throw 'Skipped: no connection to the X server' endif " ignore other errors endtry endif let name = 'XVIMTEST' let cmd .= ' --servername ' . name let job = job_start(cmd, {'stoponexit': 'kill', 'out_io': 'null'}) call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("run", job_status(job))}) " Takes a short while for the server to be active. " When using valgrind it takes much longer. call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(name, serverlist())}) call remote_foreground(name) call remote_send(name, ":let testvar = 'yes'\") call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "exists(\"testvar\") ? testvar : \"\"", "", 1) == "yes"') call assert_equal('yes', remote_expr(name, "testvar", "", 2)) if has('unix') && has('gui') && !has('gui_running') " Running in a terminal and the GUI is available: Tell the server to open " the GUI and check that the remote command still works. " Need to wait for the GUI to start up, otherwise the send hangs in trying " to send to the terminal window. if has('gui_athena') || has('gui_motif') " For those GUIs, ignore the 'failed to create input context' error. call remote_send(name, ":call test_ignore_error('E285') | gui -f\") else call remote_send(name, ":gui -f\") endif " Wait for the server to be up and answering requests. sleep 100m call WaitForAssert({-> assert_true(remote_expr(name, "v:version", "", 1) != "")}) call remote_send(name, ":let testvar = 'maybe'\") call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('maybe', remote_expr(name, "testvar", "", 2))}) endif call assert_fails('call remote_send("XXX", ":let testvar = ''yes''\")', 'E241') " Expression evaluated locally. if v:servername == '' call remote_startserver('MYSELF') " May get MYSELF1 when running the test again. call assert_match('MYSELF', v:servername) endif let g:testvar = 'myself' call assert_equal('myself', remote_expr(v:servername, 'testvar')) call remote_send(name, ":call server2client(expand(''), 'got it')\", 'g:myserverid') call assert_equal('got it', remote_read(g:myserverid, 2)) call remote_send(name, ":call server2client(expand(''), 'another')\", 'g:myserverid') let peek_result = 'nothing' let r = remote_peek(g:myserverid, 'peek_result') " unpredictable whether the result is already available. if r > 0 call assert_equal('another', peek_result) elseif r == 0 call assert_equal('nothing', peek_result) else call assert_report('remote_peek() failed') endif let g:peek_result = 'empty' call WaitFor('remote_peek(g:myserverid, "g:peek_result") > 0') call assert_equal('another', g:peek_result) call assert_equal('another', remote_read(g:myserverid, 2)) call remote_send(name, ":qa!\") try call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))}) finally if job_status(job) != 'dead' call assert_report('Server did not exit') call job_stop(job, 'kill') endif endtry endfunc " Uncomment this line to get a debugging log " call ch_logfile('channellog', 'w')