" Test for cinoptions and cindent " " TODO: rewrite test3.in into this new style test func Test_cino_hash() " Test that curbuf->b_ind_hash_comment is correctly reset new setlocal cindent cinoptions=#1 setlocal cinoptions= call setline(1, ["#include "]) call cursor(1, 1) norm! o#include "call feedkeys("o#include\", 't') call assert_equal(["#include ", "#include"], getline(1,2)) bwipe! endfunc func Test_cino_extern_c() " Test for cino-E let without_ind = [ \ '#ifdef __cplusplus', \ 'extern "C" {', \ '#endif', \ 'int func_a(void);', \ '#ifdef __cplusplus', \ '}', \ '#endif' \ ] let with_ind = [ \ '#ifdef __cplusplus', \ 'extern "C" {', \ '#endif', \ "\tint func_a(void);", \ '#ifdef __cplusplus', \ '}', \ '#endif' \ ] new setlocal cindent cinoptions=E0 call setline(1, without_ind) call feedkeys("gg=G", 'tx') call assert_equal(with_ind, getline(1, '$')) setlocal cinoptions=E-s call setline(1, with_ind) call feedkeys("gg=G", 'tx') call assert_equal(without_ind, getline(1, '$')) setlocal cinoptions=Es let tests = [ \ ['recognized', ['extern "C" {'], "\t\t;"], \ ['recognized', ['extern "C++" {'], "\t\t;"], \ ['recognized', ['extern /* com */ "C"{'], "\t\t;"], \ ['recognized', ['extern"C"{'], "\t\t;"], \ ['recognized', ['extern "C"', '{'], "\t\t;"], \ ['not recognized', ['extern {'], "\t;"], \ ['not recognized', ['extern /*"C"*/{'], "\t;"], \ ['not recognized', ['extern "C" //{'], ";"], \ ['not recognized', ['extern "C" /*{*/'], ";"], \ ] for pair in tests let lines = pair[1] call setline(1, lines) call feedkeys(len(lines) . "Go;", 'tx') call assert_equal(pair[2], getline(len(lines) + 1), 'Failed for "' . string(lines) . '"') endfor bwipe! endfunc func Test_cindent_rawstring() new setl cindent call feedkeys("i" . \ "int main() {\" . \ "R\"(\" . \ ")\";\" . \ "statement;\", "x") call assert_equal("\tstatement;", getline(line('.'))) bw! endfunc func Test_cindent_expr() new func! MyIndentFunction() return v:lnum == 1 ? shiftwidth() : 0 endfunc setl expandtab sw=8 indentkeys+=; indentexpr=MyIndentFunction() call setline(1, ['var_a = something()', 'b = something()']) call cursor(1, 1) call feedkeys("^\j$A;\", 'tnix') call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', 'b = something();'], getline(1, '$')) %d call setline(1, [' var_a = something()', ' b = something()']) call cursor(1, 1) call feedkeys("^\j$A;\", 'tnix') call assert_equal([' var_a = something();', ' b = something()'], getline(1, '$')) bw! endfunc func Test_cindent_func() new setlocal cindent call setline(1, ['int main(void)', '{', 'return 0;', '}']) call assert_equal(cindent(0), -1) call assert_equal(cindent(3), &sw) call assert_equal(cindent(line('$')+1), -1) bwipe! endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab