" Tests for 'backspace' settings :func Exec(expr) let str='' try exec a:expr catch /.*/ let str=v:exception endtry return str :endfunc func Test_backspace_option() set backspace= call assert_equal('', &backspace) set backspace=indent call assert_equal('indent', &backspace) set backspace=eol call assert_equal('eol', &backspace) set backspace=start call assert_equal('start', &backspace) " Add the value set backspace= set backspace=indent call assert_equal('indent', &backspace) set backspace+=eol call assert_equal('indent,eol', &backspace) set backspace+=start call assert_equal('indent,eol,start', &backspace) " Delete the value set backspace-=indent call assert_equal('eol,start', &backspace) set backspace-=start call assert_equal('eol', &backspace) set backspace-=eol call assert_equal('', &backspace) " Check the error call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace=ABC'), '.*E474')) call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace+=def'), '.*E474')) " NOTE: Vim doesn't check following error... "call assert_equal(0, match(Exec('set backspace-=ghi'), '.*E474')) " Check backwards compatibility with version 5.4 and earlier set backspace=0 call assert_equal('0', &backspace) set backspace=1 call assert_equal('1', &backspace) set backspace=2 call assert_equal('2', &backspace) call assert_false(match(Exec('set backspace=3'), '.*E474')) call assert_false(match(Exec('set backspace=10'), '.*E474')) " Cleared when 'compatible' is set set compatible call assert_equal('', &backspace) set nocompatible viminfo+=nviminfo endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab