Tests for string and html text objects. vim: set ft=vim : Note that the end-of-line moves the cursor to the next test line. Also test match() and matchstr() Also test the gn command and repeating it. STARTTEST :so small.vim /^start:/ da" 0va'a'rx 02f`da` 0fXdi" 03f'vi'ry :set quoteescape=+*- di` $F"va"oha"i"rz :" /^ first match) :put =matchstr(\"abcd\", \".\", 0, -1) " a :put =match(\"abcd\", \".\", 0, 5) " -1 :put =match(\"abcd\", \".\", 0, -1) " 0 :put =match('abc', '.', 0, 1) " 0 :put =match('abc', '.', 0, 2) " 1 :put =match('abc', '.', 0, 3) " 2 :put =match('abc', '.', 0, 4) " -1 :put =match('abc', '.', 1, 1) " 1 :put =match('abc', '.', 2, 1) " 2 :put =match('abc', '.', 3, 1) " -1 :put =match('abc', '$', 0, 1) " 3 :put =match('abc', '$', 0, 2) " -1 :put =match('abc', '$', 1, 1) " 3 :put =match('abc', '$', 2, 1) " 3 :put =match('abc', '$', 3, 1) " 3 :put =match('abc', '$', 4, 1) " -1 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 0, 1) " 0 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 0, 2) " 1 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 0, 3) " 2 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 0, 4) " 3 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 0, 5) " -1 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 1, 1) " 1 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 2, 1) " 2 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 3, 1) " 3 :put =match('abc', '\zs', 4, 1) " -1 /^foobar gncsearchmatch/one\_s*two\_s :1 gnd /[a]bcdx :1 2gnd/join /$ 0gnd /\>\zs 0gnd/^ gnd$h/\zs gnd/[u]niquepattern/s vlgnd /mother :set selection=exclusive $cgNmongoose/i cgnj :" Make sure there is no other match y uppercase. /x59 gggnd :" test repeating dgn /^Johnny ggdgn. :" test repeating gUgn /^Depp gggUgn. gg/a:0\@!\zs\d\+ nygnop :/^start:/,/^end:/wq! test.out ENDTEST start: "wo\"rd\\" foo 'foo' 'bar' 'piep' bla bla `quote` blah out " in "noXno" "'" 'blah' rep 'buh' bla `s*`d-`+++`l**` b`la voo "nah" sdf " asdf" sdf " sdf" sd -asdfXasdfasdf- -asdXasdfasdf- -asdfXasdfasdf- -asdXasdfasdf- - innertext object SEARCH: foobar one two abcdx | abcdx | abcdx join lines zero width pattern delete first and last chars uniquepattern uniquepattern my very excellent mother just served us nachos for (i=0; i<=10; i++) a:10 a:1 a:20 Y text Y --1 Johnny --2 Johnny --3 Depp --4 Depp --5 end: