Test for shortpathname ':8' extension. Only for use on Win32 systems! STARTTEST :so small.vim :fun! TestIt(file, bits, expected) let res=fnamemodify(a:file,a:bits) if a:expected == '' echo "'".a:file."'->(".a:bits.")->'".res."'" else if substitute(res,'/','\\', 'g') != substitute( a:expected, '/','\\', 'g') echo "FAILED: '".a:file."'->(".a:bits.")->'".res."'" echo "Expected: '".a:expected."'" else echo "OK" endif endif endfun :fun! MakeDir( dirname ) "exe '!mkdir '.substitute(a:dirname,'/','\\','g') call system('mkdir '.substitute(a:dirname,'/','\\','g')) endfun :fun! RMDir( dirname) "exe '!rmdir '.substitute(a:dirname,'/','\\','g') call system('rmdir '.substitute(a:dirname,'/','\\','g')) endfun :fun! MakeFile( filename) "exe '!copy nul '.substitute(a:filename,'/','\\','g') call system('copy nul '.substitute(a:filename,'/','\\','g')) endfun :fun! TestColonEight() redir! >test.out " This could change for CygWin to //cygdrive/c let dir1='c:/x.x.y' if filereadable(dir1) || isdirectory(dir1) echo "FATAL: '".dir1."' exists, cannot run test" return endif let file1=dir1.'/zz.y.txt' let nofile1=dir1.'/z.y.txt' let dir2=dir1.'/VimIsTheGreatestSinceSlicedBread' let file2=dir2.'/z.txt' let nofile2=dir2.'/zz.txt' call MakeDir( dir1 ) let resdir1 = substitute(fnamemodify(dir1, ':p:8'), '\\$', '', '') if resdir1 !~ '\V\^c:/XX\x\x\x\x~1.Y\$' echo "FATAL: unexpected short name: " . resdir1 echo "INFO: please report your OS to vim-dev" return endif let resfile1=resdir1.'/ZZY~1.TXT' let resnofile1=resdir1.'/z.y.txt' let resdir2=resdir1.'/VIMIST~1' let resfile2=resdir2.'/z.txt' let resnofile2=resdir2.'/zz.txt' call MakeDir( dir2 ) call MakeFile( file1 ) call MakeFile( file2 ) call TestIt(file1, ':p:8', resfile1) call TestIt(nofile1, ':p:8', resnofile1) call TestIt(file2, ':p:8', resfile2) call TestIt(nofile2, ':p:8', resnofile2) call TestIt(nofile2, ':p:8:h', fnamemodify(resnofile2,':h')) exe 'cd '.dir1 call TestIt(file1, ':.:8', strpart(resfile1,strlen(resdir1)+1)) call TestIt(nofile1, ':.:8', strpart(resnofile1,strlen(resdir1)+1)) call TestIt(file2, ':.:8', strpart(resfile2,strlen(resdir1)+1)) call TestIt(nofile2, ':.:8', strpart(resnofile2,strlen(resdir1)+1)) let $HOME=dir1 call TestIt(file1, ':~:8', '~'.strpart(resfile1,strlen(resdir1))) call TestIt(nofile1, ':~:8', '~'.strpart(resnofile1,strlen(resdir1))) call TestIt(file2, ':~:8', '~'.strpart(resfile2,strlen(resdir1))) call TestIt(nofile2, ':~:8', '~'.strpart(resnofile2,strlen(resdir1))) cd c:/ call delete( file2 ) call delete( file1 ) call RMDir( dir2 ) call RMDir( dir1 ) echo redir END endfun :let dir = getcwd() :call TestColonEight() :exe "cd " . dir :edit! test.out :set ff=dos :w :qa! ENDTEST