Test for 'errorformat'. This will fail if the quickfix feature was disabled. STARTTEST :so small.vim :" Also test a BOM is ignored. :so mbyte.vim :set encoding=utf-8 :7/start of errorfile/,/end of errorfile/w! Xerrorfile1 :7/start of errorfile/,/end of errorfile/-1w! Xerrorfile2 :/start of testfile/,/end of testfile/w! Xtestfile :set efm+==%f=\\,\ line\ %l%*\\D%v%*[^\ ]\ %m :set efm^=%AError\ in\ \"%f\"\ at\ line\ %l:,%Z%p^,%C%m :cf Xerrorfile2 :clast :copen :let a=w:quickfix_title :wincmd p lgR=a  :cf Xerrorfile1 grA :cn gRLINE 6, COL 19 :cn gRNO COLUMN SPECIFIED :cn gRAGAIN NO COLUMN :cn gRCOL 1 :cn gRCOL 2 :cn gRCOL 10 :cn gRVCOL 10 :cn grI :cn gR. SPACE POINTER :cn gR. DOT POINTER :cn gR. DASH POINTER :cn gR. TAB-SPACE POINTER :clast :cprev :cprev :wincmd w :let a=w:quickfix_title :wincmd p lgR=a  :w! test.out " Write contents of this file :qa! ENDTEST start of errorfile "Xtestfile", line 4.12: 1506-045 (S) Undeclared identifier fd_set. "Xtestfile", line 6 col 19; this is an error gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIsing-prototypes -I/usr/X11R6/include version.c Xtestfile:9: parse error before `asd' make: *** [vim] Error 1 in file "Xtestfile" linenr 10: there is an error 2 returned "Xtestfile", line 11 col 1; this is an error "Xtestfile", line 12 col 2; this is another error "Xtestfile", line 14:10; this is an error in column 10 =Xtestfile=, line 15:10; this is another error, but in vcol 10 this time "Xtestfile", linenr 16: yet another problem Error in "Xtestfile" at line 17: x should be a dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17 ^ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 18: x should be a dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18 .............^ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 19: x should be a dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19 --------------^ Error in "Xtestfile" at line 20: x should be a dot xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20 ^ Does anyone know what is the problem and how to correction it? "Xtestfile", line 21 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window? "Xtestfile", line 22 col 9: What is the title of the quickfix window? end of errorfile start of testfile xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 4 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 5 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 8 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 12 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 13 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 16 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 17 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 18 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 20 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 21 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx line 22 end of testfile