" Functions shared by tests making screen dumps. " Only load this script once. if exists('*VerifyScreenDump') finish endif source shared.vim source term_util.vim " Skip the rest if there is no terminal feature at all. if !has('terminal') finish endif " Read a dump file "fname" and if "filter" exists apply it to the text. def ReadAndFilter(fname: string, filter: string): list var contents = readfile(fname) if filereadable(filter) # do this in the bottom window so that the terminal window is unaffected wincmd j enew setline(1, contents) exe "source " .. filter contents = getline(1, '$') enew! wincmd k redraw endif return contents enddef " Verify that Vim running in terminal buffer "buf" matches the screen dump. " "options" is passed to term_dumpwrite(). " Additionally, the "wait" entry can specify the maximum time to wait for the " screen dump to match in msec (default 1000 msec). " The file name used is "dumps/{filename}.dump". " " To ignore part of the dump, provide a "dumps/{filename}.vim" file with " Vim commands to be applied to both the reference and the current dump, so " that parts that are irrelevant are not used for the comparison. The result " is NOT written, thus "term_dumpdiff()" shows the difference anyway. " " Optionally an extra argument can be passed which is prepended to the error " message. Use this when using the same dump file with different options. " Returns non-zero when verification fails. func VerifyScreenDump(buf, filename, options, ...) let reference = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.dump' let filter = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.vim' let testfile = 'failed/' . a:filename . '.dump' let max_loops = get(a:options, 'wait', 1000) / 10 " Starting a terminal to make a screendump is always considered flaky. let g:test_is_flaky = 1 " wait for the pending updates to be handled. call TermWait(a:buf) " Redraw to execute the code that updates the screen. Otherwise we get the " text and attributes only from the internal buffer. redraw if filereadable(reference) let refdump = ReadAndFilter(reference, filter) else " Must be a new screendump, always fail let refdump = [] endif let did_mkdir = 0 if !isdirectory('failed') let did_mkdir = 1 call mkdir('failed') endif let i = 0 while 1 " leave some time for updating the original window sleep 10m call delete(testfile) call term_dumpwrite(a:buf, testfile, a:options) let testdump = ReadAndFilter(testfile, filter) if refdump == testdump call delete(testfile) if did_mkdir call delete('failed', 'd') endif break endif if i == max_loops " Leave the failed dump around for inspection. if filereadable(reference) let msg = 'See dump file difference: call term_dumpdiff("testdir/' .. testfile .. '", "testdir/' .. reference .. '")' if a:0 == 1 let msg = a:1 . ': ' . msg endif if len(testdump) != len(refdump) let msg = msg . '; line count is ' . len(testdump) . ' instead of ' . len(refdump) endif else let msg = 'See new dump file: call term_dumpload("testdir/' .. testfile .. '")' " no point in retrying let g:run_nr = 10 endif for i in range(len(refdump)) if i >= len(testdump) break endif if testdump[i] != refdump[i] let msg = msg . '; difference in line ' . (i + 1) . ': "' . testdump[i] . '"' endif endfor call assert_report(msg) return 1 endif let i += 1 endwhile return 0 endfunc