" Vim script for checking .po files. " " Go through the file and verify that: " - All %...s items in "msgid" are identical to the ones in "msgstr". " - An error or warning code in "msgid" matches the one in "msgstr". if 1 " Only execute this if the eval feature is available. " using line continuation set cpo&vim " Function to get a split line at the cursor. " Used for both msgid and msgstr lines. " Removes all text except % items and returns the result. func! GetMline() let idline = substitute(getline('.'), '"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '') while line('.') < line('$') + let line = getline('.') if line[0] != '"' break endif let idline .= substitute(line, '"\(.*\)"$', '\1', '') endwhile " remove '%', not used for formatting. let idline = substitute(idline, "'%'", '', 'g') let idline = substitute(idline, "%%", '', 'g') " remove '%' used for plural forms. let idline = substitute(idline, '\\nPlural-Forms: .\+;\\n', '', '') " remove duplicate positional format arguments let idline2 = "" while idline2 != idline let idline2 = idline let idline = substitute(idline, '%\([1-9][0-9]*\)\$\([-+ #''.*]*[0-9]*l\=[dsuxXpoc%]\)\(.*\)%\1$\([-+ #''.*]*\)\(l\=[dsuxXpoc%]\)', '%\1$\2\3\4', 'g') endwhile " remove everything but % items. return substitute(idline, '[^%]*\(%([1-9][0-9]*\$)\=[-+ #''.0-9*]*l\=[dsuxXpoc%]\)\=', '\1', 'g') endfunc " This only works when 'wrapscan' is not set. let s:save_wrapscan = &wrapscan set nowrapscan " Start at the first "msgid" line. let wsv = winsaveview() 1 keeppatterns /^msgid\> " When an error is detected this is set to the line number. " Note: this is used in the Makefile. let error = 0 while 1 let lnum = line('.') if getline(lnum) =~ 'msgid "Text;.*;"' if getline(lnum + 1) !~ '^msgstr "\([^;]\+;\)\+"' echomsg 'Mismatching ; in line ' . (lnum + 1) echomsg 'Did you forget the trailing semicolon?' if error == 0 let error = lnum + 1 endif endif endif if getline(line('.') - 1) !~ "no-c-format" " go over the "msgid" and "msgid_plural" lines let prevfromline = 'foobar' let plural = 0 while 1 if getline('.') =~ 'msgid_plural' let plural += 1 endif let fromline = GetMline() if prevfromline != 'foobar' && prevfromline != fromline \ && (plural != 1 \ || count(prevfromline, '%') + 1 != count(fromline, '%')) echomsg 'Mismatching % in line ' . (line('.') - 1) echomsg 'msgid: ' . prevfromline echomsg 'msgid: ' . fromline if error == 0 let error = line('.') endif endif if getline('.') !~ 'msgid_plural' break endif let prevfromline = fromline endwhile if getline('.') !~ '^msgstr' echomsg 'Missing "msgstr" in line ' . line('.') if error == 0 let error = line('.') endif endif " check all the 'msgstr' lines while getline('.') =~ '^msgstr' let toline = GetMline() if fromline != toline \ && (plural == 0 || count(fromline, '%') != count(toline, '%') + 1) echomsg 'Mismatching % in line ' . (line('.') - 1) echomsg 'msgid: ' . fromline echomsg 'msgstr: ' . toline if error == 0 let error = line('.') endif endif if line('.') == line('$') break endif endwhile endif " Find next msgid. Quit when there is no more. let lnum = line('.') silent! keeppatterns /^msgid\> if line('.') == lnum break endif endwhile " Check that error code in msgid matches the one in msgstr. " " Examples of mismatches found with msgid "E123: ..." " - msgstr "E321: ..." error code mismatch " - msgstr "W123: ..." warning instead of error " - msgstr "E123 ..." missing colon " - msgstr "..." missing error code " 1 if search('msgid "\("\n"\)\?\([EW][0-9]\+:\).*\nmsgstr "\("\n"\)\?[^"]\@=\2\@!') > 0 echomsg 'Mismatching error/warning code in line ' . line('.') if error == 0 let error = line('.') endif endif func! CountNl(first, last) let nl = 0 for lnum in range(a:first, a:last) let nl += count(getline(lnum), "\n") endfor return nl endfunc " Check that the \n at the end of the msgid line is also present in the msgstr " line. Skip over the header. 1 keeppatterns /^"MIME-Version: while 1 let lnum = search('^msgid\>') if lnum <= 0 break endif let strlnum = search('^msgstr\>') let end = search('^$') if end <= 0 let end = line('$') + 1 endif let origcount = CountNl(lnum, strlnum - 1) let transcount = CountNl(strlnum, end - 1) " Allow for a few more or less line breaks when there are 2 or more if origcount != transcount && (origcount <= 2 || transcount <= 2) echomsg 'Mismatching "\n" in line ' . line('.') if error == 0 let error = lnum endif endif endwhile " Check that the file is well formed according to msgfmts understanding if executable("msgfmt") let filename = expand("%") " Newer msgfmt does not take OLD_PO_FILE_INPUT argument, must be in " environment. let $OLD_PO_FILE_INPUT = 'yes' let a = system("msgfmt --statistics " . filename) if v:shell_error != 0 let error = matchstr(a, filename.':\zs\d\+\ze:')+0 for line in split(a, '\n') | echomsg line | endfor endif endif " Check that the plural form is properly initialized 1 let plural = search('^msgid_plural ', 'n') if (plural && search('^"Plural-Forms: ', 'n') == 0) || (plural && search('^msgstr\[0\] ".\+"', 'n') != plural + 1) if search('^"Plural-Forms: ', 'n') == 0 echomsg "Missing Plural header" if error == 0 let error = search('\(^"[A-Za-z-_]\+: .*\\n"\n\)\+\zs', 'n') - 1 endif elseif error == 0 let error = plural endif elseif !plural && search('^"Plural-Forms: ', 'n') " We allow for a stray plural header, msginit adds one. endif " Check that 8bit encoding is used instead of 8-bit let cte = search('^"Content-Transfer-Encoding:\s\+8-bit', 'n') let ctc = search('^"Content-Type:.*;\s\+\