// if_ole.idl - IDL source for the Vim OLE Automation interface // // Processed by the IDL compiler (MIDL) to generate the type library // (Vim.tlb). // // Command line: // MIDL /proxy nul /iid iid_ole.c /h if_ole.h /tlb vim.tlb if_ole.idl [ object, uuid(0F0BFAE2-4C90-11d1-82D7-0004AC368519), // IID_IVim helpstring("IVim"), pointer_default(unique), dual, oleautomation ] interface IVim : IDispatch { import "oaidl.idl"; HRESULT SendKeys([in]BSTR keys); HRESULT Eval([in]BSTR expr, [out, retval]BSTR* result); HRESULT SetForeground(void); HRESULT GetHwnd([out, retval]UINT* result); }; // Component and type library definitions [ uuid(0F0BFAE0-4C90-11d1-82D7-0004AC368519), // LIBID_Vim helpstring("Vim OLE Interface 1.1 Type Library"), version(1.1) ] library Vim { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); // Component [ uuid(0F0BFAE1-4C90-11d1-82D7-0004AC368519), // CLSID_Vim helpstring("Vim OLE Interface") ] coclass Vim { [default] interface IVim; }; };