@echo off :: Batch file for building/testing Vim on AppVeyor setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% cd src echo "Building MinGW 32bit console version" set PATH=c:\msys64\mingw32\bin;%PATH% mingw32-make.exe -f Make_ming.mak GUI=no OPTIMIZE=speed IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 :: Save vim.exe before Make clean, moved back below. copy vim.exe testdir mingw32-make.exe -f Make_ming.mak clean :: Build Mingw huge version with python and channel support, or :: with specified features without python. echo "Building MinGW 32bit GUI version" if "%FEATURE%" == "HUGE" ( mingw32-make.exe -f Make_ming.mak OPTIMIZE=speed CHANNEL=yes GUI=yes IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no PYTHON_VER=27 DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes PYTHON=C:\Python27 PYTHON3_VER=35 DYNAMIC_PYTHON3=yes PYTHON3=C:\Python35 FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 ) ELSE ( mingw32-make.exe -f Make_ming.mak OPTIMIZE=speed GUI=yes IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 ) .\gvim -u NONE -c "redir @a | ver |0put a | wq" ver_ming.txt echo "Building MSVC 64bit console Version" sed -e "s/\$(LINKARGS2)/\$(LINKARGS2) | sed -e 's#.*\\\\r.*##'/" Make_mvc.mak > Make_mvc2.mak nmake -f Make_mvc2.mak CPU=AMD64 OLE=no GUI=no IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 nmake -f Make_mvc2.mak clean :: build MSVC huge version with python and channel support :: GUI needs to be last, so that testing works echo "Building MSVC 64bit GUI Version" if "%FEATURE%" == "HUGE" ( nmake -f Make_mvc2.mak DIRECTX=yes CPU=AMD64 CHANNEL=yes OLE=no GUI=yes IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no PYTHON_VER=27 DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes PYTHON=C:\Python27-x64 PYTHON3_VER=35 DYNAMIC_PYTHON3=yes PYTHON3=C:\Python35-x64 FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 ) ELSE ( nmake -f Make_mvc2.mak CPU=AMD64 OLE=no GUI=yes IME=yes MBYTE=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no FEATURES=%FEATURE% || exit 1 ) .\gvim -u NONE -c "redir @a | ver |0put a | wq" ver_msvc.txt :: Restore vim.exe, tests will run with this. move /Y testdir\vim.exe . echo "version output MinGW" type ver_ming.txt echo "version output MVC" type ver_msvc.txt cd ..