# Makefile for GvimExt, using MSVC # Options: # DEBUG=yes Build debug version (for VC7 and maybe later) # CPUARG= /arch:IA32/AVX/etc, call from main makefile to set # automatically from CPUNR # TARGETOS = WINNT !ifndef APPVER APPVER = 6.01 !endif # Set the default $(WINVER) to make it work with Windows 7. !ifndef WINVER WINVER = 0x0601 !endif !if "$(DEBUG)" != "yes" NODEBUG = 1 !endif !ifdef PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE # On Windows NT ! ifndef CPU CPU = i386 ! if !defined(PLATFORM) && defined(TARGET_CPU) PLATFORM = $(TARGET_CPU) ! endif ! ifdef PLATFORM ! if ("$(PLATFORM)" == "x64") || ("$(PLATFORM)" == "X64") CPU = AMD64 ! elseif ("$(PLATFORM)" == "arm64") || ("$(PLATFORM)" == "ARM64") CPU = ARM64 ! elseif ("$(PLATFORM)" != "x86") && ("$(PLATFORM)" != "X86") ! error *** ERROR Unknown target platform "$(PLATFORM)". Make aborted. ! endif ! endif ! endif !else CPU = i386 !endif !ifdef SDK_INCLUDE_DIR ! include $(SDK_INCLUDE_DIR)\Win32.mak !elseif "$(USE_WIN32MAK)"=="yes" ! include !else cc = cl link = link rc = rc cflags = -nologo -c lflags = -incremental:no -nologo rcflags = /r olelibsdll = ole32.lib uuid.lib oleaut32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib !endif # include CPUARG cflags = $(cflags) $(CPUARG) # set WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT cflags = $(cflags) -DWINVER=$(WINVER) -D_WIN32_WINNT=$(WINVER) !if "$(CL)" == "/D_USING_V110_SDK71_" rcflags = $(rcflags) /D_USING_V110_SDK71_ !endif SUBSYSTEM = console !if "$(SUBSYSTEM_VER)" != "" SUBSYSTEM = $(SUBSYSTEM),$(SUBSYSTEM_VER) !endif !if "$(CPU)" == "AMD64" || "$(CPU)" == "ARM64" OFFSET = 0x11C000000 !else OFFSET = 0x1C000000 !endif all: gvimext.dll gvimext.dll: gvimext.obj \ gvimext.res $(link) $(lflags) -dll -def:gvimext.def -base:$(OFFSET) -out:$*.dll $** $(olelibsdll) shell32.lib comctl32.lib -subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) if exist $*.dll.manifest mt -nologo -manifest $*.dll.manifest -outputresource:$*.dll;2 gvimext.obj: gvimext.h .cpp.obj: $(cc) $(cflags) -DFEAT_GETTEXT $(cvarsmt) $*.cpp gvimext.res: gvimext.rc $(rc) /nologo $(rcflags) $(rcvars) gvimext.rc clean: - if exist gvimext.dll del gvimext.dll - if exist gvimext.lib del gvimext.lib - if exist gvimext.exp del gvimext.exp - if exist gvimext.obj del gvimext.obj - if exist gvimext.res del gvimext.res - if exist gvimext.dll.manifest del gvimext.dll.manifest