" Vim syntax file " Language: Fortran 2023 (and Fortran 2018, 2008, 2003, 95, 90, and 77) " Version: (v113) 2024 February 01 " Maintainers: Ajit J. Thakkar ; " Joshua Hollett " Usage: For instructions, do :help fortran-syntax from Vim " Credits: " Version 0.1 for Fortran 95 was created in April 2000 by Ajit Thakkar from an " older Fortran 77 syntax file by Mario Eusebio and Preben Guldberg. " Since then, useful suggestions and contributions have been made, in order, by: " Andrej Panjkov, Bram Moolenaar, Thomas Olsen, Michael Sternberg, Christian Reile, " Walter Dieudonne, Alexander Wagner, Roman Bertle, Charles Rendleman, " Andrew Griffiths, Joe Krahn, Hendrik Merx, Matt Thompson, Jan Hermann, " Stefano Zaghi, Vishnu V. Krishnan, Judicael Grasset, Takuma Yoshida, " Eisuke Kawashima, Andre Chalella, Fritz Reese, Karl D. Hammond, " and Michele Esposito Marzino. if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Choose between fixed and free source form if this hasn't been done yet if !exists("b:fortran_fixed_source") if exists("fortran_free_source") " User guarantees free source form for all Fortran files let b:fortran_fixed_source = 0 elseif exists("fortran_fixed_source") " User guarantees fixed source form for all fortran files let b:fortran_fixed_source = 1 elseif expand("%:e") =~? '^f\%(90\|95\|03\|08\)$' " Free-form file extension defaults as in Intel ifort, gcc(gfortran), NAG, Pathscale, and Cray compilers let b:fortran_fixed_source = 0 elseif expand("%:e") =~? '^\%(f\|f77\|for\)$' " Fixed-form file extension defaults let b:fortran_fixed_source = 1 else " Modern Fortran compilers still allow both free and fixed source form. " Assume fixed source form unless signs of free source form " are detected in the first five columns of the first s:lmax lines. " Detection becomes more accurate and time-consuming if more lines " are checked. Increase the limit below if you keep lots of comments at " the very top of each file and you have a fast computer. let s:lmax = 500 if ( s:lmax > line("$") ) let s:lmax = line("$") endif let b:fortran_fixed_source = 1 let s:ln=1 while s:ln <= s:lmax let s:test = strpart(getline(s:ln),0,5) if s:test !~ '^[Cc*]' && s:test !~ '^ *[!#]' && s:test =~ '[^ 0-9\t]' && s:test !~ '^[ 0-9]*\t' let b:fortran_fixed_source = 0 break endif let s:ln = s:ln + 1 endwhile unlet! s:lmax s:ln s:test endif endif " Group names ending in 'Del' and 'Ob', respectively, indicate features deleted and obsolescent in Fortran 2018 and later " Deleted features are highlighted as errors " Obsolescent features are highlighted as todo items syn case ignore if b:fortran_fixed_source == 1 syn match fortranConstructName "^\s\{6,}\zs\a\w*\ze\s*:" else syn match fortranConstructName "^\s*\zs\a\w*\ze\s*:" endif syn match fortranConstructName "\%(\" syn match fortranConstructName "\%(\" syn match fortranConstructName "\%(\" syn match fortranUnitName "\%(\<\%(end\s*\)\?\%(subroutine\|function\|module\|program\|submodule\)\s\+\)\@12<=\a\w*" syn match fortranUnitHeader "\\ze\s*\%(!.*\)\?$" syn keyword fortranIntrinsic abs acos aimag aint anint asin atan atan2 cmplx conjg cos cosh exp ichar index int log log10 max min nint sin sinh sqrt tan tanh syn keyword fortranIntrinsicR achar iachar transfer dble dprod dim lge lgt lle llt mod syn keyword fortranIntrinsic command_argument_count get_command get_command_argument get_environment_variable is_iostat_end is_iostat_eor move_alloc new_line same_type_as extends_type_of syn keyword fortranIntrinsic selected_real_kind selected_int_kind selected_logical_kind selected_char_kind next previous syn keyword fortranIntrinsic acosh asinh atanh bessel_j0 bessel_j1 bessel_jn bessel_y0 bessel_y1 bessel_yn erf erfc erfc_scaled gamma log_gamma hypot norm2 syn keyword fortranIntrinsic adjustl adjustr all allocated any associated bit_size btest ceiling cshift date_and_time digits syn keyword fortranIntrinsic dot_product eoshift exponent floor fraction iand ibclr ibits ibset ieor ior ishft ishftc lbound len_trim matmul maxexponent maxloc merge minexponent minloc syn keyword fortranIntrinsic modulo mvbits nearest pack precision present radix random_number random_seed range repeat reshape rrspacing scale scan set_exponent shape spacing " intrinsic names often used for variables in older Fortran code syn match fortranIntrinsic '\<\%(count\|epsilon\|maxval\|minval\|product\|sum\|huge\|tiny\|char\)\>\ze\s*(' syn keyword fortranIntrinsic spread system_clock transpose trim ubound unpack verify is_contiguous event_query syn keyword fortranIntrinsic atomic_define atomic_ref execute_command_line leadz trailz storage_size merge_bits syn keyword fortranIntrinsic bge bgt ble blt dshiftl dshiftr findloc iall iany iparity image_index lcobound ucobound maskl maskr num_images parity popcnt poppar shifta shiftl shiftr this_image syn keyword fortranIntrinsic null cpu_time failed_images stopped_images image_status co_broadcast co_max co_min co_sum co_reduce syn keyword fortranIntrinsic atomic_add atomic_and atomic_or atomic_xor atomic_fetch_add atomic_fetch_and atomic_fetch_or atomic_fetch_xor atomic_cas syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_arithmetic ieee_features ieee_exceptions syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_class ieee_copy_sign ieee_fma ieee_get_rounding_mode ieee_get_underflow_mode ieee_int ieee_is_finite syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_is_nan ieee_is_negative ieee_is_normal ieee_logb ieee_max ieee_max_mag ieee_max_num ieee_max_num_mag syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_min ieee_min_mag ieee_min_num ieee_min_num_mag ieee_next_after ieee_next_down ieee_next_up ieee_quiet_eq syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_quiet_ge ieee_quiet_gt ieee_quiet_le ieee_quiet_lt ieee_quiet_ne ieee_real ieee_rem ieee_rint ieee_scalb syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_selected_real_kind ieee_set_rounding_mode ieee_set_underflow_mode ieee_signaling_eq ieee_signaling_ge syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_signaling_gt ieee_signaling_le ieee_signaling_lt ieee_signaling_ne ieee_signbit ieee_support_datatype syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_support_denormal ieee_support_divide ieee_support_inf ieee_support_io ieee_support_nan ieee_support_rounding syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_support_sqrt ieee_support_subnormal ieee_support_standard ieee_support_underflow_control syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_unordered ieee_value ieee_get_flag ieee_get_halting_mode ieee_get_modes ieee_get_status syn keyword fortranIntrinsic ieee_set_flag ieee_set_halting_mode ieee_set_modes ieee_set_status ieee_support_flag ieee_support_halting syn keyword fortranIntrinsic iso_c_binding c_loc c_funloc c_sizeof c_associated c_f_pointer c_f_procpointer c_f_strpointer f_c_string syn keyword fortranIntrinsic iso_fortran_env compiler_options compiler_version syn keyword fortranIntrinsic out_of_range reduce random_init coshape get_team split tokenize syn keyword fortranIntrinsic acosd asind atand atan2d cosd sind tand acospi asinpi atanpi atan2pi cospi sinpi tanpi syn match fortranIntrinsic "\%(^\s*\|type *is *(\s*\)\@12\ze\s*(' syn match fortranIntrinsic '\<\%(sign\|size\|team_number\)\>\ze\s*(' " Obsolescent type-specific intrinsics syn keyword fortranIntrinsicOb alog alog10 amax0 amax1 amin0 amin1 amod cabs ccos cexp clog csin csqrt dabs dacos dasin datan datan2 dcos dcosh ddim dexp dint dlog dlog10 dmax1 dmin1 dmod dnint dsign dsin dsinh dsqrt dtan dtanh float iabs idim idint idnint ifix isign max0 max1 min0 min1 sngl if exists("fortran_vendor_intrinsics") syn keyword fortranIntrinsicVen algama cdabs cdcos cdexp cdlog cdsin cdsqrt cqabs cqcos cqexp cqlog cqsin cqsqrt dcmplx dconjg derf derfc dfloat dgamma dimag dlgama iqint qabs qacos qasin qatan qatan2 qcmplx qconjg qcos qcosh qdim qerf qerfc qexp qgamma qimag qlgama qlog qlog10 qmax1 qmin1 qmod qnint qsign qsin qsinh qsqrt qtan qtanh endif syn keyword fortranType generic final enumerator import classof typeof team_type event_type lock_type notify_type syn keyword fortranType ieee_flag_type ieee_modes_type ieee_status_type ieee_class_type ieee_round_type ieee_features_type syn keyword fortranType c_ptr c_funptr elemental pure impure recursive non_recursive simple syn match fortranType "^\s*\%(implicit\s\+\)\?\%(real\|double\s*precision\|integer\|logical\|complex\|character\|type\)\>" syn match fortranTypeOb "^\s*\%(character\s*\)\@15<=\*" syn match fortranType "^\s*\zsimplicit\s\+none\>" syn match fortranType "\" syn match fortranType "\%(\" syn match fortranType "\<\%(end\s*\)\?interface\>" syn match fortranType "\" syn match fortranType "\<\%(end\s*\)\?enumeration\s\+type\>" syn match fortranType "\<\%(end\s*\)\?\%(module\s\+\)\?procedure\>" syn match fortranType "\%(simple \|pure \|impure \|recursive \|non_recursive \|elemental \|module \)\@17<=\%(real\|double precision\|integer\|logical\|complex\|character\)" syn match fortranTypeR display "\" syn match fortranTypeR display "\" syn keyword fortranAttribute abstract allocatable bind codimension contiguous deferred dimension extends syn keyword fortranAttribute external intent intrinsic non_intrinsic non_overridable nopass optional parameter pass syn keyword fortranAttribute pointer private protected public save sequence target value volatile syn match fortranAttribute "\\ze\s*\%(::\|,\|(\)" syn keyword fortranUnitHeader result operator assignment syn match fortranUnitHeader "\<\%(end\s*\)\?\%(subroutine\|function\|module\|program\|submodule\)\>" syn match fortranBlock "\<\%(end\s*\)\?\%(block\|critical\|associate\)\>" syn match fortranCalled "\<\%(call\s\+\)\@7<=\a\w*" syn match fortranRepeat "\" syn keyword fortranRepeat concurrent syn keyword fortranRepeatR while syn match fortranRepeat "\" syn keyword fortranRepeatOb forall syn match fortranRepeatOb "\" syn keyword fortranTodo contained bug note debug todo fixme "Catch errors caused by too many right parentheses syn region fortranParen transparent start="(" end=")" contains=ALLBUT,fortranParenError,@fortranCommentGroup,cIncluded,@spell syn match fortranParenError ")" syn match fortranOperator "\.\s*n\?eqv\s*\." syn match fortranOperator "\.\s*\%(and\|or\|not\)\s*\." syn match fortranOperator "\%(+\|-\|/\|\*\)" syn match fortranOperator "\%(\%(>\|<\)=\?\|==\|/=\|=\)" syn match fortranOperator "\%(%\|?\|=>\)" syn match fortranOperator "\%([\|]\)" syn match fortranOperatorR "\.\s*[gl][et]\s*\." syn match fortranOperatorR "\.\s*\%(eq\|ne\)\s*\." syn keyword fortranReadWrite print flush syn match fortranReadWrite '\<\%(backspace\|close\|endfile\|inquire\|open\|read\|rewind\|wait\|write\)\ze\s*(' "If tabs are allowed then the left margin checks do not work if exists("fortran_have_tabs") syn match fortranTab "\t" transparent else syn match fortranTab "\t" endif "Numbers of various sorts " Integers syn match fortranNumber display "\<\d\+\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " floating point number, without a decimal point syn match fortranFloatIll display "\<\d\+[deq][-+]\?\d\+\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " floating point number, starting with a decimal point syn match fortranFloatIll display "\.\d\+\%([deq][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " floating point number, no digits after decimal syn match fortranFloatIll display "\<\d\+\.\%([deq][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " floating point number, D or Q exponents syn match fortranFloatIll display "\<\d\+\.\d\+\%([dq][-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " floating point number syn match fortranFloat display "\<\d\+\.\d\+\%(e[-+]\?\d\+\)\?\%(_\a\w*\)\?\>" " binary number syn match fortranBinary display "b["'][01]\+["']" " octal number syn match fortranOctal display "o["'][0-7]\+["']" " hexadecimal number syn match fortranHex display "z["'][0-9A-F]\+["']" " Numbers in formats syn match fortranFormatSpec display "\d*f\d\+\.\d\+" syn match fortranFormatSpec display "\d*e[sn]\?\d\+\.\d\+\%(e\d+\>\)\?" syn match fortranFormatSpec display "\d*\%(d\|q\|g\)\d\+\.\d\+\%(e\d+\)\?" syn match fortranFormatSpec display "\d\+x\>" " The next match cannot be used because it would pick up identifiers as well " syn match fortranFormatSpec display "\<\%(a\|i\)\d\+" " Numbers as labels if (b:fortran_fixed_source == 1) syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^\zs\d\{1,5}\ze\s" syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^ \zs\d\{1,4}\ze\s" syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^ \zs\d\{1,3}\ze\s" syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^ \zs\d\d\?\ze\s" syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^ \zs\d\ze\s" else syn match fortranLabelNumber display "^\s*\zs\d\{1,5}\ze\s*\a" syn match fortranLabelNumberOb display "^\s*\zs\d\{1,5}\ze *end\s*\%(do\|if\)\>\ze" endif " Numbers as targets syn match fortranTarget display "\%(\" syn match fortranTargetOb display "\%(\" syn match fortranTarget display "\%(\" syn match fortranBoolean "\.\s*\%(true\|false\)\s*\." syn keyword fortranKeyword call use only continue allocate deallocate nullify return cycle exit contains syn match fortranKeyword "\" syn match fortranKeyword "\<\%(error\s\+\)\?stop\>" syn match fortranKeyword "\" syn match fortranKeywordDel "\" syn match fortranConditional "\<\%(end\s*\)\?\%(if\|where\|select\)\>" syn match fortranConditional "\" syn match fortranConditional "\<\%(case\|rank\|class\)\s\+default\>" syn match fortranConditional "^\s*\zs\%(case\|rank\)\ze\s\+(" syn match fortranConditional "\<\%(class\|type\)\s\+is\>" syn match fortranConditionalDel "\" syn match fortranImageControl "\<\%(change\|form\|end\)\s\+team\>" syn match fortranImageControl "\" syn keyword fortranStorageClass in out inout syn match fortranStorageClass '\<\%(kind\|len\)\>\ze\s*=' syn match fortranStorageClass "^\s*data\>\ze\%(\s\+\a\)\@=" syn match fortranStorageClassOb "\\%(\s*\%(/\|\a\)\)\@=" syn match fortranStorageClassOb "\\%(\s*(\)\@=" syn keyword fortranConstant c_null_char c_alert c_backspace c_form_feed c_new_line c_carriage_return c_horizontal_tab c_vertical_tab c_ptrdiff_t syn keyword fortranConstant c_int c_short c_long c_long_long c_signed_char c_size_t c_int8_t c_int16_t c_int32_t c_int64_t c_int_least8_t c_int_least16_t c_int_least32_t c_int_least64_t c_int_fast8_t c_int_fast16_t c_int_fast32_t c_int_fast64_t c_intmax_t C_intptr_t c_float c_double c_long_double c_float_complex c_double_complex c_long_double_complex c_bool c_char c_null_ptr c_null_funptr syn keyword fortranConstant character_storage_size error_unit file_storage_size input_unit iostat_end iostat_eor numeric_storage_size output_unit stat_failed_image stat_locked stat_locked_other_image stat_stopped_image stat_unlocked stat_unlocked_failed_image syn keyword fortranConstant int8 int16 int32 int64 real16 real32 real64 real128 character_kinds integer_kinds logical_kinds real_kinds iostat_inquire_internal_unit initial_team current_team parent_team syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_invalid ieee_overflow ieee_divide_by_zero ieee_underflow ieee_inexact ieee_usual ieee_all syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_signaling_nan ieee_quiet_nan ieee_negative_inf ieee_negative_normal ieee_negative_subnormal syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_negative_zero ieee_positive_zero ieee_positive_subnormal ieee_positive_normal ieee_positive_inf syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_other_value ieee_negative_denormal ieee_positive_denormal ieee_negative_subnormal syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_positive_subnormal ieee_nearest ieee_to_zero ieee_up ieee_down ieee_away ieee_other ieee_datatype syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_denormal ieee_divide ieee_halting ieee_inexact_flag ieee_inf ieee_invalid_flag ieee_nan syn keyword fortranConstant ieee_rounding ieee_sqrt ieee_subnormal ieee_underflow_flag syn match fortranConstant "\.\s*nil\s*\." " CUDA Fortran if exists("fortran_CUDA") syn match fortranTypeCUDA "\" syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA host global device syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA shared constant pinned texture syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA dim1 dim2 dim3 dim4 syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudadeviceprop cuda_count_kind cuda_stream_kind syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaEvent cudaFuncAttributes cudaArrayPtr syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaSymbol cudaChannelFormatDesc cudaPitchedPtr syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaExtent cudaMemcpy3DParms syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaFuncCachePreferNone cudaFuncCachePreferShared syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaFuncCachePreferL1 cudaLimitStackSize syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaLimitPrintfSize cudaLimitMallocHeapSize syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaSharedMemBankSizeDefault cudaSharedMemBankSizeFourByte cudaSharedMemBankSizeEightByte syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaEventDefault cudaEventBlockingSync cudaEventDisableTiming syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaMemcpyHostToDevice cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA cudaErrorNotReady cudaSuccess cudaErrorInvalidValue syn keyword fortranTypeCUDA c_devptr syn match fortranStringCUDA "\" syn match fortranStringCUDA "\" syn match fortranStringCUDA "\" syn match fortranStringCUDA "\" syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA warpsize syncthreads syncthreads_and syncthreads_count syncthreads_or threadfence threadfence_block threadfence_system gpu_time allthreads anythread ballot syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA atomicadd atomicsub atomicmax atomicmin atomicand atomicor atomicxor atomicexch atomicinc atomicdec atomiccas sizeof __shfl __shfl_up __shfl_down __shfl_xor syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaChooseDevice cudaDeviceGetCacheConfig cudaDeviceGetLimit cudaDeviceGetSharedMemConfig cudaDeviceReset cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig cudaDeviceSetLimit cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig cudaDeviceSynchronize cudaGetDevice cudaGetDeviceCount cudaGetDeviceProperties cudaSetDevice cudaSetDeviceFlags cudaSetValidDevices syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaThreadExit cudaThreadSynchronize cudaGetLastError cudaGetErrorString cudaPeekAtLastError cudaStreamCreate cudaStreamDestroy cudaStreamQuery cudaStreamSynchronize cudaStreamWaitEvent cudaEventCreate cudaEventCreateWithFlags cudaEventDestroy cudaEventElapsedTime cudaEventQuery cudaEventRecord cudaEventSynchronize syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaFuncGetAttributes cudaFuncSetCacheConfig cudaFuncSetSharedMemConfig cudaSetDoubleForDevice cudaSetDoubleForHost cudaFree cudaFreeArray cudaFreeHost cudaGetSymbolAddress cudaGetSymbolSize syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaHostAlloc cudaHostGetDevicePointer cudaHostGetFlags cudaHostRegister cudaHostUnregister cudaMalloc cudaMallocArray cudaMallocHost cudaMallocPitch cudaMalloc3D cudaMalloc3DArray syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaMemcpy cudaMemcpyArraytoArray cudaMemcpyAsync cudaMemcpyFromArray cudaMemcpyFromSymbol cudaMemcpyFromSymbolAsync cudaMemcpyPeer cudaMemcpyPeerAsync cudaMemcpyToArray cudaMemcpyToSymbol cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync cudaMemcpy2D cudaMemcpy2DArrayToArray cudaMemcpy2DAsync cudaMemcpy2DFromArray cudaMemcpy2DToArray cudaMemcpy3D cudaMemcpy3DAsync syn keyword fortranIntrinsicCUDA cudaMemGetInfo cudaMemset cudaMemset2D cudaMemset3D cudaDeviceCanAccessPeer cudaDeviceDisablePeerAccess cudaDeviceEnablePeerAccess cudaPointerGetAttributes cudaDriverGetVersion cudaRuntimeGetVersion endif syn region none matchgroup=fortranType start="<<<" end=">>>" contains=ALLBUT,none syn cluster fortranCommentGroup contains=fortranTodo if (b:fortran_fixed_source == 1) if !exists("fortran_have_tabs") if exists("fortran_extended_line_length") " Vendor extensions allow lines with a text width of 132 syn match fortranSerialNumber excludenl "^.\{133,}$"lc=132 else " Standard requires fixed format to have a text width of 72, " but all current compilers use 80 instead syn match fortranSerialNumber excludenl "^.\{81,}$"lc=80 endif "Flag left margin errors syn match fortranLabelError "^.\{-,4}[^0-9 ]" contains=fortranTab syn match fortranLabelError "^.\{4}\d\S" endif syn match fortranComment excludenl "^[!c*].*$" contains=@fortranCommentGroup,@spell syn match fortranLeftMargin transparent "^ \{5}" syn match fortranContinueMark display "^.\{5}\S"lc=5 else syn match fortranContinueMark display "&" endif syn match fortranComment excludenl "!.*$" contains=@fortranCommentGroup,@spell syn match fortranOpenMP excludenl "^\s*\zs!\$\%(OMP\)\?&\?\s.*$" syn match fortranEndStatement display ";" "cpp is often used with Fortran syn match cPreProc "^\s*#\s*\%(define\|ifdef\)\>.*" syn match cPreProc "^\s*#\s*\%(elif\|if\)\>.*" syn match cPreProc "^\s*#\s*\%(ifndef\|undef\)\>.*" syn match cPreCondit "^\s*#\s*\%(else\|endif\)\>.*" syn region cIncluded contained start=+"[^("]+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=fortranLeftMargin,fortranContinueMark,fortranSerialNumber syn match cIncluded contained "<[^>]*>" syn match cInclude "^\s*#\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=cIncluded "Synchronising limits assume that comment and continuation lines are not mixed if exists("fortran_fold") syn sync fromstart elseif (b:fortran_fixed_source == 0) syn sync linecont "&" minlines=30 else syn sync minlines=30 endif if exists("fortran_fold") if has("folding") setlocal foldmethod=syntax endif if (b:fortran_fixed_source == 1) syn region fortranProgram transparent fold keepend start="^\s*program\s\+\z(\a\w*\)" skip="^\%([!c*]\|\s*#\).*$" excludenl end="\\)\?\|$\)" contains=ALLBUT,fortranModule syn region fortranModule transparent fold keepend start="^\s*submodule\s\+(\a\w*\s*\%(:\a\w*\s*\)*)\s*\z\(\a\w*\)" skip="^\%([!c*]\|\s*#\).*$" excludenl end="\\)\?\|$\)" contains=ALLBUT,fortranProgram,fortranModule syn region fortranModule transparent fold keepend start="^\s*module\s\+\%(procedure\)\@9!\z(\a\w*\)" skip="^\%([!c*]\|\s*#\).*$" excludenl end="\\)\?\|$\)" contains=ALLBUT,fortranProgram syn region fortranFunction transparent fold keepend extend start="\