" Vim syntax file " Language: Apache-Style configuration files (proftpd.conf/apache.conf/..) " Maintainer: Christian Hammers " URL: none " ChangeLog: " 2001-05-04,ch " adopted Vim 6.0 syntax style " 1999-10-28,ch " initial release " The following formats are recognised: " Apache-style .conf " # Comment " Option value " Option value1 value2 " Option = value1 value2 #not apache but also allowed "
" Option value " " "
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn case ignore syn match apComment /^\s*#.*$/ syn match apOption /^\s*[^ \t#<=]*/ "syn match apLastValue /[^ \t<=#]*$/ contains=apComment ugly " tags syn region apTag start=// contains=apTagOption,apTagError " the following should originally be " [^<>]+" but this didn't work :( syn match apTagOption contained / [-\/_\.:*a-zA-Z0-9]\+/ms=s+1 syn match apTagError contained /[^>]