" zipPlugin.vim: Handles browsing zipfiles " PLUGIN PORTION " Date: Sep 14, 2005 " Maintainer: Charles E Campbell, Jr " License: Vim License (see vim's :help license) " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005 Charles E. Campbell, Jr. {{{1 " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " zipPlugin.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty " of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using this " plugin, you agree that in no event will the copyright " holder be liable for any damages resulting from the use " of this software. " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Initialization: {{{1 let s:keepcpo= &cpo set cpo&vim " --------------------------------------------------------------------- " Public Interface: {{{1 augroup zip au! au BufReadCmd zipfile:* call zip#Read(expand(""), 1) au FileReadCmd zipfile:* call zip#Read(expand(""), 0) au BufWriteCmd zipfile:* call zip#Write(expand("")) au FileWriteCmd zipfile:* call zip#Write(expand("")) if has("unix") au BufReadCmd zipfile:*/* call zip#Read(expand(""), 1) au FileReadCmd zipfile:*/* call zip#Read(expand(""), 0) au BufWriteCmd zipfile:*/* call zip#Write(expand("")) au FileWriteCmd zipfile:*/* call zip#Write(expand("")) endif au BufReadCmd *.zip call zip#Browse(expand("")) augroup END " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Modelines And Restoration: {{{1 let &cpo= s:keepcpo unlet s:keepcpo " vim:ts=8 fdm=marker