! vim: set ft=rapid : ! START_INDENT %%% VERSION:1 LANGUAGE:ENGLISH %%% module LowerCaseModule task pers num n1 := 0; local pers num n2 := 1; var bool b1 := false; var intnum i1; ! put some stuff in those strings that may confuse indentation const string st1 := "endmodule ("; pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:=[ [ "[" , "default" , "case" ], [ "else" , "then" , "endif" ], [ "do" , "}" , ")" ], ]; pers tooldata tTool1:=[TRUE, [ [97.4, 0, 223.1], [0.924, 0, 0.383 ,0] ], [5, [23, 0, 75], [1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0 ] ]; const robtarget p1:=[ [600, 500, 225.3], [1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 0], [ 11, 12.3, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9, 9E9] ]; record myRec num nRecNum1 bool bRecBool1 endrecord proc proc1(num n1, num n2) var string st1; n1 := n1+1; MoveJSync p1, vmax, z30, tool1, "proc2"; backward MoveJSync p1, v100, fine, tool1, "proc2"; undo n1 := n1-1; error trynext; endproc func num nFunc1( switch s1 |switch s2 ,num n1 ,bool b1) var num nVar; if not Present(s1) return; if Present(s1) then Incr n1;' elseif Present(s2) then b1:=false; else while n1>0 do Decr n1; test n1 case 1: test1; case 2: test2; default: WaitUntil false; endtest endwhile endif for i from 1 to 10 step 2 do for j from 1 to 10 do st_Appl_Info{i,j} := ""; endfor endfor ! return 1; return 0; error return -1; endfunc trap Trap1 Reset do1; endtrap endmodule MODULE UpperCaseModule(SYSMODULE,NOSTEPIN) TASK pers num n1 := 0; LOCAL pers num n2 := 1; VAR bool b1 := false; VAR intnum i1; LOCAL FUNC num nFunc1( switch s1 |switch s2 ,num n1 ,bool b1) VAR num nVar; IF NOT PRESENT(s1) RETURN; IF PRESENT(s1) THEN INCR n1;' ELSEIF PRESENT(s2) THEN b1:=FALSE; ELSE WHILE n1>0 DO DECR n1; TEST n1 CASE 1: test1; CASE 2: test2; DEFAULT: WAITUNTIL FALSE; ENDTEST ENDWHILE ENDIF FOR i FROM 1 TO 10 STEP 2 DO FOR j FROM 1 TO 10 DO st_Appl_Info{i,j} := ""; ENDFOR ENDFOR ! RETURN 1; RETURN 0; ERROR RETURN -1; ENDFUNC TRAP Trap1 Reset do1; ENDTRAP ENDMODULE Module MixedCaseModule(SysModule) Task pers num n1 := 0; Local pers num n2 := 1; Var bool b1 := false; Var intnum i1; Task Func num nFunc1( switch s1 |switch s2 ,num n1 ,bool b1) Var num nVar; If Not Present(s1) Return; If Present(s1) Then Incr n1;' ElseIf Present(s2) Then b1:=false; Else While n1>0 Do Decr n1; Test n1 Case 1: test1; Case 2: test2; Default: WaitUntil false; EndTest EndWhile EndIf For i From 1 To 10 Step 2 Do For j From 1 To 10 Do st_Appl_Info{i,j} := ""; EndFor EndFor ! Return 1; Return 0; Error Return -1; EndFunc Trap Trap1 Reset do1; EndTrap EndModule ! END_INDENT ! START_INDENT ! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidSpaceIndent = 0 ! INDENT_EXE set shiftwidth=4 proc bla() var num i; Incr i; endproc ! END_INDENT ! START_INDENT ! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidCommentIndent = 1 ! proc bla() ! indent this first column comment because of g:rapidCommentIndent=1 endproc ! END_INDENT ! START_INDENT ! INDENT_EXE let g:rapidNewStyleIndent = 1 pers string st_Appl_Info{3,3}:= [ [ "[" , "default" , "case" ] , [ "else" , "then" , "endif" ] , [ "do" , "}" , ")" ] , ]; ! END_INDENT