" Language: OCaml " Maintainer: David Baelde " Mike Leary " Markus Mottl " Stefano Zacchiroli " Vincent Aravantinos " URL: http://www.ocaml.info/vim/ftplugin/ocaml.vim " Last Change: 2008 Jul 17 - Bugfix related to fnameescape (VA) " 2007 Sep 09 - Added .annot support for ocamlbuild, python not " needed anymore (VA) " 2006 May 01 - Added .annot support for file.whateverext (SZ) " 2006 Apr 11 - Fixed an initialization bug; fixed ASS abbrev (MM) " 2005 Oct 13 - removed GPL; better matchit support (MM, SZ) " if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin=1 " some macro if exists('*fnameescape') function! s:Fnameescape(s) return fnameescape(a:s) endfun else function! s:Fnameescape(s) return escape(a:s," \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<") endfun endif " Error handling -- helps moving where the compiler wants you to go let s:cposet=&cpoptions set cpo-=C setlocal efm= \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ characters\ %c-%*\\d:, \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ character\ %c:%m, \%+EReference\ to\ unbound\ regexp\ name\ %m, \%Eocamlyacc:\ e\ -\ line\ %l\ of\ \"%f\"\\,\ %m, \%Wocamlyacc:\ w\ -\ %m, \%-Zmake%.%#, \%C%m, \%D%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f', \%X%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f', \%D%*\\a:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f', \%X%*\\a:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f', \%DMaking\ %*\\a\ in\ %f " Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this. if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_ocaml_maps") " (un)commenting if !hasmapto('Comment') nmap c LUncomOn vmap c BUncomOn nmap C LUncomOff vmap C BUncomOff endif nnoremap LUncomOn mz0i(* $A *)`z nnoremap LUncomOff :s/^(\* \(.*\) \*)/\1/:noh vnoremap BUncomOn :'<,'>`0i(*`>o0i*)`< vnoremap BUncomOff :'<,'>`dd`< if !hasmapto('Abbrev') iabbrev ASS (assert (0=1) (* XXX *)) endif endif " Let % jump between structure elements (due to Issac Trotts) let b:mw = '' let b:mw = b:mw . ',\:\:\(\\|;;\)' let b:mw = b:mw . ',\:\:\' let b:mw = b:mw . ',\<\(for\|while\)\>:\:\,' let b:mw = b:mw . ',\<\(object\|sig\|struct\|begin\)\>:\' let b:mw = b:mw . ',\<\(match\|try\)\>:\' let b:match_words = b:mw let b:match_ignorecase=0 " switching between interfaces (.mli) and implementations (.ml) if !exists("g:did_ocaml_switch") let g:did_ocaml_switch = 1 map s :call OCaml_switch(0) map S :call OCaml_switch(1) fun OCaml_switch(newwin) if (match(bufname(""), "\\.mli$") >= 0) let fname = s:Fnameescape(substitute(bufname(""), "\\.mli$", ".ml", "")) if (a:newwin == 1) exec "new " . fname else exec "arge " . fname endif elseif (match(bufname(""), "\\.ml$") >= 0) let fname = s:Fnameescape(bufname("")) . "i" if (a:newwin == 1) exec "new " . fname else exec "arge " . fname endif endif endfun endif " Folding support " Get the modeline because folding depends on indentation let s:s = line2byte(line('.'))+col('.')-1 if search('^\s*(\*:o\?caml:') let s:modeline = getline(".") else let s:modeline = "" endif if s:s > 0 exe 'goto' s:s endif " Get the indentation params let s:m = matchstr(s:modeline,'default\s*=\s*\d\+') if s:m != "" let s:idef = matchstr(s:m,'\d\+') elseif exists("g:omlet_indent") let s:idef = g:omlet_indent else let s:idef = 2 endif let s:m = matchstr(s:modeline,'struct\s*=\s*\d\+') if s:m != "" let s:i = matchstr(s:m,'\d\+') elseif exists("g:omlet_indent_struct") let s:i = g:omlet_indent_struct else let s:i = s:idef endif " Set the folding method if exists("g:ocaml_folding") setlocal foldmethod=expr setlocal foldexpr=OMLetFoldLevel(v:lnum) endif " - Only definitions below, executed once ------------------------------------- if exists("*OMLetFoldLevel") finish endif function s:topindent(lnum) let l = a:lnum while l > 0 if getline(l) =~ '\s*\%(\\|\\|\\)' return indent(l) endif let l = l-1 endwhile return -s:i endfunction function OMLetFoldLevel(l) " This is for not merging blank lines around folds to them if getline(a:l) !~ '\S' return -1 endif " We start folds for modules, classes, and every toplevel definition if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*\%(\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\|\\)' exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"' endif " Toplevel let are detected thanks to the indentation if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*let\>' && indent(a:l) == s:i+s:topindent(a:l) exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"' endif " We close fold on end which are associated to struct, sig or object. " We use syntax information to do that. if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*end\>' && synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") != "ocamlKeyword" return (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 endif " Folds end on ;; if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*;;' exe 'return "<' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"' endif " Comments around folds aren't merged to them. if synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") == "ocamlComment" return -1 endif return '=' endfunction " Vim support for OCaml .annot files " " Last Change: 2007 Jul 17 " Maintainer: Vincent Aravantinos " License: public domain " " Originally inspired by 'ocaml-dtypes.vim' by Stefano Zacchiroli. " The source code is quite radically different for we not use python anymore. " However this plugin should have the exact same behaviour, that's why the " following lines are the quite exact copy of Stefano's original plugin : " " << " Executing Ocaml_print_type() function will display in the Vim bottom " line(s) the type of an ocaml value getting it from the corresponding .annot " file (if any). If Vim is in visual mode, should be "visual" and the " selected ocaml value correspond to the highlighted text, otherwise ( " can be anything else) it corresponds to the literal found at the current " cursor position. " " Typing 't' (LocalLeader defaults to '\', see :h LocalLeader) " will cause " Ocaml_print_type function to be invoked with the right " argument depending on the current mode (visual or not). " >> " " If you find something not matching this behaviour, please signal it. " " Differences are: " - no need for python support " + plus : more portable " + minus: no more lazy parsing, it looks very fast however " " - ocamlbuild support, ie. " + the plugin finds the _build directory and looks for the " corresponding file inside; " + if the user decides to change the name of the _build directory thanks " to the '-build-dir' option of ocamlbuild, the plugin will manage in " most cases to find it out (most cases = if the source file has a unique " name among your whole project); " + if ocamlbuild is not used, the usual behaviour holds; ie. the .annot " file should be in the same directory as the source file; " + for vim plugin programmers: " the variable 'b:_build_dir' contains the inferred path to the build " directory, even if this one is not named '_build'. " " Bonus : " - latin1 accents are handled " - lists are handled, even on multiple lines, you don't need the visual mode " (the cursor must be on the first bracket) " - parenthesized expressions, arrays, and structures (ie. '(...)', '[|...|]', " and '{...}') are handled the same way " Copied from Stefano's original plugin : " << " .annot ocaml file representation " " File format (copied verbatim from caml-types.el) " " file ::= block * " block ::= position position annotation * " position ::= filename num num num " annotation ::= keyword open-paren data close-paren " " is a space character (ASCII 0x20) " is a line-feed character (ASCII 0x0A) " num is a sequence of decimal digits " filename is a string with the lexical conventions of O'Caml " open-paren is an open parenthesis (ASCII 0x28) " close-paren is a closed parenthesis (ASCII 0x29) " data is any sequence of characters where is always followed by " at least two space characters. " " - in each block, the two positions are respectively the start and the " end of the range described by the block. " - in a position, the filename is the name of the file, the first num " is the line number, the second num is the offset of the beginning " of the line, the third num is the offset of the position itself. " - the char number within the line is the difference between the third " and second nums. " " For the moment, the only possible keyword is \"type\"." " >> " 1. Finding the annotation file even if we use ocamlbuild " In: two strings representing paths " Out: one string representing the common prefix between the two paths function! s:Find_common_path (p1,p2) let temp = a:p2 while matchstr(a:p1,temp) == '' let temp = substitute(temp,'/[^/]*$','','') endwhile return temp endfun " After call: " - b:annot_file_path : " path to the .annot file corresponding to the " source file (dealing with ocamlbuild stuff) " - b:_build_path: " path to the build directory even if this one is " not named '_build' " - b:source_file_relative_path : " relative path of the source file *in* the build " directory ; this is how it is reffered to in the " .annot file function! s:Locate_annotation() if !b:annotation_file_located silent exe 'cd' s:Fnameescape(expand('%:p:h')) let annot_file_name = s:Fnameescape(expand('%:r')).'.annot' " 1st case : the annot file is in the same directory as the buffer (no ocamlbuild) let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'.') if b:annot_file_path != '' let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path let b:_build_path = '' let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%')) else " 2nd case : the buffer and the _build directory are in the same directory " .. " / \ " / \ " _build .ml " let b:_build_path = finddir('_build','.') if b:_build_path != '' let b:_build_path = getcwd().'/'.b:_build_path let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'_build') if b:annot_file_path != '' let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path endif let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%')) else " 3rd case : the _build directory is in a directory higher in the file hierarchy " (it can't be deeper by ocamlbuild requirements) " .. " / \ " / \ " _build ... " \ " \ " .ml " let b:_build_path = finddir('_build',';') if b:_build_path != '' let project_path = substitute(b:_build_path,'/_build$','','') let path_relative_to_project = s:Fnameescape(substitute(expand('%:p:h'),project_path.'/','','')) let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,project_path.'/_build/'.path_relative_to_project) let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(substitute(expand('%:p'),project_path.'/','','')) else let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'**') "4th case : what if the user decided to change the name of the _build directory ? " -> we relax the constraints, it should work in most cases if b:annot_file_path != '' " 4a. we suppose the renamed _build directory is in the current directory let b:_build_path = matchstr(b:annot_file_path,'^[^/]*') if b:annot_file_path != '' let b:annot_file_path = getcwd().'/'.b:annot_file_path let b:_build_path = getcwd().'/'.b:_build_path endif let b:source_file_relative_path = s:Fnameescape(expand('%')) else " 4b. anarchy : the renamed _build directory may be higher in the hierarchy " this will work if the file for which we are looking annotations has a unique name in the whole project " if this is not the case, it may still work, but no warranty here let b:annot_file_path = findfile(annot_file_name,'**;') let project_path = s:Find_common_path(b:annot_file_path,expand('%:p:h')) let b:_build_path = matchstr(b:annot_file_path,project_path.'/[^/]*') let b:source_file_relative_path = substitute(expand('%:p'),project_path.'/','','') endif endif endif endif if b:annot_file_path == '' throw 'E484: no annotation file found' endif silent exe 'cd' '-' let b:annotation_file_located = 1 endif endfun " This in order to locate the .annot file only once let b:annotation_file_located = 0 " 2. Finding the type information in the annotation file " a. The annotation file is opened in vim as a buffer that " should be (almost) invisible to the user. " After call: " The current buffer is now the one containing the .annot file. " We manage to keep all this hidden to the user's eye. function! s:Enter_annotation_buffer() let s:current_pos = getpos('.') let s:current_hidden = &l:hidden set hidden let s:current_buf = bufname('%') if bufloaded(b:annot_file_path) silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' s:Fnameescape(b:annot_file_path) else silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'view' s:Fnameescape(b:annot_file_path) endif endfun " After call: " The original buffer has been restored in the exact same state as before. function! s:Exit_annotation_buffer() silent exe 'keepj keepalt' 'buffer' s:Fnameescape(s:current_buf) let &l:hidden = s:current_hidden call setpos('.',s:current_pos) endfun " After call: " The annot file is loaded and assigned to a buffer. " This also handles the modification date of the .annot file, eg. after a " compilation. function! s:Load_annotation() if bufloaded(b:annot_file_path) && b:annot_file_last_mod < getftime(b:annot_file_path) call s:Enter_annotation_buffer() silent exe "bunload" call s:Exit_annotation_buffer() endif if !bufloaded(b:annot_file_path) call s:Enter_annotation_buffer() setlocal nobuflisted setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nowrite call s:Exit_annotation_buffer() let b:annot_file_last_mod = getftime(b:annot_file_path) endif endfun "b. 'search' and 'match' work to find the type information "In: - lin1,col1: postion of expression first char " - lin2,col2: postion of expression last char "Out: - the pattern to be looked for to find the block " Must be called in the source buffer (use of line2byte) function! s:Block_pattern(lin1,lin2,col1,col2) let start_num1 = a:lin1 let start_num2 = line2byte(a:lin1) - 1 let start_num3 = start_num2 + a:col1 let start_pos = '"'.b:source_file_relative_path.'" '.start_num1.' '.start_num2.' '.start_num3 let end_num1 = a:lin2 let end_num2 = line2byte(a:lin2) - 1 let end_num3 = end_num2 + a:col2 let end_pos = '"'.b:source_file_relative_path.'" '.end_num1.' '.end_num2.' '.end_num3 return '^'.start_pos.' '.end_pos."$" " rq: the '^' here is not totally correct regarding the annot file "grammar" " but currently the annotation file respects this, and it's a little bit faster with the '^'; " can be removed safely. endfun "In: (the cursor position should be at the start of an annotation) "Out: the type information " Must be called in the annotation buffer (use of search) function! s:Match_data() " rq: idem as previously, in the following, the '^' at start of patterns is not necessary keepj while search('^type($','ce',line(".")) == 0 keepj if search('^.\{-}($','e') == 0 throw "no_annotation" endif keepj if searchpair('(','',')') == 0 throw "malformed_annot_file" endif endwhile let begin = line(".") + 1 keepj if searchpair('(','',')') == 0 throw "malformed_annot_file" endif let end = line(".") - 1 return join(getline(begin,end),"\n") endfun "In: the pattern to look for in order to match the block "Out: the type information (calls s:Match_data) " Should be called in the annotation buffer function! s:Extract_type_data(block_pattern) call s:Enter_annotation_buffer() try if search(a:block_pattern,'e') == 0 throw "no_annotation" endif call cursor(line(".") + 1,1) let annotation = s:Match_data() finally call s:Exit_annotation_buffer() endtry return annotation endfun "c. link this stuff with what the user wants " ie. get the expression selected/under the cursor let s:ocaml_word_char = '\w|[À-ÿ]|''' "In: the current mode (eg. "visual", "normal", etc.) "Out: the borders of the expression we are looking for the type function! s:Match_borders(mode) if a:mode == "visual" let cur = getpos(".") normal `< let col1 = col(".") let lin1 = line(".") normal `> let col2 = col(".") let lin2 = line(".") call cursor(cur[1],cur[2]) return [lin1,lin2,col1-1,col2] else let cursor_line = line(".") let cursor_col = col(".") let line = getline('.') if line[cursor_col-1:cursor_col] == '[|' let [lin2,col2] = searchpairpos('\[|','','|\]','n') return [cursor_line,lin2,cursor_col-1,col2+1] elseif line[cursor_col-1] == '[' let [lin2,col2] = searchpairpos('\[','','\]','n') return [cursor_line,lin2,cursor_col-1,col2] elseif line[cursor_col-1] == '(' let [lin2,col2] = searchpairpos('(','',')','n') return [cursor_line,lin2,cursor_col-1,col2] elseif line[cursor_col-1] == '{' let [lin2,col2] = searchpairpos('{','','}','n') return [cursor_line,lin2,cursor_col-1,col2] else let [lin1,col1] = searchpos('\v%('.s:ocaml_word_char.'|\.)*','ncb') let [lin2,col2] = searchpos('\v%('.s:ocaml_word_char.'|\.)*','nce') if col1 == 0 || col2 == 0 throw "no_expression" endif return [cursor_line,cursor_line,col1-1,col2] endif endif endfun "In: the current mode (eg. "visual", "normal", etc.) "Out: the type information (calls s:Extract_type_data) function! s:Get_type(mode) let [lin1,lin2,col1,col2] = s:Match_borders(a:mode) return s:Extract_type_data(s:Block_pattern(lin1,lin2,col1,col2)) endfun "d. main "In: the current mode (eg. "visual", "normal", etc.) "After call: the type information is displayed if !exists("*Ocaml_get_type") function Ocaml_get_type(mode) call s:Locate_annotation() call s:Load_annotation() return s:Get_type(a:mode) endfun endif if !exists("*Ocaml_get_type_or_not") function Ocaml_get_type_or_not(mode) let t=reltime() try return Ocaml_get_type(a:mode) catch return "" endtry endfun endif if !exists("*Ocaml_print_type") function Ocaml_print_type(mode) if expand("%:e") == "mli" echohl ErrorMsg | echo "No annotations for interface (.mli) files" | echohl None return endif try echo Ocaml_get_type(a:mode) catch /E484:/ echohl ErrorMsg | echo "No type annotations (.annot) file found" | echohl None catch /no_expression/ echohl ErrorMsg | echo "No expression found under the cursor" | echohl None catch /no_annotation/ echohl ErrorMsg | echo "No type annotation found for the given text" | echohl None catch /malformed_annot_file/ echohl ErrorMsg | echo "Malformed .annot file" | echohl None endtry endfun endif " Maps map t :call Ocaml_print_type("normal") vmap t :call Ocaml_print_type("visual")`< let &cpoptions=s:cposet unlet s:cposet " vim:sw=2 fdm=indent