" Vim filetype plugin file " Language: Kimwitu++ " Maintainer: Michael Piefel " Last Change: 10 December 2011 " Behaves almost like C++ runtime! ftplugin/cpp.vim ftplugin/cpp_*.vim ftplugin/cpp/*.vim let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Limit the browser to related files if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter") let b:browsefilter = "Kimwitu/Kimwitu++ Files (*.k)\t*.k\n" . \ "Lex/Flex Files (*.l)\t*.l\n" . \ "Yacc/Bison Files (*.y)\t*.y\n" . \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n" endif " Set the errorformat for the Kimwitu++ compiler set efm+=kc%.%#:\ error\ at\ %f:%l:\ %m let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save