*sponsor.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2023 Mar 24 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar SPONSOR VIM DEVELOPMENT *sponsor* Fixing bugs and adding new features takes a lot of time and effort. To show your appreciation for the work and motivate developers to continue working on Vim please send a donation. The money you donated will be mainly used to help children in Uganda. See |uganda|. But at the same time donations increase the development team motivation to keep working on Vim! For the most recent information about sponsoring look on the Vim web site: http://www.vim.org/sponsor/ More explanations can be found in the |sponsor-faq|. REGISTERED VIM USER *register* You can become a registered Vim user by sending at least 10 euro. This works similar to sponsoring Vim, see |sponsor| above. Registration was made possible for the situation where your boss or bookkeeper may be willing to register software, but does not like the terms "sponsoring" and "donation". More explanations can be found in the |register-faq|. VOTE FOR FEATURES *vote-for-features* Note: Voting for features has been discontinued since the passing of |Bram| in 2023. The following two links still work, but they are no longer updated. So they now only provide a historic view as of summer 2023. The voting results appear on the results page, which is visible for everybody: http://www.vim.org/sponsor/vote_results.php Additionally, once you have sent 100 euro or more in total, your name appears in the "Vim hall of honour": http://www.vim.org/sponsor/hall_of_honour.php But only if you enable this on your account page. HOW TO SEND MONEY *send-money* Credit card Through PayPal, see the PayPal site for information: https://www.paypal.com/ The e-mail address for sending sponsorship money is: donate@vim.org The e-mail address for Vim registration is: register@vim.org Using Euro is preferred, other currencies are also accepted. In Euro countries a bank transfer is preferred, this has lower costs. Other methods See |iccf-donations|. Include "Vim sponsor" or "Vim registration" in the comment of your money transfer. Send me an e-mail that mentions the amount you transferred if you want to vote for features and show others you are a registered Vim user or sponsor. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS *sponsor-faq* *register-faq* Why should I give money? If you do not show your appreciation for Vim, the development team will be less motivated to fix bugs and add new features. They will do something else instead. How much money should I send? That is up to you. The more you give, the more children will be helped. An indication for individuals that use Vim at home: 10 Euro per year. For professional use: 30 Euro per year per person. Send at least 10 euro to be able to vote for features. How do I become a Vim sponsor or registered Vim user? Send money, as explained above |send-money| and include your e-mail address. When the money has been received you will receive a unique registration key. This key can be used on the Vim website to activate voting on your Vim account. You will then get an extra page where you can vote for features and choose whether others will be able to see that you donated. There is a link to this page on your "My Account" page. What is the difference between sponsoring and registering? It has a different name. Use the term "registration" if your boss doesn't like "sponsoring" or "donation". The benefits are the same. How can I send money? See |send-money|. Check the web site for the most recent information: http://www.vim.org/sponsor/ Why don't you use the SourceForge donation system? SourceForge takes 5% of the donations for themselves. If you want to support SourceForge you can send money to them directly. I cannot afford to send money, may I still use Vim? Yes. I did not register Vim, can I use all available features? Yes. I noticed a bug, do I need to register before I can report it? No, suggestions for improving Vim can always be given. For improvements use the developer |maillist|, for reporting bugs see |bugs|. How about Charityware? Currently the Vim donations go to |uganda| anyway. Thus it doesn't matter if you sponsor Vim or ICCF. Except that Vim sponsoring will allow you to vote for features. I donated $$$, now please add feature XYZ! There is no direct relation between your donation and the work developers does. Otherwise you would be paying for work and we would have to pay tax over the donation. If you want to hire one of the developers for specific work, contact them directly, don't use the donation system. Are the donations tax deductible? That depends on your country. The donations to help the children in |Uganda| are tax deductible in Holland, Germany, Canada and in the USA. See the ICCF website http://iccf-holland.org/donate.html. Can you send me a bill? No, because there is no relation between the money you send and the work that is done. But a receipt is possible. vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: