*pi_netrw.txt* For Vim version 6.2. Last change: Jun 15, 2004 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Charles E. Campbell, Jr. *dav* *http* *network* *rcp* *scp* *fetch* *netrw* *Nread* *rsync* *sftp* *ftp* *netrw.vim* *Nwrite* *netrw-file* ============================================================================== 0. Contents *netrw-contents* 1. Netrw Reference.....................................|netrw-ref| 2. Network-Oriented File Transfer......................|netrw-xfer| 3. Activation..........................................|netrw-activate| 4. Transparent File Transfer...........................|netrw-transparent| 5. Ex Commands.........................................|netrw-ex| 6. Variables and Options...............................|netrw-var| 7. Remote Directory Listing............................|netrw-dir| 8. Debugging...........................................|netrw-debug| 9. History.............................................|netrw-history| 10. Credits.............................................|netrw-credits| The functionality mentioned here is done via using |standard-plugin| techniques. This plugin is only available if set nocp " 'compatible' is not set filetype plugin on " plugins are enabled You can avoid loading this plugin by setting the "loaded_netrw" variable in your <.vimrc> file: > :let loaded_netrw = 1 {Vi does not have any of this} ============================================================================== 1. Netrw Reference *netrw-ref* OPTIONS let g:netrw_ftp =0 use ftp (default) (uid password) =1 use alternate ftp method (user uid password) If you're having trouble with ftp, try changing the value of this variable in your <.vimrc> to change methods let g:netrw_ignorenetrc= 1 If you have a <.netrc> file but it doesn't work and you want it ignored, then set this variable as shown. Its mere existence is enough to cause <.netrc> to be ignored. Controlling External Applications Protocol Variable Default Value -------- ---------------- ------------- dav: g:netrw_dav_cmd = "cadaver" fetch: g:netrw_fetch_cmd = "fetch -o" ftp: g:netrw_ftp_cmd = "ftp" http: g:netrw_http_cmd = "fetch -o" if fetch is available http: g:netrw_http_cmd = "wget -q -O" If wget is available rcp: g:netrw_rcp_cmd = "rcp" rsync: g:netrw_rsync_cmd = "rsync -a" scp: g:netrw_scp_cmd = "scp -q" sftp: g:netrw_sftp_cmd = "sftp" READING :Nread ? give help :Nread "machine:file" uses rcp :Nread "machine file" uses ftp with <.netrc> :Nread "machine id password file" uses ftp :Nread "dav://machine[:port]/file" uses cadaver :Nread "fetch://[user@]machine/file" uses fetch :Nread "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/file" uses ftp autodetects <.netrc> :Nread "http://[user@]machine/file" uses http uses wget :Nread "rcp://[user@]machine/file" uses rcp :Nread "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/file" uses rsync :Nread "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/file" uses scp :Nread "sftp://[user@]machine/file" uses sftp WRITING :Nwrite ? give help :Nwrite "machine:file" uses rcp :Nwrite "machine file" uses ftp with <.netrc> :Nwrite "machine id password file" uses ftp :Nwrite "dav://machine[:port]/file" uses cadaver :Nwrite "ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/file" uses ftp autodetects <.netrc> :Nwrite "rcp://[user@]machine/file" uses rcp :Nwrite "rsync://[user@]machine[:port]/file" uses rsync :Nwrite "scp://[user@]machine[[:#]port]/file" uses scp :Nwrite "sftp://[user@]machine/file" uses sftp http: not supported! DIRECTORY LISTING :Nread [protocol]://[user]@hostname/path/ USER AND PASSWORD CHANGING Attempts to use ftp will prompt you for a user-id and a password. These will be saved in g:netrw_uid and g:netrw_passwd Subsequent uses of ftp will re-use those. If you need to use a different user id and/or password, you'll want to call NetUserPass() first. :NetUserPass [uid [password]] -- prompts as needed :call NetUserPass() -- prompts for uid and password :call NetUserPass("uid") -- prompts for password :call NetUserPass("uid","password") -- sets global uid and password VARIABLES b:netrw_lastfile last file Network-read/written retained on a per-buffer basis (supports plain :Nw ) s:netrw_line during Nw/NetWrite, holds current line number s:netrw_col during Nw/NetWrite, holds current column number s:netrw_line and s:netrw_col are used to restore the cursor position on writes g:netrw_ftp if it doesn't exist, use default ftp =0 use default ftp (uid password) =1 use alternate ftp method (user uid password) g:netrw_ftpmode ="binary" (default) ="ascii" (or your choice) g:netrw_uid (ftp) user-id, retained on a per-session basis g:netrw_passwd (ftp) password, retained on a per-session basis g:netrw_win95ftp =0 use unix-style ftp even if win95/win98/winME =1 use default method to do ftp g:netrw_cygwin =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin (default if windows) =0 assume scp under windows accepts windows-style paths (default otherwise) g:netrw_use_nt_rcp=0 don't use the rcp of WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP (default) =1 use the rcp of WinNT,... in binary mode ============================================================================== 2. Network-Oriented File Transfer *netrw-xfer* Network-oriented file transfer under Vim is implemented by a VimL-based script () using plugin techniques. It currently supports both reading and writing across networks using rcp, scp, ftp or ftp+<.netrc>, scp, fetch, dav/cadaver, rsync, or sftp. http is currently supported read-only via use of wget or fetch. is a standard plugin which acts as glue between Vim and the various file transfer programs. It uses autocommand events (BufReadCmd, FileReadCmd, BufWriteCmd) to intercept reads/writes with url-like filenames. > ex. vim ftp://hostname/path/to/file < The characters preceding the colon specify the protocol to use; in the example, its ftp. The script then formulates a command or a series of commands (typically ftp) which it issues to an external program (ftp, scp, etc) which does the actual file transfer/protocol. Files are read from/written to a temporary file (under Unix/Linux, /tmp/...) which the script will clean up. One may modify any protocol's implementing external application by settinbg a variable (ex. scp uses the variable g:netrw_scp_cmd, which is defaulted to "scp -q"). Ftp, an old protocol, seems to be blessed by numerous implementations. Unfortunately, some implementations are noisy (ie., add junk to the end of the file). Thus, concerned users may decide to write a NetReadFixup() function that will clean up after reading with their ftp. Some Unix systems (ie., FreeBSD) provide a utility called "fetch" which uses the ftp protocol but is not noisy and more convenient, actually, for to use. Consequently, if "fetch" is executable, it will be used to do reads for ftp://... (and http://...) . See |netrw-var| for more about this. For rcp, scp, sftp, and http, one may use network-oriented file transfers transparently; ie. > vim rcp://[user@]machine/path vim scp://[user@]machine/path < If your ftp supports <.netrc>, then it too can be just as transparently used if the needed triad of machine name, user id, and password are present in that file. Your ftp must be able to use the <.netrc> file on its own, however. > vim ftp://[user@]machine[[:#]portnumber]/path < However, ftp will often need to query the user for the userid and password. The latter will be done "silently"; ie. asterisks will show up instead of the actually-typed-in password. Netrw will retain the userid and password for subsequent read/writes from the most recent transfer so subsequent transfers (read/write) to or from that machine will take place without additional prompting. *netrw-urls* +=================================+============================+============+ | Reading | Writing | Uses | +=================================+============================+============+ | DAV: | | | | dav://host/path | | cadaver | | :Nread dav://host/path | :Nwrite dav://host/path | cadaver | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | FETCH: | | | | fetch://[user@]host/path | | | | fetch://[user@]host:http/path | Not Available | fetch | | :Nread fetch://[user@]host/path| | | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | FILE: | | | | file:///* | file:///* | | | file://localhost/* | file://localhost/* | | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | FTP: (*3) | (*3) | | | ftp://[user@]host/path | ftp://[user@]host/path | ftp (*2) | | :Nread ftp://host/path | :Nwrite ftp://host/path | ftp+.netrc | | :Nread host path | :Nwrite host path | ftp+.netrc | | :Nread host uid pass path | :Nwrite host uid pass path | ftp | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | HTTP: wget is executable: (*4) | | | | http://[user@]host/path | Not Available | wget | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | HTTP: fetch is executable (*4) | | | | http://[user@]host/path | Not Available | fetch | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | RCP: | | | | rcp://[user@]host/path | rcp://[user@]host/path | rcp | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | RSYNC: | | | | rsync://[user@]host/path | rsync://[user@]host/path | rsync | | :Nread rsync://host/path | :Nwrite rsync://host/path | rsync | | :Nread rcp://host/path | :Nwrite rcp://host/path | rcp | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | SCP: | | | | scp://[user@]host/path | scp://[user@]host/path | scp | | :Nread scp://host/path | :Nwrite scp://host/path | scp (*1) | +---------------------------------+----------------------------+------------+ | SFTP: | | | | sftp://[user@]host/path | sftp://[user@]host/path | sftp | | :Nread sftp://host/path | :Nwrite sftp://host/path | sftp (*1) | +=================================+============================+============+ (*1) For an absolute path use scp://machine//path. (*2) if <.netrc> is present, it is assumed that it will work with your ftp client. Otherwise the script will prompt for user-id and pasword. (*3) for ftp, "machine" may be machine#port or machine:port if a different port is needed than the standard ftp port (*4) for http:..., if wget is available it will be used. Otherwise, if fetch is available it will be used. Both the :Nread and the :Nwrite ex-commands can accept multiple filenames. NETRC *netrw-netrc* The typical syntax for lines in a <.netrc> file is given as shown below. Ftp under Unix usually support <.netrc>; Windows' ftp usually doesn't. > machine {full machine name} login {user-id} password "{password}" default login {user-id} password "{password}" Your ftp client must handle the use of <.netrc> on its own, but if the <.netrc> file exists, an ftp transfer will not ask for the user-id or password. Note: Since this file contains passwords, make very sure nobody else can read this file! Most programs will refuse to use a .netrc that is readable for others. Don't forget that the system administrator can still read the file! PASSWORD *netrw-passwd* The script attempts to get passwords for ftp invisibly using |inputsecret()|, a built-in Vim function. See |netrw-uidpass| for how to change the password after one has set it. Unfortunately there doesn't appear to be a way for netrw to feed a password to scp. Thus every transfer via scp will require re-entry of the password. ============================================================================== 3. Activation *netrw-activate* Network-oriented file transfers are available by default whenever |'nocompatible'| mode is enabled. The file resides in your system's vim-plugin directory and is sourced automatically whenever you bring up vim. ============================================================================== 4. Transparent File Transfer *netrw-transparent* Transparent file transfers occur whenever a regular file read or write (invoked via an |:autocmd| for |BufReadCmd| or |BufWriteCmd| events) is made. Thus one may use files across networks as if they were local. > vim ftp://[user@]machine/path ... :wq ============================================================================== 5. Ex Commands *netrw-ex* The usual read/write commands are supported. There are also a couple of additional commands available. :[range]Nw Write the specified lines to the current file as specified in b:netrw_lastfile. :[range]Nw {netfile} [{netfile}]... Write the specified lines to the {netfile}. :Nread Read the specified lines into the current buffer from the file specified in b:netrw_lastfile. :Nread {netfile} {netfile}... Read the {netfile} after the current line. *netrw-uidpass* :call NetUserPass() If b:netrw_uid and b:netrw_passwd don't exist, this function query the user for them. :call NetUserPass("userid") This call will set the b:netrw_uid and, if the password doesn't exist, will query the user for it. :call NetUserPass("userid","passwd") This call will set both the b:netrw_uid and b:netrw_passwd. The user-id and password are used by ftp transfers. One may effectively remove the user-id and password by using "" strings. ============================================================================== 6. Variables and Options *netrw-options* *netrw-var* The script uses several variables which can affect 's behavior. These variables typically may be set in the user's <.vimrc> file: > ------------- Netrw Options ------------- Option Meaning -------------- ----------------------------------------------- < b:netrw_col Holds current cursor position (during NetWrite) g:netrw_cygwin =1 assume scp under windows is from cygwin (default/windows) =0 assume scp under windows accepts windows style paths (default/else) g:netrw_ftp =0 use default ftp (uid password) g:netrw_ftpmode ="binary" (default) ="ascii" (your choice) g:netrw_ignorenetrc =1 (default) if you have a <.netrc> file but you don't want it used, then set this variable. Its mere existence is enough to cause <.netrc> to be ignored. b:netrw_lastfile Holds latest method/machine/path. b:netrw_line Holds current line number (during NetWrite) g:netrw_passwd Holds current password for ftp. g:netrw_silent =0 transfers done normally =1 transfers done silently g:netrw_uid Holds current user-id for ftp. =1 use alternate ftp (user uid password) (see |netrw-options|) g:netrw_use_nt_rcp =0 don't use WinNT/2K/XP's rcp (default) =1 use WinNT/2K/XP's rcp, binary mode g:netrw_win95ftp =0 use unix-style ftp even if win95/98/ME/etc =1 use default method to do ftp > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- < The script will also make use of the following variables internally, albeit temporarily. > ------------------- Temporary Variables ------------------- Variable Meaning -------- ------------------------------------ < g:netrw_method Index indicating rcp/ftp+.netrc/ftp g:netrw_machine Holds machine name parsed from input g:netrw_fname Holds filename being accessed > ------------------------------------------------------------ < *netrw-protocol* Netrw supports a number of protocols. These protocols are invoked using the variables listed below, and may be modified by the user. > ------------------------ Protocol Control Options ------------------------ Option Type Setting Meaning --------- -------- -------------- --------------------------- < netrw_ftp variable =doesn't exist userid set by "user userid" =0 userid set by "user userid" =1 userid set by "userid" NetReadFixup function =doesn't exist no change =exists Allows user to have files read via ftp automatically transformed however they wish by NetReadFixup() g:netrw_dav_cmd variable ="cadaver" g:netrw_fetch_cmd variable ="fetch -o" g:netrw_ftp_cmd variable ="ftp" g:netrw_http_cmd variable ="fetch -o" else if fetch is executable g:netrw_http_cmd variable ="wget -O" if wget is executable g:netrw_list_cmd variable ="ssh HOSTNAME ls -Fa" g:netrw_rcp_cmd variable ="rcp" g:netrw_rsync_cmd variable ="rsync -a" g:netrw_scp_cmd variable ="scp -q" g:netrw_sftp_cmd variable ="sftp" > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- < The first two options both help with certain ftp's that give trouble otherwise. In order to best understand how to use these options if ftp is giving you troubles, a bit of discussion follows on how netrw does ftp reads. The g:netrw_..._cmd variables specify the external program to use handle the associated protocol (rcp, ftp, etc), plus any options. The g:netrw_list_cmd's HOSTNAME entry will be changed via substitution with whatever the current request is for a hostname. For ftp, netrw typically builds up lines of one of the following formats in a temporary file: > IF g:netrw_ftp !exists or is not 1 IF g:netrw_ftp exists and is 1 ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ < open machine [port] open machine [port] user userid password userid password [g:netrw_ftpmode] password get filename tempfile [g:netrw_ftpmode] get filename tempfile > --------------------------------------------------------------------- < Netrw then executes the lines above by use of a filter: > :%! {g:netrw_ftp_cmd} -i [-n] < where g:netrw_ftp_cmd is usually "ftp", -i tells ftp not to be interactive -n means don't use netrc and is used for Method #3 (ftp w/o <.netrc>) If <.netrc> exists it will be used to avoid having to query the user for userid and password. The transferred file is put into a temporary file. The temporary file is then read into the main editing session window that requested it and the temporary file deleted. If your ftp doesn't accept the "user" command and immediately just demands a userid, then try putting "let netrw_ftp=1" in your <.vimrc>. *netrw-fixup* If your ftp for whatever reason generates unwanted lines (such as AUTH messages) you may write a NetReadFixup(tmpfile) function: > function! NetReadFixup(method,line1,line2) " a:line1: first new line in current file " a:line2: last new line in current file if a:method == 1 "rcp elseif a:method == 2 "ftp + <.netrc> elseif a:method == 3 "ftp + machine,uid,password,filename elseif a:method == 4 "scp elseif a:method == 5 "http/wget elseif a:method == 6 "dav/cadaver elseif a:method == 7 "rsync elseif a:method == 8 "fetch elseif a:method == 9 "sftp else " complain endif endfunction > The NetReadFixup() function will be called if it exists and thus allows you to customize your reading process. As a further example, contains just such a function to handle Windows 95 ftp. For whatever reason, Windows 95's ftp dumps four blank lines at the end of a transfer, and so it is desirable to automate their removal. Here's some code taken from itself: > if has("win95") && g:netrw_win95ftp fun! NetReadFixup(method, line1, line2) if method == 3 " ftp (no <.netrc>) let fourblanklines= line2 - 3 silent fourblanklines.",".line2."g/^\s*/d" endif endfunction endif > ============================================================================== 7. Remote Directory Listing *netrw-dir* *netrw-list* Netrw supports listing (browsing) directories on remote hosts; simply attempt to read a "file" with a trailing slash and it will be interpreted as a request to browse a directory: vim [protocol]://[user@]hostname/path/ Netrw will modify the command in g:netrw_list to perform the directory listing operation. By default the command is: ssh HOSTNAME ls -Fa where the HOSTNAME becomes the hostname as requested by the attempted read. Naturally, the user may override this command with whatever is preferred. The NetList function which implements remote directory browsing expects that directories will be flagged by a trailing slash. Browsing is simple: move the cursor onto a file or directory of interest. Hitting the (the return key) will select the file or directory. Directories will themselves be listed, and files will be opened using the protocol given in the original read request. ============================================================================== 8. Debugging *netrw-debug* The script is typically available as: /usr/local/share/vim/vim6x/plugin/netrw.vim which is loaded automatically at startup (assuming :set nocp). 1. Get the script, available as: http://mysite.verizon.net/astronaut/vim/index.html#vimlinks_scripts as "Decho, a vimL debugging aid" or http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=120 and put it into your local plugin directory 2. Edit the file as follows: :DechoOn (to restore to normal, use :DechoOff ) 3. Then bring up vim and attempt a transfer. A set of messages should appear concerning the steps that took in attempting to read/write your file over the network. Please send that information to 's maintainer, drchipNOSPAM at campbellfamily.biz - NOSPAM ============================================================================== 9. History *netrw-history* v46: * now handles remote directory browsing * g:netrw_silent (if 1) will cause all transfers to be silent'd v45: * made the [user@]hostname:path form a bit more restrictive to better handle errors in using protocols (e.g. scp:usr@host:file was being recognized as an rcp request) v44: * changed from "rsync -a" to just "rsync" * somehow an editing error messed up the test to recognize use of the fetch method for NetRead. * more debugging statements included v43: * moved "Explanation" comments to help file as "Network Reference" (|netrw-ref|) * now uses Dfunc() Decho() and Dret() for debugging * removed superfluous NetRestorePosn() calls v42: * now does BufReadPre and BufReadPost events on file:///* and file://localhost/* v41: * installed file:///* and file://localhost/* handling v40: * prevents redraw when a protocol error occurs so that the user may see it v39: * sftp support v38: * Now uses NetRestorePosn() calls with Nread/Nwrite commands * Temporary files now removed via bwipe! instead of bwipe (thanks to Dave Roberts) v37: * Claar's modifications which test if ftp is successful, otherwise give an error message * After a read, the alternate file was pointing to the temp file. The temp file buffer is now wiped out. * removed silent from transfer methods so user can see what's happening ============================================================================== 10. Credits *netrw-credits* Vim editor by Bram Moolenaar (Thanks, Bram!) dav support by C Campbell fetch support by Bram Moolenaar and C Campbell ftp support by C Campbell - NOSPAM http support by Bram Moolenaar rcp rsync support by C Campbell (suggested by Erik Warendorph) scp support by raf sftp support by C Campbell inputsecret(), BufReadCmd, BufWriteCmd contributed by C Campbell Jérôme Augé -- also using new buffer method with ftp+.netrc Bram Moolenaar -- obviously vim itself, :e and v:cmdarg use, fetch,... Yasuhiro Matsumoto -- pointing out undo+0r problem and a solution Erik Warendorph -- for several suggestions (g:netrw_..._cmd variables, rsync etc) Doug Claar -- modifications to test for success with ftp operation ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: