*os_mac.txt* For Vim version 7.0aa. Last change: 2004 Jul 19 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar et al. *mac* *Mac* *macintosh* *Macintosh* This file documents the particularities of the Macintosh version of Vim. NOTE: This file is a bit outdated. You might find more useful info here: http://macvim.org/ 1. Filename Convention |mac-filename| 2. .vimrc an .vim files |mac-vimfile| 3. FAQ |mac-faq| 4. Known Lack |mac-lack| 5. Mac Bug Report |mac-bug| 6. Compiling Vim |mac-compile| There was a Mac port for version 3.0 of Vim. Here are the first few lines from the old file: VIM Release Notes Initial Macintosh release, VIM version 3.0 19 October 1994 Eric Fischer , , 5759 N. Guilford Ave Indianapolis IN 46220 USA ============================================================================== 1. Filename Convention *mac-filename* You can use either the unix or mac path separator or a mix of both. In order to determine if the specified filename is relative to the current folder or absolute (i.e. relative to the "Desktop"), the following algorithm is used: If the path start by a "/", the path is absolute If the path start by a ":", the path is relative If the path doesn't start by neither a "/" nor ":", and a ":" is found before a "/" then the path is absolute > :e /HD/text :e HD:text < Edit the file "text" of the disk "HD" > :e :src:main.c :e src/main.c < Edit the file "main.c" in the folder "src" in the current folder > :e os_mac.c < Edit the file "os_mac.c" in the current folder. You can use the |$VIM| and |$VIMRUNTIME| variable. > :so $VIMRUNTIME:syntax:syntax.vim ============================================================================== 2. .vimrc and .vim files *mac-vimfile* On the Mac files starting with a dot "." are discouraged, thus the rc files are named "vimrc" or "_vimrc" and "gvimrc" or "_gvimrc". These files can be in any format (mac, dos or unix). Vim can handle any file format when the |'nocompatible'| option is set, otherwise it will only handle mac format files. ============================================================================== 3. Mac FAQ *mac-faq* Q: I can't enter non-ASCII character in Apple Terminal. A: Under Window Settings, Emulation, make sure that "Escape non-ASCII characters" is not checked. ============================================================================== 4. Mac Lack *mac-lack* The filenames containing both ":" and "/" are sometimes misinterpreted. (just re-execute the command) Scrollbar are not scrolling live, and when only the arrow or scroll area, a limit of 32 line or page is scrolled. Syntax highlighting works on 68k Macs but is _really_ slow. In a terminal CTRL-^ needs to be entered as Shift-Control-6. CTRL-@ as Shift-Control-2. ============================================================================== 5. Mac Bug Report *mac-bug* When reporting any Mac specific bug or feature change, please use the vim-mac maillist |vim-mac|. However, you need to be subscribed. An alternative is to send a message to the current MacVim maintainers: mac@vim.org ============================================================================== 6. Compiling Vim *mac-compile* See the file "src/INSTALLmac.txt" that comes with the source files. vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: