diff options
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/up.go b/up.go
index d3f733a..ea594bd 100644
--- a/up.go
+++ b/up.go
@@ -33,204 +33,254 @@ import (
+// TODO: properly handle fully consumed buffers, to enable piping into `wc -l` or `uniq -c` etc.
+// TODO: readme, asciinema
+// TODO: on github: add issues, incl. up-for-grabs / help-wanted
+// TODO: [LATER] make it work on Windows; maybe with mattn/go-shellwords ?
+// TODO: [LATER] Ctrl-O shows input via `less` or $PAGER
+// TODO: properly show all licenses of dependencies on --version
+// TODO: [LATER] allow increasing size of input buffer with some key
+// TODO: [LATER] on ^X, leave TUI and run the command through buffered input, then unpause rest of input
+// TODO: [LATER] allow adding more elements of pipeline (initially, just writing `foo | bar` should work)
+// TODO: [LATER] allow invocation with partial command, like: `up grep -i`
+// TODO: [LATER][MAYBE] allow reading scripts
+// TODO: [LATER] auto-save and/or save on Ctrl-S or something
+// TODO: [MUCH LATER] readline-like rich editing support? and completion?
+// TODO: [MUCH LATER] integration with fzf? and pindexis/marker?
+// TODO: [LATER] forking and unforking pipelines
+// TODO: [LATER] capture output of a running process (see:
+// TODO: [LATER] richer TUI:
+// - show # of read lines & kbytes
+// - show status (errorlevel) of process, or that it's still running (also with background colors)
+// - show if we've read whole stdin, or it's still not EOF
+// - allow copying and pasting to/from command line
+// - show help by default, including key to disable it (F1, Alt-h)
+// TODO: [LATER] allow connecting external editor (become server/engine via e.g. socket)
+// TODO: [LATER] become pluggable into
+// TODO: [LATER][MAYBE] allow "plugins" ("combos" - commands with default options) e.g. for Lua `lua -e`+auto-quote, etc.
+// TODO: [LATER] make it more friendly to infrequent Linux users by providing "descriptive" commands like "search" etc.
+// TODO: [LATER] advertise on: HN, r/programming, r/golang, r/commandline, r/linux,; data exploration? data science?
func main() {
- // TODO: Without below block, we'd hang with no piped input (see, mattn/gof, fzf, etc.)
- if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error: up requires some data piped on standard input, e.g.: `echo hello world | up`")
- os.Exit(1)
- }
+ // Handle command-line flags
+ parseFlags()
- // Init TUI code
- // TODO: maybe try gocui or tcell?
- tui, err := tcell.NewScreen()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- err = tui.Init()
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
+ // Initialize TUI infrastructure
+ tui := initTUI()
defer tui.Fini()
+ // Initialize 2 main UI parts
var (
- editor = NewEditor("| ")
- lastCommand = ""
- subprocess *Subprocess
- inputBuf = NewBuf()
- buf = inputBuf
- bufView = BufView{}
- bufY = 1
+ // The top line of the TUI is an editable command, which will be used
+ // as a pipeline for data we read from stdin
+ commandEditor = NewEditor("| ")
+ // The rest of the screen is a view of the results of the command
+ commandOutput = BufView{ScreenY: 1}
- const (
- xscroll = 8
- )
- // In background, start collecting input from stdin to internal buffer of size 40 MB, then pause it
- go inputBuf.Collect(os.Stdin, func() {
- tui.PostEvent(tcell.NewEventInterrupt(nil))
- })
+ _, screenH := tui.Size()
+ commandOutput.H = screenH - commandOutput.ScreenY
- log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard)
- if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "--debug" {
- debug, err := os.Create("up.debug")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- log.SetOutput(debug)
- }
+ // Initialize main data flow
+ var (
+ stdinCapture = NewBuf().StartCapturing(os.Stdin, func() {
+ // When some new data shows up on stdin, we raise a custom signal,
+ // so further down we will know to refresh commandOutput
+ tui.PostEvent(tcell.NewEventInterrupt(nil))
+ })
+ // Initially, no subprocess is running, as no command is entered yet
+ commandSubprocess *Subprocess = nil
+ )
+ // Intially, for user's convenience, show the raw input data, as if `cat` command was typed
+ commandOutput.Buf = stdinCapture
// Main loop
+ lastCommand := ""
for {
- // Run command automatically in background if user edited it (and kill previous command)
- // TODO: allow stopping/restarting this behavior via Ctrl-Enter
- // TODO: allow stopping this behavior via Ctrl-C (and killing current command), but invent some nice way to quit then
- command := editor.String()
+ // If user edited the command, immediately run it in background, and
+ // kill the previously running command.
+ command := commandEditor.String()
if command != lastCommand {
- lastCommand = command
- subprocess.Kill()
+ commandSubprocess.Kill()
if command != "" {
- subprocess = StartSubprocess(inputBuf, command, func() {
+ // TODO: wrap the PostEvent in some helper named func
+ commandSubprocess = StartSubprocess(command, stdinCapture, func() {
- buf = subprocess.Buf
+ commandOutput.Buf = commandSubprocess.Buf
} else {
// If command is empty, show original input data again (~ equivalent of typing `cat`)
- subprocess = nil
- buf = inputBuf
+ commandSubprocess = nil
+ commandOutput.Buf = stdinCapture
+ lastCommand = command
- // Draw command input line
- editor.Draw(tui, 0, 0, true)
- buf.Draw(tui, bufY, bufView)
+ // Draw UI
+ commandEditor.Draw(tui, 0, 0, true)
+ commandOutput.Draw(tui)
- // Handle events
+ // Handle UI events
switch ev := tui.PollEvent().(type) {
+ // Key pressed
case *tcell.EventKey:
- // handle command-line editing keys
- if editor.HandleKey(ev) {
- continue main_loop
+ // Is it a command editor key?
+ if commandEditor.HandleKey(ev) {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Is it a command output view key?
+ if commandOutput.HandleKey(ev) {
+ continue
- // handle other keys
- switch (keymod{ev.Key(), ev.Modifiers()}) {
- case keymod{tcell.KeyCtrlC, 0},
- keymod{tcell.KeyCtrlC, tcell.ModCtrl}:
- // quit
+ // Some other global key combinations
+ switch getKey(ev) {
+ case key(tcell.KeyCtrlC),
+ ctrlKey(tcell.KeyCtrlC):
+ // Quit
+ // TODO: print the command in case user did this accidentally
- case keymod{tcell.KeyCtrlX, 0},
- keymod{tcell.KeyCtrlX, tcell.ModCtrl}:
- // write script and quit
- writeScript(editor.String(), tui)
+ case key(tcell.KeyCtrlX),
+ ctrlKey(tcell.KeyCtrlX):
+ // Write script '' and quit
+ writeScript(commandEditor.String(), tui)
- // TODO: move buf scroll handlers to Buf or BufView struct
- case keymod{tcell.KeyUp, 0}:
- bufView.Y--
- bufView.NormalizeY(buf.Lines())
- case keymod{tcell.KeyDown, 0}:
- bufView.Y++
- bufView.NormalizeY(buf.Lines())
- case keymod{tcell.KeyPgDn, 0}:
- // TODO: in top-right corner of Buf area, draw current line number & total # of lines
- _, h := tui.Size()
- bufView.Y += h - bufY - 1
- bufView.NormalizeY(buf.Lines())
- case keymod{tcell.KeyPgUp, 0}:
- _, h := tui.Size()
- bufView.Y -= h - bufY - 1
- bufView.NormalizeY(buf.Lines())
- case keymod{tcell.KeyLeft, tcell.ModAlt},
- keymod{tcell.KeyLeft, tcell.ModCtrl}:
- bufView.X -= xscroll
- if bufView.X < 0 {
- bufView.X = 0
- }
- case keymod{tcell.KeyRight, tcell.ModAlt},
- keymod{tcell.KeyRight, tcell.ModCtrl}:
- bufView.X += xscroll
- case keymod{tcell.KeyHome, tcell.ModAlt},
- keymod{tcell.KeyHome, tcell.ModCtrl}:
- bufView.X = 0
- // TODO: properly handle fully consumed buffers, to enable piping into `wc -l` or `uniq -c` etc.
- // TODO: readme, asciinema
- // TODO: on github: add issues, incl. up-for-grabs / help-wanted
- // TODO: [LATER] make it work on Windows; maybe with mattn/go-shellwords ?
- // TODO: [LATER] Ctrl-O shows input via `less` or $PAGER
- // TODO: properly show all licenses of dependencies on --version
- // TODO: [LATER] allow increasing size of input buffer with some key
- // TODO: [LATER] on ^X, leave TUI and run the command through buffered input, then unpause rest of input
- // TODO: [LATER] allow adding more elements of pipeline (initially, just writing `foo | bar` should work)
- // TODO: [LATER] allow invocation with partial command, like: `up grep -i`
- // TODO: [LATER][MAYBE] allow reading scripts
- // TODO: [LATER] auto-save and/or save on Ctrl-S or something
- // TODO: [MUCH LATER] readline-like rich editing support? and completion?
- // TODO: [MUCH LATER] integration with fzf? and pindexis/marker?
- // TODO: [LATER] forking and unforking pipelines
- // TODO: [LATER] capture output of a running process (see:
- // TODO: [LATER] richer TUI:
- // - show # of read lines & kbytes
- // - show status (errorlevel) of process, or that it's still running (also with background colors)
- // - allow copying and pasting to/from command line
- // TODO: [LATER] allow connecting external editor (become server/engine via e.g. socket)
- // TODO: [LATER] become pluggable into
- // TODO: [LATER][MAYBE] allow "plugins" ("combos" - commands with default options) e.g. for Lua `lua -e`+auto-quote, etc.
- // TODO: [LATER] make it more friendly to infrequent Linux users by providing "descriptive" commands like "search" etc.
- // TODO: [LATER] advertise on: HN, r/programming, r/golang, r/commandline, r/linux,; data exploration? data science?
+func parseFlags() {
+ log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard)
+ if len(os.Args) > 1 && os.Args[1] == "--debug" {
+ debug, err := os.Create("up.debug")
+ if err != nil {
+ die(err.Error())
+ }
+ log.SetOutput(debug)
+ }
-type Buf struct {
- bytes []byte
+func initTUI() tcell.Screen {
+ // TODO: Without below block, we'd hang when nothing is piped on input (see
+ //, mattn/gof, fzf, etc.)
+ if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) {
+ die("up requires some data piped on standard input, for example try: `echo hello world | up`")
+ }
- mu sync.Mutex // guards the following fields
- cond *sync.Cond
- // NOTE: n and eof can be written only by Collect
- n int
- eof bool
+ // Init TUI code
+ // TODO: maybe try gocui or termbox?
+ tui, err := tcell.NewScreen()
+ if err != nil {
+ die(err.Error())
+ }
+ err = tui.Init()
+ if err != nil {
+ die(err.Error())
+ }
+ return tui
-func NewBuf() *Buf {
- const bufsize = 40 * 1024 * 1024 // 40 MB
- buf := &Buf{bytes: make([]byte, bufsize)}
- buf.cond = sync.NewCond(&
- return buf
+func die(message string) {
+ os.Stderr.WriteString("error: " + message + "\n")
+ os.Exit(1)
-func (b *Buf) Collect(r io.Reader, signal func()) {
- // TODO: allow stopping - take context?
- for {
- n, err := r.Read(b.bytes[b.n:])
- b.n += n
- if err == io.EOF {
- b.eof = true
- }
- b.cond.Broadcast()
- go signal()
- if err == io.EOF {
- return
- } else if err != nil {
- // TODO: better handling of errors
- panic(err)
+func NewEditor(prompt string) *Editor {
+ return &Editor{prompt: []rune(prompt)}
+type Editor struct {
+ // TODO: make editor multiline. Reuse gocui or something for this?
+ prompt []rune
+ value []rune
+ cursor int
+ // lastw is length of value on last Draw; we need it to know how much to erase after backspace
+ lastw int
+func (e *Editor) String() string { return string(e.value) }
+func (e *Editor) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, x, y int, setcursor bool) {
+ // Draw prompt & the edited value - use white letters on blue background
+ style := tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(tcell.ColorWhite).Background(tcell.ColorBlue)
+ for i, ch := range e.prompt {
+ tui.SetCell(x+i, y, style, ch)
+ }
+ for i, ch := range e.value {
+ tui.SetCell(x+len(e.prompt)+i, y, style, ch)
+ }
+ // Clear remains of last value if needed
+ for i := len(e.value); i < e.lastw; i++ {
+ tui.SetCell(x+len(e.prompt)+i, y, tcell.StyleDefault, ' ')
+ }
+ e.lastw = len(e.value)
+ // Show cursor if requested
+ if setcursor {
+ tui.ShowCursor(x+len(e.prompt)+e.cursor, y)
+ }
+func (e *Editor) HandleKey(ev *tcell.EventKey) bool {
+ // If a character is entered, with no modifiers except maybe shift, then just insert it
+ if ev.Key() == tcell.KeyRune && ev.Modifiers()&(^tcell.ModShift) == 0 {
+ e.insert(ev.Rune())
+ return true
+ }
+ // Handle editing & movement keys
+ switch getKey(ev) {
+ case key(tcell.KeyBackspace), key(tcell.KeyBackspace2):
+ // See
+ e.delete(-1)
+ case key(tcell.KeyDelete):
+ e.delete(0)
+ case key(tcell.KeyLeft):
+ if e.cursor > 0 {
+ e.cursor--
- if b.n == len(b.bytes) {
- return
+ case key(tcell.KeyRight):
+ if e.cursor < len(e.value) {
+ e.cursor++
+ default:
+ // Unknown key/combination, not handled
+ return false
+ return true
-func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
- buf := b.bytes[:b.n]
+func (e *Editor) insert(ch rune) {
+ // Insert character into value (
+ e.value = append(e.value, 0)
+ copy(e.value[e.cursor+1:], e.value[e.cursor:])
+ e.value[e.cursor] = ch
+ e.cursor++
+func (e *Editor) delete(dx int) {
+ pos := e.cursor + dx
+ if pos < 0 || pos >= len(e.value) {
+ return
+ }
+ e.value = append(e.value[:pos], e.value[pos+1:]...)
+ e.cursor = pos
+type BufView struct {
+ ScreenY int // Y position of first drawn line on screen
+ H int
+ // TODO: Wrap bool
+ Y int // Y of the view in the Buf, for down/up scrolling
+ X int // X of the view in the Buf, for left/right scrolling
+ Buf *Buf
+func (v *BufView) Draw(tui tcell.Screen) {
+ buf := v.Buf.Snapshot()
// PgDn/PgUp etc. support
- for ; view.Y > 0; view.Y-- {
+ for ; v.Y > 0; v.Y-- {
newline := bytes.IndexByte(buf, '\n')
if newline != -1 {
buf = buf[newline+1:]
@@ -238,11 +288,11 @@ func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
w, h := tui.Size()
- putch := func(x, y int, ch rune) {
- if x <= view.X && view.X != 0 {
+ drawch := func(x, y int, ch rune) {
+ if x <= v.X && v.X != 0 {
x, ch = 0, '«'
} else {
- x -= view.X
+ x -= v.X
if x >= w {
x, ch = w-1, '»'
@@ -250,7 +300,7 @@ func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
tui.SetCell(x, y, tcell.StyleDefault, ch)
endline := func(x, y int) {
- x -= view.X
+ x -= v.X
if x < 0 {
x = 0
@@ -259,7 +309,7 @@ func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
- x, y := 0, y0
+ x, y := 0, v.ScreenY
// TODO: handle runes properly, including their visual width (mattn/go-runewidth)
for len(buf) > 0 && y < h {
ch, sz := utf8.DecodeRune(buf)
@@ -271,16 +321,16 @@ func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
case '\t':
const tabwidth = 8
- putch(x, y, ' ')
+ drawch(x, y, ' ')
for x%tabwidth < (tabwidth - 1) {
if x >= w {
- putch(x, y, ' ')
+ drawch(x, y, ' ')
- putch(x, y, ch)
+ drawch(x, y, ch)
@@ -289,12 +339,108 @@ func (b *Buf) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, y0 int, view BufView) {
-func (b *Buf) Lines() int {
+func (v *BufView) HandleKey(ev *tcell.EventKey) bool {
+ const scrollX = 8 // When user scrolls horizontally, move by this many characters
+ switch getKey(ev) {
+ //
+ // Vertical scrolling
+ //
+ case key(tcell.KeyUp):
+ v.Y--
+ v.normalizeY()
+ case key(tcell.KeyDown):
+ v.Y++
+ v.normalizeY()
+ case key(tcell.KeyPgDn):
+ // TODO: in top-right corner of Buf area, draw current line number & total # of lines
+ v.Y += v.H - 1
+ v.normalizeY()
+ case key(tcell.KeyPgUp):
+ v.Y -= v.H - 1
+ v.normalizeY()
+ //
+ // Horizontal scrolling
+ //
+ case altKey(tcell.KeyLeft),
+ ctrlKey(tcell.KeyLeft):
+ v.X -= scrollX
+ if v.X < 0 {
+ v.X = 0
+ }
+ case altKey(tcell.KeyRight),
+ ctrlKey(tcell.KeyRight):
+ v.X += scrollX
+ case altKey(tcell.KeyHome),
+ ctrlKey(tcell.KeyHome):
+ v.X = 0
+ default:
+ // Unknown key/combination, not handled
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func (v *BufView) normalizeY() {
+ nlines := bytes.Count(v.Buf.Snapshot(), []byte{'\n'}) + 1
+ if v.Y >= nlines {
+ v.Y = nlines - 1
+ }
+ if v.Y < 0 {
+ v.Y = 0
+ }
+func NewBuf() *Buf {
+ // TODO: make buffer size dynamic (growable by pressing a key)
+ const bufsize = 40 * 1024 * 1024 // 40 MB
+ buf := &Buf{bytes: make([]byte, bufsize)}
+ buf.cond = sync.NewCond(&
+ return buf
+type Buf struct {
+ bytes []byte
+ mu sync.Mutex // guards the following fields
+ cond *sync.Cond
+ // NOTE: n and eof can be written only by capture func
+ n int
+ eof bool
+func (b *Buf) StartCapturing(r io.Reader, notify func()) *Buf {
+ go b.capture(r, notify)
+ return b
+func (b *Buf) capture(r io.Reader, notify func()) {
+ // TODO: allow stopping - take context?
+ for {
+ n, err := r.Read(b.bytes[b.n:])
+ b.n += n
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ b.eof = true
+ }
+ b.cond.Broadcast()
+ go notify()
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return
+ } else if err != nil {
+ // TODO: better handling of errors
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ if b.n == len(b.bytes) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+func (b *Buf) Snapshot() []byte {
- n := b.n
- newlines := bytes.Count(b.bytes[:n], []byte{'\n'})
- return newlines + 1
+ defer
+ return b.bytes[:b.n]
func (b *Buf) NewReader() io.Reader {
@@ -323,110 +469,31 @@ type funcReader func([]byte) (int, error)
func (f funcReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return f(p) }
-type Editor struct {
- prompt []rune
- // TODO: make editor multiline. Reuse gocui or something for this?
- // TODO: rename 'command' to 'data' or 'value' or something more generic
- command []rune
- cursor int
- // lastw is length of command on last Draw
- lastw int
-func NewEditor(prompt string) *Editor {
- return &Editor{prompt: []rune(prompt)}
-func (e *Editor) String() string {
- return string(e.command)
-func (e *Editor) Draw(tui tcell.Screen, x, y int, setcursor bool) {
- promptStyle := tcell.StyleDefault.Foreground(tcell.ColorWhite).Background(tcell.ColorBlue)
- for i, ch := range e.prompt {
- tui.SetCell(x+i, y, promptStyle, ch)
- }
- for i, ch := range e.command {
- tui.SetCell(x+len(e.prompt)+i, y, promptStyle, ch)
- }
- // clear remains of last command if needed
- for i := len(e.command); i < e.lastw; i++ {
- tui.SetCell(x+len(e.prompt)+i, y, tcell.StyleDefault, ' ')
- }
- if setcursor {
- tui.ShowCursor(x+len(e.prompt)+e.cursor, y)
- }
- e.lastw = len(e.command)
-func (e *Editor) HandleKey(ev *tcell.EventKey) bool {
- if ev.Key() == tcell.KeyRune && ev.Modifiers()&(^tcell.ModShift) == 0 {
- e.insert(ev.Rune())
- return true
- }
- switch (keymod{ev.Key(), ev.Modifiers()}) {
- case keymod{tcell.KeyBackspace, 0}, keymod{tcell.KeyBackspace2, 0}:
- // See
- e.delete(-1)
- case keymod{tcell.KeyDelete, 0}:
- e.delete(0)
- case keymod{tcell.KeyLeft, 0}:
- if e.cursor > 0 {
- e.cursor--
- }
- case keymod{tcell.KeyRight, 0}:
- if e.cursor < len(e.command) {
- e.cursor++
- }
- default:
- return false
- }
- return true
-func (e *Editor) insert(ch rune) {
- // insert key into command (
- e.command = append(e.command, 0)
- copy(e.command[e.cursor+1:], e.command[e.cursor:])
- e.command[e.cursor] = ch
- e.cursor++
-func (e *Editor) delete(dx int) {
- pos := e.cursor + dx
- if pos < 0 || pos >= len(e.command) {
- return
- }
- e.command = append(e.command[:pos], e.command[pos+1:]...)
- e.cursor = pos
type Subprocess struct {
Buf *Buf
cancel context.CancelFunc
-func StartSubprocess(inputBuf *Buf, command string, signal func()) *Subprocess {
+func StartSubprocess(command string, stdin *Buf, notify func()) *Subprocess {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
- s := &Subprocess{
- Buf: NewBuf(),
+ r, w := io.Pipe()
+ p := &Subprocess{
+ Buf: NewBuf().StartCapturing(r, notify),
cancel: cancel,
- r, w := io.Pipe()
- go s.Buf.Collect(r, signal)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, "bash", "-c", command)
cmd.Stdout = w
cmd.Stderr = w
- cmd.Stdin = inputBuf.NewReader()
+ cmd.Stdin = stdin.NewReader()
err := cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "up: %s", err)
- return s
+ return p
go cmd.Wait()
- return s
+ return p
func (s *Subprocess) Kill() {
@@ -436,25 +503,11 @@ func (s *Subprocess) Kill() {
-type BufView struct {
- // TODO: Wrap bool
- Y int // for pgup/pgdn scrolling)
- X int // for left<->right scrolling
+type key int32
-func (b *BufView) NormalizeY(nlines int) {
- if b.Y >= nlines {
- b.Y = nlines - 1
- }
- if b.Y < 0 {
- b.Y = 0
- }
-type keymod struct {
- tcell.Key
- tcell.ModMask
+func getKey(ev *tcell.EventKey) key { return key(ev.Modifiers())<<16 + key(ev.Key()) }
+func altKey(base tcell.Key) key { return key(tcell.ModAlt)<<16 + key(base) }
+func ctrlKey(base tcell.Key) key { return key(tcell.ModCtrl)<<16 + key(base) }
func writeScript(command string, tui tcell.Screen) {
var f *os.File