path: root/logo.svg
diff options
authorMateusz Czapliński <>2020-04-12 23:53:09 +0200
committerMateusz Czapliński <>2020-04-12 23:57:16 +0200
commite8d331f8792ac4ca298329505d13013dd7706f1d (patch)
tree4d8dec36c025831ee3978c5000901cc11d57cacb /logo.svg
parent6edaf3d5675510e936ac906451230ef25a522713 (diff)
got logo! :) (#48)
> > how can I credit you for the logo? I'd especially love to put some name(s) > > behind it if I may, it's always cool to feel a personal connection; I'm happy > > to put even a long list out there, and with many links, and totally with the > > name of your company too, which I also highly appreciate for sponsoring this > > and the implicit endorsement of the project's usability :) > > on behalf of GPU Exchange Pty Ltd, the copyright holder, I hereby grant Akavel > & future maintainers of the UP project a royalty-free, global and irrevocable > licence to use the chosen logo (version 1) however you see fit in the context > of the UP project (including but not limited to: general branding, web & print, > creation of derivative works). > > If you want to give credit, I (Thoai Nguyen) came up with the original concept > on pen & paper, and get it vectorised by our design partner at Many Pixels. A > backlink to my startup ( would be much appreciated. ;)
Diffstat (limited to 'logo.svg')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/logo.svg b/logo.svg
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+++ b/logo.svg
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