jobs: - job: ${{ }} displayName: ${{ parameters.displayName }} strategy: matrix: Linux: vmImage: ubuntu-16.04 ${{ if parameters.cross }}: MacOS: vmImage: macos-latest Windows: vmImage: vs2017-win2016 pool: vmImage: $(vmImage) steps: - template: azure-install-rust.yml parameters: rust_version: ${{ parameters.rust }} - template: azure-is-release.yml # Run `tokio` with only `full` - script: cargo test --features full env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CI: 'True' displayName: tokio - cargo test --features full workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/tokio # Run `tokio` with "unstable" cfg flag - script: cargo test --all-features env: RUSTFLAGS: '--cfg tokio_unstable' RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CI: 'True' displayName: tokio - cargo test --features full workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/tokio - ${{ each crate in parameters.crates }}: # Run with all crate features - script: cargo test --all-features env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CI: 'True' displayName: ${{ crate }} - cargo test --all-features workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/${{ crate }} # Check benches - script: cargo check --all-features --benches displayName: ${{ crate }} - cargo check --benches workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/${{ crate }} - template: azure-patch-crates.yml - ${{ each crate in parameters.crates }}: # Run with all crate features - script: cargo test --all-features env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 CI: 'True' displayName: ${{ crate }} - cargo test --all-features workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/${{ crate }}