jobs: - job: ${{ }} displayName: Check features strategy: matrix: Linux: vmImage: ubuntu-16.04 MacOS: vmImage: macos-latest Windows: vmImage: vs2017-win2016 pool: vmImage: $(vmImage) steps: - template: azure-install-rust.yml parameters: rust_version: ${{ parameters.rust }} - template: azure-patch-crates.yml - script: cargo install cargo-hack displayName: Install cargo-hack # Check each feature works properly # * --each-feature # run for each feature which includes --no-default-features and default features of package # * -Z avoid-dev-deps # build without dev-dependencies to avoid # tracking-issue: - script: cargo hack check --all --each-feature -Z avoid-dev-deps displayName: cargo hack check --all --each-feature # Try with unstable feature flags - script: cargo hack check --all --each-feature -Z avoid-dev-deps displayName: cargo hack check --all --each-feature env: RUSTFLAGS: '--cfg tokio_unstable'