//! Benchmark spawning a task onto the basic and threaded Tokio executors. //! This essentially measure the time to enqueue a task in the local and remote //! case. use bencher::{black_box, Bencher}; async fn work() -> usize { let val = 1 + 1; black_box(val) } fn basic_scheduler_local_spawn(bench: &mut Bencher) { let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .basic_scheduler() .build() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(async { bench.iter(|| { let h = tokio::spawn(work()); black_box(h); }) }); } fn threaded_scheduler_local_spawn(bench: &mut Bencher) { let mut runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .threaded_scheduler() .build() .unwrap(); runtime.block_on(async { bench.iter(|| { let h = tokio::spawn(work()); black_box(h); }) }); } fn basic_scheduler_remote_spawn(bench: &mut Bencher) { let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .basic_scheduler() .build() .unwrap(); let handle = runtime.handle(); bench.iter(|| { let h = handle.spawn(work()); black_box(h); }); } fn threaded_scheduler_remote_spawn(bench: &mut Bencher) { let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new() .threaded_scheduler() .build() .unwrap(); let handle = runtime.handle(); bench.iter(|| { let h = handle.spawn(work()); black_box(h); }); } bencher::benchmark_group!( benches, basic_scheduler_local_spawn, threaded_scheduler_local_spawn, basic_scheduler_remote_spawn, threaded_scheduler_remote_spawn ); bencher::benchmark_main!(benches);