//! Benchmark the delay in propagating OS signals to any listeners. #![cfg(unix)] use bencher::{benchmark_group, benchmark_main, Bencher}; use std::future::Future; use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use tokio::runtime; use tokio::signal::unix::{signal, SignalKind}; use tokio::sync::mpsc; struct Spinner { count: usize, } impl Future for Spinner { type Output = (); fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll { if self.count > 3 { Poll::Ready(()) } else { self.count += 1; cx.waker().wake_by_ref(); Poll::Pending } } } impl Spinner { fn new() -> Self { Self { count: 0 } } } pub fn send_signal(signal: libc::c_int) { use libc::{getpid, kill}; unsafe { assert_eq!(kill(getpid(), signal), 0); } } fn many_signals(bench: &mut Bencher) { let num_signals = 10; let (tx, mut rx) = mpsc::channel(num_signals); let rt = runtime::Builder::new() // Intentionally single threaded to measure delays in propagating wakes .basic_scheduler() .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); let spawn_signal = |kind| { let tx = tx.clone(); rt.spawn(async move { let mut signal = signal(kind).expect("failed to create signal"); while signal.recv().await.is_some() { if tx.send(()).await.is_err() { break; } } }); }; for _ in 0..num_signals { // Pick some random signals which don't terminate the test harness spawn_signal(SignalKind::child()); spawn_signal(SignalKind::io()); } drop(tx); // Turn the runtime for a while to ensure that all the spawned // tasks have been polled at least once rt.block_on(Spinner::new()); bench.iter(|| { rt.block_on(async { send_signal(libc::SIGCHLD); for _ in 0..num_signals { rx.recv().await.expect("channel closed"); } send_signal(libc::SIGIO); for _ in 0..num_signals { rx.recv().await.expect("channel closed"); } }); }); } benchmark_group!(signal_group, many_signals,); benchmark_main!(signal_group);