--- language: rust sudo: false cache: - apt - cargo addons: apt: packages: # to x-compile miniz-sys from sources - gcc-multilib matrix: include: # This represents the minimum Rust version supported by Tokio. Updating this # should be done in a dedicated PR and cannot be greater than two 0.x # releases prior to the current stable. - rust: 1.21.0 - rust: stable - rust: beta - rust: nightly - os: osx - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-freebsd - env: TARGET=i686-unknown-freebsd - env: TARGET=i686-unknown-linux-gnu script: - | set -e if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" == nightly ]] then # Make sure the benchmarks compile cargo build --benches --all export ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_odr_violation=0 detect_leaks=0" export TSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=`pwd`/ci/tsan" # === tokio-timer ==== # Run address sanitizer RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" \ cargo test -p tokio-timer --test hammer --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # Run thread sanitizer RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=thread" \ cargo test -p tokio-timer --test hammer --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu # === tokio-threadpool ==== # Run address sanitizer RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=address" \ cargo test -p tokio-threadpool --tests # Run thread sanitizer RUSTFLAGS="-Z sanitizer=thread" \ cargo test -p tokio-threadpool --tests fi - | set -e if [[ "$TARGET" ]] then rustup target add $TARGET cargo check --all --target $TARGET cargo check --tests --all --target $TARGET else cargo test --all # Disable these tests for now as they are buggy # # cargo test --features unstable-futures # cargo test --manifest-path tokio-threadpool/Cargo.toml --features unstable-futures # cargo test --manifest-path tokio-reactor/Cargo.toml --features unstable-futures fi before_deploy: - cargo doc --all --no-deps deploy: provider: pages skip_cleanup: true github_token: $GH_TOKEN target_branch: gh-pages local_dir: target/doc on: branch: master repo: tokio-rs/tokio rust: stable condition: $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = linux env: global: - secure: 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 notifications: email: on_success: never