path: root/tokio/src/runtime/task
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-10-12rt: simplify rt-* features (#2949)Taiki Endo
2020-10-12rt: Remove `threaded_scheduler()` and `basic_scheduler()` (#2876)Lucio Franco
2020-10-08chore: Fix clippy lints (#2931)bdonlan
2020-10-02task: remove deprecated JoinError constructors (#2900)Alice Ryhl
2020-10-01time: introduce `sleep` and `sleep_until` functions (#2826)Juan Alvarez
2020-09-08sync: add JoinHandle::abort (#2474)John-John Tedro
2020-09-05runtime: mention on JoinHandle that the generic parameter is the return type ...George Malayil Philip
2020-05-21coop: Undo budget decrement on Pending (#2549)Jon Gjengset
2020-04-29runtime: mem::forget instead of keeping track of dropped state (#2451)John-John Tedro
2020-04-27rt: reduce usage of ManuallyDrop (#2449)John-John Tedro
2020-03-28rt: cap fifo scheduler slot to avoid starvation (#2349)Carl Lerche
2020-03-26rt: track loom changes + tweak queue (#2315)Carl Lerche
2020-03-16Add cooperative task yielding (#2160)Jon Gjengset
2020-03-05rt: cleanup and simplify scheduler (scheduler v2.5) (#2273)Carl Lerche
2019-11-12reorganize modules (#1766)Carl Lerche
2019-11-05runtime: combine `executor` and `runtime` mods (#1734)Carl Lerche