path: root/tokio/src/sync/
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diff --git a/tokio/src/sync/ b/tokio/src/sync/
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+//! A single-producer, multi-consumer channel that only retains the *last* sent
+//! value.
+//! This channel is useful for watching for changes to a value from multiple
+//! points in the code base, for example, changes to configuration values.
+//! # Usage
+//! [`channel`] returns a [`Sender`] / [`Receiver`] pair. These are
+//! the producer and sender halves of the channel. The channel is
+//! created with an initial value. [`Receiver::get_ref`] will always
+//! be ready upon creation and will yield either this initial value or
+//! the latest value that has been sent by `Sender`.
+//! Calls to [`Receiver::get_ref`] will always yield the latest value.
+//! # Examples
+//! ```
+//! use tokio::sync::watch;
+//! # async fn dox() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+//! let (tx, mut rx) = watch::channel("hello");
+//! tokio::spawn(async move {
+//! while let Some(value) = rx.recv().await {
+//! println!("received = {:?}", value);
+//! }
+//! });
+//! tx.broadcast("world")?;
+//! # Ok(())
+//! # }
+//! ```
+//! # Closing
+//! [`Sender::closed`] allows the producer to detect when all [`Receiver`]
+//! handles have been dropped. This indicates that there is no further interest
+//! in the values being produced and work can be stopped.
+//! # Thread safety
+//! Both [`Sender`] and [`Receiver`] are thread safe. They can be moved to other
+//! threads and can be used in a concurrent environment. Clones of [`Receiver`]
+//! handles may be moved to separate threads and also used concurrently.
+//! [`Sender`]: struct.Sender.html
+//! [`Receiver`]: struct.Receiver.html
+//! [`channel`]:
+//! [`Sender::closed`]: struct.Sender.html#method.closed
+//! [`Receiver::get_ref`]: struct.Receiver.html#method.get_ref
+use crate::sync::task::AtomicWaker;
+use core::task::Poll::{Pending, Ready};
+use core::task::{Context, Poll};
+use fnv::FnvHashMap;
+use futures_util::future::poll_fn;
+use std::ops;
+use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
+use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst;
+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, Weak};
+use futures_core::ready;
+use futures_util::pin_mut;
+use std::pin::Pin;
+/// Receives values from the associated [`Sender`](struct.Sender.html).
+/// Instances are created by the [`channel`]( function.
+pub struct Receiver<T> {
+ /// Pointer to the shared state
+ shared: Arc<Shared<T>>,
+ /// Pointer to the watcher's internal state
+ inner: Arc<WatchInner>,
+ /// Watcher ID.
+ id: u64,
+ /// Last observed version
+ ver: usize,
+/// Sends values to the associated [`Receiver`](struct.Receiver.html).
+/// Instances are created by the [`channel`]( function.
+pub struct Sender<T> {
+ shared: Weak<Shared<T>>,
+/// Returns a reference to the inner value
+/// Outstanding borrows hold a read lock on the inner value. This means that
+/// long lived borrows could cause the produce half to block. It is recommended
+/// to keep the borrow as short lived as possible.
+pub struct Ref<'a, T> {
+ inner: RwLockReadGuard<'a, T>,
+pub mod error {
+ //! Watch error types
+ use std::fmt;
+ /// Error produced when sending a value fails.
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ pub struct SendError<T> {
+ pub(crate) inner: T,
+ }
+ // ===== impl SendError =====
+ impl<T: fmt::Debug> fmt::Display for SendError<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(fmt, "channel closed")
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: fmt::Debug> ::std::error::Error for SendError<T> {}
+struct Shared<T> {
+ /// The most recent value
+ value: RwLock<T>,
+ /// The current version
+ ///
+ /// The lowest bit represents a "closed" state. The rest of the bits
+ /// represent the current version.
+ version: AtomicUsize,
+ /// All watchers
+ watchers: Mutex<Watchers>,
+ /// Task to notify when all watchers drop
+ cancel: AtomicWaker,
+struct Watchers {
+ next_id: u64,
+ watchers: FnvHashMap<u64, Arc<WatchInner>>,
+struct WatchInner {
+ waker: AtomicWaker,
+const CLOSED: usize = 1;
+/// Create a new watch channel, returning the "send" and "receive" handles.
+/// All values sent by [`Sender`] will become visible to the [`Receiver`] handles.
+/// Only the last value sent is made available to the [`Receiver`] half. All
+/// intermediate values are dropped.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use tokio::sync::watch;
+/// # async fn dox() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
+/// let (tx, mut rx) = watch::channel("hello");
+/// tokio::spawn(async move {
+/// while let Some(value) = rx.recv().await {
+/// println!("received = {:?}", value);
+/// }
+/// });
+/// tx.broadcast("world")?;
+/// # Ok(())
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`Sender`]: struct.Sender.html
+/// [`Receiver`]: struct.Receiver.html
+pub fn channel<T>(init: T) -> (Sender<T>, Receiver<T>) {
+ const INIT_ID: u64 = 0;
+ let inner = Arc::new(WatchInner::new());
+ // Insert the watcher
+ let mut watchers = FnvHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(0, Default::default());
+ watchers.insert(INIT_ID, inner.clone());
+ let shared = Arc::new(Shared {
+ value: RwLock::new(init),
+ version: AtomicUsize::new(2),
+ watchers: Mutex::new(Watchers {
+ next_id: INIT_ID + 1,
+ watchers,
+ }),
+ cancel: AtomicWaker::new(),
+ });
+ let tx = Sender {
+ shared: Arc::downgrade(&shared),
+ };
+ let rx = Receiver {
+ shared,
+ inner,
+ id: INIT_ID,
+ ver: 0,
+ };
+ (tx, rx)
+impl<T> Receiver<T> {
+ /// Returns a reference to the most recently sent value
+ ///
+ /// Outstanding borrows hold a read lock. This means that long lived borrows
+ /// could cause the send half to block. It is recommended to keep the borrow
+ /// as short lived as possible.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use tokio::sync::watch;
+ ///
+ /// let (_, rx) = watch::channel("hello");
+ /// assert_eq!(*rx.get_ref(), "hello");
+ /// ```
+ pub fn get_ref(&self) -> Ref<'_, T> {
+ let inner =;
+ Ref { inner }
+ }
+ /// Attempts to receive the latest value sent via the channel.
+ ///
+ /// If a new, unobserved, value has been sent, a reference to it is
+ /// returned. If no new value has been sent, then `Pending` is returned and
+ /// the current task is notified once a new value is sent.
+ ///
+ /// Only the **most recent** value is returned. If the receiver is falling
+ /// behind the sender, intermediate values are dropped.
+ pub async fn recv_ref(&mut self) -> Option<Ref<'_, T>> {
+ let shared = &self.shared;
+ let inner = &self.inner;
+ let version = self.ver;
+ match poll_fn(|cx| poll_lock(cx, shared, inner, version)).await {
+ Some((lock, version)) => {
+ self.ver = version;
+ Some(lock)
+ }
+ None => None,
+ }
+ }
+fn poll_lock<'a, T>(
+ cx: &mut Context<'_>,
+ shared: &'a Arc<Shared<T>>,
+ inner: &Arc<WatchInner>,
+ ver: usize,
+) -> Poll<Option<(Ref<'a, T>, usize)>> {
+ // Make sure the task is up to date
+ inner.waker.register_by_ref(cx.waker());
+ let state = shared.version.load(SeqCst);
+ let version = state & !CLOSED;
+ if version != ver {
+ let inner =;
+ return Ready(Some((Ref { inner }, version)));
+ }
+ if CLOSED == state & CLOSED {
+ // The `Store` handle has been dropped.
+ return Ready(None);
+ }
+ Pending
+impl<T: Clone> Receiver<T> {
+ /// Attempts to clone the latest value sent via the channel.
+ ///
+ /// This is equivalent to calling `clone()` on the value returned by
+ /// `recv_ref()`.
+ #[allow(clippy::map_clone)] // false positive:
+ pub async fn recv(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+ self.recv_ref()|v_ref| v_ref.clone())
+ }
+impl<T: Clone> futures_core::Stream for Receiver<T> {
+ type Item = T;
+ #[allow(clippy::map_clone)] // false positive:
+ fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<T>> {
+ use std::future::Future;
+ let fut = self.get_mut().recv();
+ pin_mut!(fut);
+ let item = ready!(fut.poll(cx));
+ Ready(|v_ref| v_ref.clone()))
+ }
+impl<T> Clone for Receiver<T> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ let inner = Arc::new(WatchInner::new());
+ let shared = self.shared.clone();
+ let id = {
+ let mut watchers = shared.watchers.lock().unwrap();
+ let id = watchers.next_id;
+ watchers.next_id += 1;
+ watchers.watchers.insert(id, inner.clone());
+ id
+ };
+ let ver = self.ver;
+ Receiver {
+ shared,
+ inner,
+ id,
+ ver,
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> Drop for Receiver<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let mut watchers = self.shared.watchers.lock().unwrap();
+ watchers.watchers.remove(&;
+ }
+impl WatchInner {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ WatchInner {
+ waker: AtomicWaker::new(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> Sender<T> {
+ /// Broadcast a new value via the channel, notifying all receivers.
+ pub fn broadcast(&self, value: T) -> Result<(), error::SendError<T>> {
+ let shared = match self.shared.upgrade() {
+ Some(shared) => shared,
+ // All `Watch` handles have been canceled
+ None => return Err(error::SendError { inner: value }),
+ };
+ // Replace the value
+ {
+ let mut lock = shared.value.write().unwrap();
+ *lock = value;
+ }
+ // Update the version. 2 is used so that the CLOSED bit is not set.
+ shared.version.fetch_add(2, SeqCst);
+ // Notify all watchers
+ notify_all(&*shared);
+ // Return the old value
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Completes when all receivers have dropped.
+ ///
+ /// This allows the producer to get notified when interest in the produced
+ /// values is canceled and immediately stop doing work.
+ pub async fn closed(&mut self) {
+ poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_close(cx)).await
+ }
+ fn poll_close(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
+ match self.shared.upgrade() {
+ Some(shared) => {
+ shared.cancel.register_by_ref(cx.waker());
+ Pending
+ }
+ None => Ready(()),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> futures_sink::Sink<T> for Sender<T> {
+ type Error = error::SendError<T>;
+ fn poll_ready(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
+ Ready(Ok(()))
+ }
+ fn start_send(self: Pin<&mut Self>, item: T) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
+ self.as_ref().get_ref().broadcast(item)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
+ Ready(Ok(()))
+ }
+ fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
+ Ready(Ok(()))
+ }
+/// Notify all watchers of a change
+fn notify_all<T>(shared: &Shared<T>) {
+ let watchers = shared.watchers.lock().unwrap();
+ for watcher in watchers.watchers.values() {
+ // Notify the task
+ watcher.waker.wake();
+ }
+impl<T> Drop for Sender<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(shared) = self.shared.upgrade() {
+ shared.version.fetch_or(CLOSED, SeqCst);
+ notify_all(&*shared);
+ }
+ }
+// ===== impl Ref =====
+impl<T> ops::Deref for Ref<'_, T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+ self.inner.deref()
+ }
+// ===== impl Shared =====
+impl<T> Drop for Shared<T> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.cancel.wake();
+ }