path: root/tokio/src/signal/
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1 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tokio/src/signal/ b/tokio/src/signal/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9f63af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tokio/src/signal/
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+//! Unix-specific types for signal handling.
+//! This module is only defined on Unix platforms and contains the primary
+//! `Signal` type for receiving notifications of signals.
+use super::registry::{globals, EventId, EventInfo, Globals, Init, Storage};
+use crate::net::util::PollEvented;
+use tokio_io::AsyncRead;
+use tokio_sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver};
+use futures_core::stream::Stream;
+use libc::c_int;
+use mio_uds::UnixStream;
+use std::future::Future;
+use std::io::{self, Error, ErrorKind, Write};
+use std::pin::Pin;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
+use std::sync::Once;
+use std::task::{Context, Poll};
+pub(crate) type OsStorage = Vec<SignalInfo>;
+// Number of different unix signals
+// (FreeBSD has 33)
+const SIGNUM: usize = 33;
+impl Init for OsStorage {
+ fn init() -> Self {
+ (0..SIGNUM).map(|_| SignalInfo::default()).collect()
+ }
+impl Storage for OsStorage {
+ fn event_info(&self, id: EventId) -> Option<&EventInfo> {
+ self.get(id).map(|si| &si.event_info)
+ }
+ fn for_each<'a, F>(&'a self, f: F)
+ where
+ F: FnMut(&'a EventInfo),
+ {
+ self.iter().map(|si| &si.event_info).for_each(f)
+ }
+pub(crate) struct OsExtraData {
+ sender: UnixStream,
+ receiver: UnixStream,
+impl Init for OsExtraData {
+ fn init() -> Self {
+ let (receiver, sender) = UnixStream::pair().expect("failed to create UnixStream");
+ Self { sender, receiver }
+ }
+/// Represents the specific kind of signal to listen for.
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct SignalKind(c_int);
+impl SignalKind {
+ /// Allows for listening to any valid OS signal.
+ ///
+ /// For example, this can be used for listening for platform-specific
+ /// signals.
+ /// ```rust,no_run
+ /// # use tokio::signal::unix::SignalKind;
+ /// # let signum = -1;
+ /// // let signum = libc::OS_SPECIFIC_SIGNAL;
+ /// let kind = SignalKind::from_raw(signum);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn from_raw(signum: c_int) -> Self {
+ Self(signum)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGALRM signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when a real-time timer has expired.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn alarm() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGALRM)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGCHLD signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when the status of a child process
+ /// has changed. By default, this signal is ignored.
+ pub fn child() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGCHLD)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGHUP signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when the terminal is disconnected.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn hangup() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGHUP)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGINFO signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent to request a status update from the
+ /// process. By default, this signal is ignored.
+ #[cfg(any(
+ target_os = "dragonfly",
+ target_os = "freebsd",
+ target_os = "macos",
+ target_os = "netbsd",
+ target_os = "openbsd"
+ ))]
+ pub fn info() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGINFO)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGINT signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent to interrupt a program.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn interrupt() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGINT)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGIO signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when I/O operations are possible
+ /// on some file descriptor. By default, this signal is ignored.
+ pub fn io() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGIO)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGPIPE signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when the process attempts to write
+ /// to a pipe which has no reader. By default, the process is terminated by
+ /// this signal.
+ pub fn pipe() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGPIPE)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGQUIT signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent to issue a shutdown of the
+ /// process, after which the OS will dump the process core.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn quit() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGQUIT)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGTERM signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent to issue a shutdown of the
+ /// process. By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn terminate() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGTERM)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGUSR1 signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this is a user defined signal.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn user_defined1() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGUSR1)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGUSR2 signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this is a user defined signal.
+ /// By default, the process is terminated by this signal.
+ pub fn user_defined2() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGUSR2)
+ }
+ /// Represents the SIGWINCH signal.
+ ///
+ /// On Unix systems this signal is sent when the terminal window is resized.
+ /// By default, this signal is ignored.
+ pub fn window_change() -> Self {
+ Self(libc::SIGWINCH)
+ }
+pub(crate) struct SignalInfo {
+ event_info: EventInfo,
+ init: Once,
+ initialized: AtomicBool,
+impl Default for SignalInfo {
+ fn default() -> SignalInfo {
+ SignalInfo {
+ event_info: Default::default(),
+ init: Once::new(),
+ initialized: AtomicBool::new(false),
+ }
+ }
+/// Our global signal handler for all signals registered by this module.
+/// The purpose of this signal handler is to primarily:
+/// 1. Flag that our specific signal was received (e.g. store an atomic flag)
+/// 2. Wake up driver tasks by writing a byte to a pipe
+/// Those two operations shoudl both be async-signal safe.
+fn action(globals: Pin<&'static Globals>, signal: c_int) {
+ globals.record_event(signal as EventId);
+ // Send a wakeup, ignore any errors (anything reasonably possible is
+ // full pipe and then it will wake up anyway).
+ let mut sender = &globals.sender;
+ drop(sender.write(&[1]));
+/// Enable this module to receive signal notifications for the `signal`
+/// provided.
+/// This will register the signal handler if it hasn't already been registered,
+/// returning any error along the way if that fails.
+fn signal_enable(signal: c_int) -> io::Result<()> {
+ if signal < 0 || signal_hook_registry::FORBIDDEN.contains(&signal) {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ ErrorKind::Other,
+ format!("Refusing to register signal {}", signal),
+ ));
+ }
+ let globals = globals();
+ let siginfo = match as EventId) {
+ Some(slot) => slot,
+ None => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "signal too large")),
+ };
+ let mut registered = Ok(());
+ siginfo.init.call_once(|| {
+ registered = unsafe {
+ signal_hook_registry::register(signal, move || action(globals, signal)).map(|_| ())
+ };
+ if registered.is_ok() {
+, Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ });
+ registered?;
+ // If the call_once failed, it won't be retried on the next attempt to register the signal. In
+ // such case it is not run, registered is still `Ok(())`, initialized is still false.
+ if siginfo.initialized.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::new(
+ ErrorKind::Other,
+ "Failed to register signal handler",
+ ))
+ }
+struct Driver {
+ wakeup: PollEvented<UnixStream>,
+impl Future for Driver {
+ type Output = ();
+ fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
+ // Drain the data from the pipe and maintain interest in getting more
+ self.drain(cx);
+ // Broadcast any signals which were received
+ globals().broadcast();
+ Poll::Pending
+ }
+impl Driver {
+ fn new() -> io::Result<Driver> {
+ // NB: We give each driver a "fresh" reciever file descriptor to avoid
+ // the issues described in alexcrichton/tokio-process#42.
+ //
+ // In the past we would reuse the actual receiver file descriptor and
+ // swallow any errors around double registration of the same descriptor.
+ // I'm not sure if the second (failed) registration simply doesn't end up
+ // receiving wake up notifications, or there could be some race condition
+ // when consuming readiness events, but having distinct descriptors for
+ // distinct PollEvented instances appears to mitigate this.
+ //
+ // Unfortunately we cannot just use a single global PollEvented instance
+ // either, since we can't compare Handles or assume they will always
+ // point to the exact same reactor.
+ let stream = globals().receiver.try_clone()?;
+ let wakeup = PollEvented::new(stream)?;
+ Ok(Driver { wakeup })
+ }
+ /// Drain all data in the global receiver, ensuring we'll get woken up when
+ /// there is a write on the other end.
+ ///
+ /// We do *NOT* use the existence of any read bytes as evidence a sigal was
+ /// received since the `pending` flags would have already been set if that
+ /// was the case. See #38 for more info.
+ fn drain(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
+ loop {
+ match Pin::new(&mut self.wakeup).poll_read(cx, &mut [0; 128]) {
+ Poll::Ready(Ok(0)) => panic!("EOF on self-pipe"),
+ Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => {}
+ Poll::Ready(Err(e)) => panic!("Bad read on self-pipe: {}", e),
+ Poll::Pending => break,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// An implementation of `Stream` for receiving a particular type of signal.
+/// This structure implements the `Stream` trait and represents notifications
+/// of the current process receiving a particular signal. The signal being
+/// listened for is passed to `Signal::new`, and the same signal number is then
+/// yielded as each element for the stream.
+/// In general signal handling on Unix is a pretty tricky topic, and this
+/// structure is no exception! There are some important limitations to keep in
+/// mind when using `Signal` streams:
+/// * Signals handling in Unix already necessitates coalescing signals
+/// together sometimes. This `Signal` stream is also no exception here in
+/// that it will also coalesce signals. That is, even if the signal handler
+/// for this process runs multiple times, the `Signal` stream may only return
+/// one signal notification. Specifically, before `poll` is called, all
+/// signal notifications are coalesced into one item returned from `poll`.
+/// Once `poll` has been called, however, a further signal is guaranteed to
+/// be yielded as an item.
+/// Put another way, any element pulled off the returned stream corresponds to
+/// *at least one* signal, but possibly more.
+/// * Signal handling in general is relatively inefficient. Although some
+/// improvements are possible in this crate, it's recommended to not plan on
+/// having millions of signal channels open.
+/// * Currently the "driver task" to process incoming signals never exits. This
+/// driver task runs in the background of the event loop provided, and
+/// in general you shouldn't need to worry about it.
+/// If you've got any questions about this feel free to open an issue on the
+/// repo, though, as I'd love to chat about this! In other words, I'd love to
+/// alleviate some of these limitations if possible!
+#[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"]
+pub struct Signal {
+ driver: Driver,
+ rx: Receiver<()>,
+/// Creates a new stream which will receive notifications when the current
+/// process receives the signal `signal`.
+/// This function will create a new stream which binds to the default reactor.
+/// The `Signal` stream is an infinite stream which will receive
+/// notifications whenever a signal is received. More documentation can be
+/// found on `Signal` itself, but to reiterate:
+/// * Signals may be coalesced beyond what the kernel already does.
+/// * Once a signal handler is registered with the process the underlying
+/// libc signal handler is never unregistered.
+/// A `Signal` stream can be created for a particular signal number
+/// multiple times. When a signal is received then all the associated
+/// channels will receive the signal notification.
+/// # Errors
+/// * If the lower-level C functions fail for some reason.
+/// * If the previous initialization of this specific signal failed.
+/// * If the signal is one of
+/// [`signal_hook::FORBIDDEN`](*/signal_hook/fn.register.html#panics)
+pub fn signal(kind: SignalKind) -> io::Result<Signal> {
+ let signal = kind.0;
+ // Turn the signal delivery on once we are ready for it
+ signal_enable(signal)?;
+ // Ensure there's a driver for our associated event loop processing
+ // signals.
+ let driver = Driver::new()?;
+ // One wakeup in a queue is enough, no need for us to buffer up any
+ // more.
+ let (tx, rx) = channel(1);
+ globals().register_listener(signal as EventId, tx);
+ Ok(Signal { driver, rx })
+pub(crate) fn ctrl_c() -> io::Result<Signal> {
+ signal(SignalKind::interrupt())
+impl Stream for Signal {
+ type Item = ();
+ fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
+ let _ = Pin::new(&mut self.driver).poll(cx);
+ self.rx.poll_recv(cx)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn signal_enable_error_on_invalid_input() {
+ signal_enable(-1).unwrap_err();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn signal_enable_error_on_forbidden_input() {
+ signal_enable(signal_hook_registry::FORBIDDEN[0]).unwrap_err();
+ }