Command prefix is C-b by default. Key bindings: d detach c create new window n next window p previous window l last (next to last selected) window ? list current key bindings 0-9 select window There is one default server process per user which puts its socket in /tmp/tmux-UID. It is created the first time tmux is run and subsequent invocations will connect to the same server. The server holds multiple sessions. Syntax is: tmux [-v] [-S path] [-s session] command [flags] -v Create logfiles, verbosity increases with more -v -S Set different server socket path -s Specify session name for command, if appropriate. If a session name is not given, the current session is assumed if a command is run from inside tmux and the TMUX environment variable is available, otherwise if only one exists, it is used or if multiple exist, an error is generated. Commands: (Commands can be shortened, as long as they are unambiguous) new-session [-d] [-s session name] [-n window name] [command] Create new session. Attaches to new session unless -d is given. The window name and command are the same as for new-window below. attach-session [-d] Attach to session. Detaches other clients if -d is given. list-sessions List sessions (can be shortened to ls). list-windows List windows (can be shortened to lsw). new-window [-d] [-n window name] [command] Create a new window. If -d is given, the window is created in the background (it doesn't become the current window). The window name and the command to run in the window may also be specified. rename-window [-i window index] new name Rename window. bind-key key command Bind a key to a command (use ^A for ctrl-A), commands are as listed above. list-keys List current key bindings. unbind-key key Unbind a key from a command. set-option prefix key Set command prefix (meta) key. XXX set-option status,status-fg,status-bg Sessions are destroyed when no windows remain attached to them.