When reporting issues: YOU MUST INCLUDE THE TMUX VERSION DO NOT OPEN AN ISSUE THAT DOES NOT MENTION THE TMUX VERSION Please also include: - your platform (Linux, OS X, or whatever); - a brief description of the problem with steps to reproduce; - a minimal tmux config, if you can't reproduce without a config; - your terminal, and $TERM inside and outside of tmux; - logs from tmux (see below); - at most one or two screenshots, if helpful. This should include at least the output of: $ uname -sp && tmux -V && echo $TERM Please do not report bugs (crashes, incorrect behaviour) without reproducing on a tmux built from Git master. Note that TERM inside tmux must be a variant of screen or tmux (for example: screen or screen-256color, tmux or tmux-256color). Please ensure this is the case before opening an issue. To run tmux without a config and get logs, run: tmux -Ltest kill-server tmux -vv -Ltest -f/dev/null new Then reproduce the problem, exit tmux, and attach the tmux-server-*.log file from the current directory to the issue.