*** Settings *** Documentation Run connection test while being connected and check the positive response in stdout ... disconnect the device from cloud and check the negative message in stderr ... Run sudo tedge connect c8y and check Library SSHLibrary Library CryptoLibrary variable_decryption=True Library Dialogs Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In Suite Teardown SSHLibrary.Close All Connections *** Variables *** ${HOST} #Insert the IP address if the default should not be used ${USERNAME} pi #Insert the username if the default should not be used ${PASSWORD} thinedge #Insert the password if the default should not be used *** Tasks *** tedge_connect_test_positive Execute Command sudo tedge connect c8y #Connecting to Cumulocity IoT ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo tedge connect c8y --test #Testing the status of the connection Should Contain ${stdout} Connection check to c8y cloud is successful. #Expected message Log ${stdout} tedge_connect_test_negative Execute Command sudo tedge disconnect c8y #Disonnecting from Cumulocity IoT ${stdout} ${stderr}= Execute Command sudo tedge connect c8y --test return_stderr=True #Testing the status of the connection Should Contain ${stderr} Error: failed to test connection to Cumulocity cloud. #Expected message Log ${stderr} tedge_connect_test_sm_services ${stdout} Execute Command sudo tedge connect c8y #Connecting to Cumulocity IoT Should Contain ${stdout} Successfully created bridge connection! #Expected message Should Contain ${stdout} tedge-agent service successfully started and enabled! #Expected message Should Contain ${stdout} tedge-mapper-c8y service successfully started and enabled! #Expected message Log ${stdout} tedge_disconnect_test_sm_services ${stdout} Execute Command sudo tedge disconnect c8y #Disonnecting from Cumulocity IoT Should Contain ${stdout} Cumulocity Bridge successfully disconnected! #Expected message Should Contain ${stdout} tedge-agent service successfully stopped and disabled! #Expected message Should Contain ${stdout} tedge-mapper-c8y service successfully stopped and disabled! #Expected message Log ${stdout} *** Keywords *** Open Connection And Log In SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${HOST} SSHLibrary.Login ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD}