# You can find the [thin-edge.io documentation here](https://thin-edge.github.io/thin-edge.io/html/). # Thin Edge Documentation: Writer Guidelines ## How to generate the documentation The documentation is generated using [`mdbook`](https://lib.rs/crates/mdbook). To generate the documentation from [source](https://github.com/thin-edge/thin-edge.io/tree/main/docs/src), you will have to run: 1) `cargo install mdbook` 2) `git clone https://github.com/thin-edge/thin-edge.io` 3) `cd thin-edge.io` 4) `docs/gen-ref-docs.sh` (to generate the reference doc from the tedge command) 5) `mdbook serve docs` The documentation is then published on `http://localhost:3000/`. ## Writing guide lines This documentation is written along [the documentation system](https://documentation.divio.com/).