use batcher::{BatchConfigBuilder, BatchDriver, BatchDriverInput, BatchDriverOutput, Batcher}; use mqtt_channel::{Connection, Message, QoS, SinkExt, StreamExt, Topic, TopicFilter}; use tracing::{error, info, instrument}; use super::{batcher::MessageBatch, collectd::CollectdMessage, error::DeviceMonitorError}; const DEFAULT_HOST: &str = "localhost"; const DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 1883; const DEFAULT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID: &str = "collectd-mapper"; const DEFAULT_BATCHING_WINDOW: u32 = 500; const DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DELAY: u32 = 400; // Heuristic delay that should work out well on an Rpi const DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEAP_LIMIT: u32 = 0; const DEFAULT_MQTT_SOURCE_TOPIC: &str = "collectd/#"; const DEFAULT_MQTT_TARGET_TOPIC: &str = "tedge/measurements"; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DeviceMonitorConfig { host: String, port: u16, mqtt_client_id: &'static str, pub mqtt_source_topic: &'static str, mqtt_target_topic: &'static str, batching_window: u32, maximum_message_delay: u32, message_leap_limit: u32, } impl Default for DeviceMonitorConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self { host: DEFAULT_HOST.to_string(), port: DEFAULT_PORT, mqtt_client_id: DEFAULT_MQTT_CLIENT_ID, mqtt_source_topic: DEFAULT_MQTT_SOURCE_TOPIC, mqtt_target_topic: DEFAULT_MQTT_TARGET_TOPIC, batching_window: DEFAULT_BATCHING_WINDOW, maximum_message_delay: DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_DELAY, message_leap_limit: DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LEAP_LIMIT, } } } impl DeviceMonitorConfig { pub fn with_port(self, port: u16) -> Self { Self { port, ..self } } pub fn with_host(self, host: String) -> Self { Self { host, ..self } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct DeviceMonitor { device_monitor_config: DeviceMonitorConfig, } impl DeviceMonitor { pub fn new(device_monitor_config: DeviceMonitorConfig) -> Self { Self { device_monitor_config, } } #[instrument(skip(self), name = "monitor")] pub async fn run(&self) -> Result<(), DeviceMonitorError> { let input_topic = TopicFilter::new(self.device_monitor_config.mqtt_source_topic)? .with_qos(QoS::AtMostOnce); let mqtt_config = mqtt_channel::Config::new(, self.device_monitor_config.port, ) .with_session_name(self.device_monitor_config.mqtt_client_id) .with_subscriptions(input_topic); let mqtt_client = Connection::new(&mqtt_config).await?; let batch_config = BatchConfigBuilder::new() .event_jitter(self.device_monitor_config.batching_window) .delivery_jitter(self.device_monitor_config.maximum_message_delay) .message_leap_limit(self.device_monitor_config.message_leap_limit) .build(); let (msg_send, msg_recv) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100); let (batch_send, mut batch_recv) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100); let driver = BatchDriver::new(Batcher::new(batch_config), msg_recv, batch_send); let driver_join_handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move { match { Ok(_) => error!("Unexpected end of message batcher thread"), Err(err) => error!("Error in message batcher thread: {}", err), } }); let mut collectd_messages = mqtt_client.received; let input_join_handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move { while let Some(message) = { match CollectdMessage::parse_from(&message) { Ok(collectd_message) => { for msg in collectd_message { let batch_input = BatchDriverInput::Event(msg); if let Err(err) = msg_send.send(batch_input).await { error!("Error while processing a collectd message: {}", err); } } } Err(err) => { error!("Error while decoding a collectd message: {}", err); } } } // The MQTT connection has been closed by the process itself. info!("Stop batching"); let eof = BatchDriverInput::Flush; msg_send.send(eof).await }); let output_topic = Topic::new(self.device_monitor_config.mqtt_target_topic)?; let mut output_messages = mqtt_client.published; let output_join_handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move { loop { match batch_recv.recv().await { None | Some(BatchDriverOutput::Flush) => { break; } Some(BatchDriverOutput::Batch(messages)) => { match MessageBatch::thin_edge_json_bytes(messages) { Ok(payload) => { let tedge_message = Message::new(&output_topic, payload); if let Err(err) = output_messages.send(tedge_message).await { error!("Error while sending a thin-edge json message: {}", err); } } Err(err) => { error!("Error while encoding a thin-edge json message: {}", err); } } } } } // All the messages forwarded for batching have been processed. info!("Batching done"); }); let mut mqtt_errors = mqtt_client.errors; let error_join_handle = tokio::task::spawn(async move { while let Some(error) = { error!("MQTT error: {}", error); } }); let _ = driver_join_handle.await; let _ = input_join_handle.await; let _ = output_join_handle.await; let _ = error_join_handle.await; Ok(()) } }