use crate::core::{ converter::Converter, error::ConversionError, mapper::create_mapper, size_threshold::SizeThreshold, }; use anyhow::Result; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_include; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use c8y_api::{ http_proxy::C8YHttpProxy, json_c8y::{C8yCreateEvent, C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse}, }; use c8y_smartrest::{ error::SMCumulocityMapperError, operations::Operations, smartrest_deserializer::SmartRestJwtResponse, }; use mqtt_channel::{Message, Topic}; use mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_server::MqttProcessHandler; use serde_json::json; use serial_test::serial; use std::{path::Path, time::Duration}; use tedge_test_utils::fs::TempTedgeDir; use test_case::test_case; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use super::converter::{get_child_id_from_topic, CumulocityConverter}; const TEST_TIMEOUT_MS: Duration = Duration::from_millis(5000); const MQTT_HOST: &str = ""; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_a_software_list_request() { // The test assures the mapper publishes request for software list on `tedge/commands/req/software/list`. let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker .messages_published_on("tedge/commands/req/software/list") .await; // Start the SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Expect on `tedge/commands/req/software/list` a software list request. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected(&mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &[r#"{"id":"#]).await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_a_supported_operation_and_a_pending_operations_onto_c8y_topic() { // The test assures the mapper publishes smartrest messages 114 and 500 on `c8y/s/us` which shall be send over to the cloud if bridge connection exists. let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Expect 500 messages has been received on `c8y/s/us`, if no msg received for the timeout the test fails. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected(&mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["500\n"]).await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_software_update_request() { // The test assures SM Mapper correctly receives software update request smartrest message on `c8y/s/ds` // and converts it to thin-edge json message published on `tedge/commands/req/software/update`. let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker .messages_published_on("tedge/commands/req/software/update") .await; let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Prepare and publish a software update smartrest request on `c8y/s/ds`. let smartrest = r#"528,external_id,nodered,1.0.0::debian,,install"#; let _ = broker.publish("c8y/s/ds", smartrest).await.unwrap(); let _ = publish_a_fake_jwt_token(broker).await; let expected_update_list = r#" "updateList": [ { "type": "debian", "modules": [ { "name": "nodered", "version": "1.0.0", "action": "install" } ] }"#; // Expect thin-edge json message on `tedge/commands/req/software/update` with expected payload. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["{\"id\":\"", &remove_whitespace(expected_update_list)], ) .await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_software_update_status_onto_c8y_topic() { // The test assures SM Mapper correctly receives software update response message on `tedge/commands/res/software/update` // and publishes status of the operation `501` on `c8y/s/us` let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); let _ = publish_a_fake_jwt_token(broker).await; // Prepare and publish a software update status response message `executing` on `tedge/commands/res/software/update`. let json_response = r#"{ "id": "123", "status": "executing" }"#; let _ = broker .publish("tedge/commands/res/software/update", json_response) .await .unwrap(); // Expect `501` smartrest message on `c8y/s/us`. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["501,c8y_SoftwareUpdate\n"], ) .await; // Prepare and publish a software update response `successful`. let json_response = r#"{ "id":"123", "status":"successful", "currentSoftwareList":[ {"type":"apt","modules":[ {"name":"m","url":""} ]} ]}"#; let _ = broker .publish("tedge/commands/res/software/update", json_response) .await .unwrap(); // Expect `503` messages with correct payload have been received on `c8y/s/us`, if no msg received for the timeout the test fails. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["503,c8y_SoftwareUpdate,\n"], ) .await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_software_update_failed_status_onto_c8y_topic() { let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); let _ = publish_a_fake_jwt_token(broker).await; // The agent publish an error let json_response = r#" { "id": "123", "status":"failed", "reason":"Partial failure: Couldn't install collectd and nginx", "currentSoftwareList": [ { "type": "docker", "modules": [ { "name": "nginx", "version": "1.21.0" } ] } ], "failures":[] }"#; let _ = broker .publish("tedge/commands/res/software/update", json_response) .await .unwrap(); // `502` messages with correct payload have been received on `c8y/s/us`, if no msg received for the timeout the test fails. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["502,c8y_SoftwareUpdate,\"Partial failure: Couldn\'t install collectd and nginx\"\n"], ) .await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_fails_during_sw_update_recovers_and_process_response() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { // The test assures recovery and processing of messages by the SM-Mapper when it fails in the middle of the operation. let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); // When a software update request message is received on `c8y/s/ds` by the sm mapper, // converts it to thin-edge json message, publishes a request message on `tedge/commands/req/software/update`. // SM Mapper fails before receiving the response message for the request. // Meanwhile the operation response message was published on `tedge/commands/res/software/update`. // Now the SM Mapper recovers and receives the response message and publishes the status on `c8y/s/us`. // The subscriber that was waiting for the response on `c8/s/us` receives the response and validates it. // Create a subscriber to receive messages on `tedge/commands/req/software/update` topic. let mut requests = broker .messages_published_on("tedge/commands/req/software/update") .await; // Create a subscriber to receive messages on `"c8y/s/us` topic. let mut responses = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Prepare and publish a software update smartrest request on `c8y/s/ds`. let smartrest = r#"528,external_id,nodered,1.0.0::debian,,install"#; let _ = broker.publish("c8y/s/ds", smartrest).await.unwrap(); let _ = publish_a_fake_jwt_token(broker).await; let expected_update_list = r#" "updateList": [ { "type": "debian", "modules": [ { "name": "nodered", "version": "1.0.0", "action": "install" } ] }"#; // Wait for the request being published by the mapper on `tedge/commands/req/software/update`. mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut requests, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &[&remove_whitespace(expected_update_list)], ) .await; // Stop the SM Mapper (simulating a failure) sm_mapper.abort(); assert!(sm_mapper.await.unwrap_err().is_cancelled()); // Let the agent publish the response `successful`. let json_response = r#"{ "id":"123", "status":"successful", "currentSoftwareList":[ { "type":"apt", "modules": [ { "name":"m", "url":"" } ] } ]}"#; let _ = broker .publish( "tedge/commands/res/software/update", &remove_whitespace(json_response), ) .await .unwrap(); // Restart SM Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Validate that the mapper process the response and forward it on 'c8y/s/us' // Expect init messages followed by a 503 (success) mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut responses, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["500\n", "503,c8y_SoftwareUpdate,\n"], ) .await; sm_mapper.abort(); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn mapper_publishes_software_update_request_with_wrong_action() { // The test assures SM Mapper correctly receives software update request smartrest message on `c8y/s/ds` // Then the SM Mapper finds out that wrong action as part of the update request. // Then SM Mapper publishes an operation status message as executing `501,c8y_SoftwareUpdate' // Then SM Mapper publishes an operation status message as failed `502,c8y_SoftwareUpdate,Action remove is not recognized. It must be install or delete.` on `c8/s/us`. // Then the subscriber that subscribed for messages on `c8/s/us` receives these messages and verifies them. let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); // Create a subscriber to receive messages on `c8y/s/us` topic. let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; let (_tmp_dir, _sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Prepare and publish a c8y_SoftwareUpdate smartrest request on `c8y/s/ds` that contains a wrong action `remove`, that is not known by c8y. let smartrest = r#"528,external_id,nodered,1.0.0::debian,,remove"#; let _ = broker.publish("c8y/s/ds", smartrest).await.unwrap(); // Expect a 501 (executing) followed by a 502 (failed) mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["501,c8y_SoftwareUpdate", "502,c8y_SoftwareUpdate,\"Parameter remove is not recognized. It must be install or delete.\""], ) .await; } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn c8y_mapper_alarm_mapping_to_smartrest() { let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start the C8Y Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); let _ = broker .publish_with_opts( "tedge/alarms/major/temperature_alarm", r#"{ "text": "Temperature high" }"#, mqtt_channel::QoS::AtLeastOnce, true, ) .await .unwrap(); // Expect converted temperature alarm message mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["302,temperature_alarm"], ) .await; //Clear the previously published alarm let _ = broker .publish_with_opts( "tedge/alarms/major/temperature_alarm", "", mqtt_channel::QoS::AtLeastOnce, true, ) .await .unwrap(); sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn c8y_mapper_syncs_pending_alarms_on_startup() { let broker = mqtt_tests::test_mqtt_broker(); let mut messages = broker.messages_published_on("c8y/s/us").await; // Start the C8Y Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); let mut internal_messages = broker .messages_published_on("c8y-internal/alarms/critical/temperature_alarm") .await; let _ = broker .publish_with_opts( "tedge/alarms/critical/temperature_alarm", r#"{ "text": "Temperature very high" }"#, mqtt_channel::QoS::AtLeastOnce, true, ) .await .unwrap(); // Expect converted temperature alarm message mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["301,temperature_alarm"], ) .await; // Wait till the message get synced to internal topic mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut internal_messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["Temperature very high"], ) .await; // stop the mapper sm_mapper.abort(); //Publish a new alarm while the mapper is down let _ = broker .publish_with_opts( "tedge/alarms/critical/pressure_alarm", r#"{ "text": "Pressure very high" }"#, mqtt_channel::QoS::AtLeastOnce, true, ) .await .unwrap(); // Ignored until the rumqttd broker bug that doesn't handle empty retained messages //Clear the existing alarm while the mapper is down // let _ = broker // .publish_with_opts( // "tedge/alarms/critical/temperature_alarm", // "", // mqtt_channel::QoS::AtLeastOnce, // true, // ) // .await // .unwrap(); // Restart the C8Y Mapper let (_tmp_dir, sm_mapper) = start_c8y_mapper(broker.port).await.unwrap(); // Ignored until the rumqttd broker bug that doesn't handle empty retained messages // Expect the previously missed clear temperature alarm message // let msg = messages // .next() // .with_timeout(ALARM_SYNC_TIMEOUT_MS) // .await // .expect_or("No message received after a second."); // dbg!(&msg); // assert!(&msg.contains("306,temperature_alarm")); // Expect the new pressure alarm message mqtt_tests::assert_received_all_expected( &mut messages, TEST_TIMEOUT_MS, &["301,pressure_alarm"], ) .await; sm_mapper.abort(); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn test_sync_alarms() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let alarm_topic = "tedge/alarms/critical/temperature_alarm"; let alarm_payload = r#"{ "text": "Temperature very high" }"#; let alarm_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(alarm_topic), alarm_payload); // During the sync phase, alarms are not converted immediately, but only cached to be synced later assert!(converter.convert(&alarm_message).await.is_empty()); let non_alarm_topic = "tedge/measurements"; let non_alarm_payload = r#"{"temp": 1}"#; let non_alarm_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(non_alarm_topic), non_alarm_payload); // But non-alarms are converted immediately, even during the sync phase assert!(!converter.convert(&non_alarm_message).await.is_empty()); let internal_alarm_topic = "c8y-internal/alarms/major/pressure_alarm"; let internal_alarm_payload = r#"{ "text": "Temperature very high" }"#; let internal_alarm_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked(internal_alarm_topic), internal_alarm_payload, ); // During the sync phase, internal alarms are not converted, but only cached to be synced later assert!(converter.convert(&internal_alarm_message).await.is_empty()); // When sync phase is complete, all pending alarms are returned let sync_messages = converter.sync_messages(); assert_eq!(sync_messages.len(), 2); // The first message will be clear alarm message for pressure_alarm let alarm_message = sync_messages.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "tedge/alarms/major/pressure_alarm" ); assert_eq!(alarm_message.payload_bytes().len(), 0); //Clear messages are empty messages // The second message will be the temperature_alarm let alarm_message = sync_messages.get(1).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, alarm_topic); assert_eq!(alarm_message.payload_str().unwrap(), alarm_payload); // After the sync phase, the conversion of both non-alarms as well as alarms are done immediately assert!(!converter.convert(alarm_message).await.is_empty()); assert!(!converter.convert(&non_alarm_message).await.is_empty()); // But, even after the sync phase, internal alarms are not converted and just ignored, as they are purely internal assert!(converter.convert(&internal_alarm_message).await.is_empty()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn convert_thin_edge_json_with_child_id() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let in_topic = "tedge/measurements/child1"; let in_payload = r#"{"temp": 1, "time": "2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#; let in_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(in_topic), in_payload); let expected_smart_rest_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/s/us"), "101,child1,child1,", ); let expected_c8y_json_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/measurement/measurements/create"), r#"{"type":"ThinEdgeMeasurement","externalSource":{"externalId":"child1","type":"c8y_Serial"},"temp":{"temp":{"value":1.0}},"time":"2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#, ); // Test the first output messages contains SmartREST and C8Y JSON. let out_first_messages = converter.convert(&in_message).await; assert_eq!( out_first_messages, vec![ expected_smart_rest_message, expected_c8y_json_message.clone() ] ); // Test the second output messages doesn't contain SmartREST child device creation. let out_second_messages = converter.convert(&in_message).await; assert_eq!(out_second_messages, vec![expected_c8y_json_message]); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn convert_first_thin_edge_json_invalid_then_valid_with_child_id() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let in_topic = "tedge/measurements/child1"; let in_invalid_payload = r#"{"temp": invalid}"#; let in_valid_payload = r#"{"temp": 1, "time": "2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#; let in_first_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(in_topic), in_invalid_payload); let in_second_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(in_topic), in_valid_payload); // First convert invalid Thin Edge JSON message. let out_first_messages = converter.convert(&in_first_message).await; let expected_error_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("tedge/errors"), r#"Invalid JSON: expected value at line 1 column 10: `invalid}`"#, ); assert_eq!(out_first_messages, vec![expected_error_message]); // Second convert valid Thin Edge JSON message. let out_second_messages = converter.convert(&in_second_message).await; let expected_smart_rest_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/s/us"), "101,child1,child1,", ); let expected_c8y_json_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/measurement/measurements/create"), r#"{"type":"ThinEdgeMeasurement","externalSource":{"externalId":"child1","type":"c8y_Serial"},"temp":{"temp":{"value":1.0}},"time":"2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#, ); assert_eq!( out_second_messages, vec![expected_smart_rest_message, expected_c8y_json_message] ); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] #[serial] async fn convert_two_thin_edge_json_messages_given_different_child_id() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let in_payload = r#"{"temp": 1, "time": "2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#; // First message from "child1" let in_first_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("tedge/measurements/child1"), in_payload, ); let out_first_messages = converter.convert(&in_first_message).await; let expected_first_smart_rest_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/s/us"), "101,child1,child1,", ); let expected_first_c8y_json_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/measurement/measurements/create"), r#"{"type":"ThinEdgeMeasurement","externalSource":{"externalId":"child1","type":"c8y_Serial"},"temp":{"temp":{"value":1.0}},"time":"2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#, ); assert_eq!( out_first_messages, vec![ expected_first_smart_rest_message, expected_first_c8y_json_message ] ); // Second message from "child2" let in_second_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("tedge/measurements/child2"), in_payload, ); let out_second_messages = converter.convert(&in_second_message).await; let expected_second_smart_rest_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/s/us"), "101,child2,child2,", ); let expected_second_c8y_json_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/measurement/measurements/create"), r#"{"type":"ThinEdgeMeasurement","externalSource":{"externalId":"child2","type":"c8y_Serial"},"temp":{"temp":{"value":1.0}},"time":"2021-11-16T17:45:40.571760714+01:00"}"#, ); assert_eq!( out_second_messages, vec![ expected_second_smart_rest_message, expected_second_c8y_json_message ] ); } #[test_case("tedge/measurements/test", Some("test".to_string()); "valid child id")] #[test_case("tedge/measurements/", None; "returns an error (empty value)")] #[test_case("tedge/measurements", None; "invalid child id (parent topic)")] #[test_case("foo/bar", None; "invalid child id (invalid topic)")] fn extract_child_id(in_topic: &str, expected_child_id: Option) { match get_child_id_from_topic(in_topic) { Ok(maybe_id) => assert_eq!(maybe_id, expected_child_id), Err(crate::core::error::ConversionError::InvalidChildId { id }) => { assert_eq!(id, "".to_string()) } _ => { panic!("Unexpected error type") } } } #[tokio::test] async fn check_c8y_threshold_packet_size() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let alarm_topic = "tedge/alarms/critical/temperature_alarm"; let big_alarm_text = create_packet(1024 * 20); let alarm_payload = json!({ "text": big_alarm_text }).to_string(); let alarm_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(alarm_topic), alarm_payload); assert_matches!( converter.try_convert(&alarm_message).await, Err(ConversionError::SizeThresholdExceeded { topic: _, actual_size: _, threshold: _ }) ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn convert_event_with_known_fields_to_c8y_smartrest() -> Result<()> { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let event_topic = "tedge/events/click_event"; let event_payload = r#"{ "text": "Someone clicked", "time": "2020-02-02T01:02:03+05:30" }"#; let event_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(event_topic), event_payload); let converted_events = converter.convert(&event_message).await; assert_eq!(converted_events.len(), 1); let converted_event = converted_events.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "c8y/s/us"); dbg!(converted_event.payload_str()?); assert_eq!( converted_event.payload_str()?, r#"400,click_event,"Someone clicked",2020-02-02T01:02:03+05:30"# ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn convert_event_with_extra_fields_to_c8y_json() -> Result<()> { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let event_topic = "tedge/events/click_event"; let event_payload = r#"{ "text": "tick", "foo": "bar" }"#; let event_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(event_topic), event_payload); let converted_events = converter.convert(&event_message).await; assert_eq!(converted_events.len(), 1); let converted_event = converted_events.get(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(, "c8y/event/events/create"); let converted_c8y_json = json!({ "type": "click_event", "text": "tick", "foo": "bar", }); assert_eq!(, "c8y/event/events/create"); assert_json_include!( actual: serde_json::from_str::(converted_event.payload_str()?)?, expected: converted_c8y_json ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn test_convert_big_event() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let event_topic = "tedge/events/click_event"; let big_event_text = create_packet((16 + 1) * 1024); // Event payload > size_threshold let big_event_payload = json!({ "text": big_event_text }).to_string(); let big_event_message = Message::new(&Topic::new_unchecked(event_topic), big_event_payload); assert!(converter.convert(&big_event_message).await.is_empty()); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn test_convert_big_measurement() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let measurement_topic = "tedge/measurements"; let big_measurement_payload = create_thin_edge_measurement(10 * 1024); // Measurement payload > size_threshold after converting to c8y json let big_measurement_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked(measurement_topic), big_measurement_payload, ); let result = converter.convert(&big_measurement_message).await; assert!(result.clone() .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains("The payload {\"temperature0\":0,\"temperature1\":1,\"temperature10\" received on tedge/measurements after translation is")); assert!(result .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains("greater than the threshold size of 16384.")); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn test_convert_small_measurement() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let measurement_topic = "tedge/measurements"; let big_measurement_payload = create_thin_edge_measurement(20); // Measurement payload size is 20 bytes let big_measurement_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked(measurement_topic), big_measurement_payload, ); let result = converter.convert(&big_measurement_message).await; assert!(result .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains( "{\"type\":\"ThinEdgeMeasurement\",\"temperature0\":{\"temperature0\":{\"value\":0.0}}" )); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn test_convert_big_measurement_for_child_device() { let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let measurement_topic = "tedge/measurements/child1"; let big_measurement_payload = create_thin_edge_measurement(10 * 1024); // Measurement payload > size_threshold after converting to c8y json let big_measurement_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked(measurement_topic), big_measurement_payload, ); let result = converter.convert(&big_measurement_message).await; assert!(result.clone() .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains("The payload {\"temperature0\":0,\"temperature1\":1,\"temperature10\" received on tedge/measurements/child1 after translation is")); assert!(result .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains("greater than the threshold size of 16384.")); } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn test_convert_small_measurement_for_child_device() { let measurement_topic = "tedge/measurements/child1"; let big_measurement_payload = create_thin_edge_measurement(20); // Measurement payload size is 20 bytes let big_measurement_message = Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked(measurement_topic), big_measurement_payload, ); let (_temp_dir, mut converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let result = converter.convert(&big_measurement_message).await; assert!(result .clone() .into_iter() .nth(0) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains("101,child1,child1,")); assert!(result.clone() .into_iter() .nth(1) .unwrap() .payload_str() .unwrap() .contains( "{\"type\":\"ThinEdgeMeasurement\",\"externalSource\":{\"externalId\":\"child1\",\"type\":\"c8y_Serial\"},\"temperature0\":{\"temperature0\":{\"value\":0.0}}," )); } fn create_packet(size: usize) -> String { let data: String = "Some data!".into(); let loops = size / data.len(); let mut buffer = String::with_capacity(size); for _ in 0..loops { buffer.push_str("Some data!"); } buffer } fn create_thin_edge_measurement(size: usize) -> String { let mut map = serde_json::Map::new(); let data = r#""temperature":25"#; let loops = size / data.len(); for i in 0..loops { map.insert(format!("temperature{i}"), json!(i)); } let obj = serde_json::Value::Object(map); serde_json::to_string(&obj).unwrap() } pub struct FakeC8YHttpProxy {} #[async_trait::async_trait] impl C8YHttpProxy for FakeC8YHttpProxy { async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> { Ok(()) } fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, _url: &str) -> bool { true } async fn get_jwt_token(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::try_new("71,fake-token")?) } async fn send_software_list_http( &mut self, _c8y_software_list: &C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse, ) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> { Ok(()) } async fn upload_log_binary( &mut self, _log_type: &str, _log_content: &str, ) -> Result { Ok("fake/upload/url".into()) } async fn send_event( &mut self, _c8y_event: C8yCreateEvent, ) -> Result { Ok("123".into()) } async fn upload_config_file( &mut self, _config_path: &Path, _config_type: &str, ) -> Result { Ok("fake/upload/url".into()) } } async fn start_c8y_mapper(mqtt_port: u16) -> Result<(TempTedgeDir, JoinHandle<()>), anyhow::Error> { let (_temp_dir, converter) = create_c8y_converter(); let mut mapper = create_mapper( "c8y-mapper-test", MQTT_HOST.to_string(), mqtt_port, Box::new(converter), ) .await?; let mapper_task = tokio::spawn(async move { let _ =; }); Ok((_temp_dir, mapper_task)) } fn create_c8y_converter() -> (TempTedgeDir, CumulocityConverter) { let size_threshold = SizeThreshold(16 * 1024); let device_name = "test-device".into(); let device_type = "test-device-type".into(); let operations = Operations::default(); let http_proxy = FakeC8YHttpProxy {}; let tmp_dir = TempTedgeDir::new(); tmp_dir .dir("tedge") .dir("agent") .file("software-list-2011-11-11T11:11:11Z.log"); let converter = CumulocityConverter::from_logs_path( size_threshold, device_name, device_type, operations, http_proxy, tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf(), ) .unwrap(); (tmp_dir, converter) } fn remove_whitespace(s: &str) -> String { let mut s = String::from(s); s.retain(|c| !c.is_whitespace()); s } async fn publish_a_fake_jwt_token(broker: &MqttProcessHandler) { let _ = broker.publish("c8y/s/dat", "71,1111").await.unwrap(); }