use std::collections::HashMap; use nu_ansi_term::Color; use pretty::Arena; use tedge_api::{ config::{AsConfig, ConfigDescription, ConfigKind}, Config, }; struct Port(u64); impl AsConfig for Port { fn as_config() -> ConfigDescription { ConfigDescription::new( String::from("Integer"), ConfigKind::Integer, Some("A TCP port number is an integer between 0 and 65535"), ) } } struct VHost; impl AsConfig for VHost { fn as_config() -> ConfigDescription { ConfigDescription::new( String::from("VHost"), ConfigKind::Struct(vec![("name", None, String::as_config())]), Some("A virtual host definition"), ) } } fn main() { let arena = Arena::new(); let doc = Vec::::as_config(); let rendered_doc = doc.as_terminal_doc(&arena); let mut output = String::new(); rendered_doc.render_fmt(80, &mut output).unwrap(); println!( "------- Output for {}", std::any::type_name::>() ); println!("{}", output); let arena = Arena::new(); let doc = ConfigDescription::new( String::from("ServerConfig"), ConfigKind::Struct(vec![ ("port", None, Port::as_config()), ("interface", None, String::as_config()), ("virtual_hosts", None, Vec::::as_config()), ("headers", None, HashMap::::as_config()), ]), Some("Specify how the server should be started\n\n## Note\n\nThis is a reallly really loooooooooooooooooong loooooooooooooooooooong new *line*."), ); let rendered_doc = doc.as_terminal_doc(&arena); let mut output = String::new(); rendered_doc.render_fmt(80, &mut output).unwrap(); println!( "Configuration for {} plugin kinds", Color::White.bold().paint( ); println!( "{}", Color::White.dimmed().bold().paint(format!( "=================={}=============", std::iter::repeat('=') .take( .collect::() )) ); println!("------- Output for ServerConfig"); println!("{}", output); let arena = Arena::new(); #[derive(Config)] #[config(tag = "type")] /// An Nginx virtual host /// /// # Note /// /// This is an example and as such is nonsense enum NginxVHost { /// A simple host consisting of a string Simple(String), /// A more complex host that can also specify its port Complex { /// the name of the VHost name: String, port: Port, }, UndocumentedComplex { num: u16, foo: f32, }, } #[derive(Config)] #[config(untagged)] enum DebugLevel { /// Enables debug output /// /// And info of course Debug, /// Only pertinent information will be logged Info, /// A custom debug level Custom(String), } #[derive(Config)] struct NginxConfig { vhosts: Vec, debug_level: DebugLevel, allow_priv_ports: bool, } let doc = NginxConfig::as_config(); let rendered_doc = doc.as_terminal_doc(&arena); let mut output = String::new(); rendered_doc.render_fmt(80, &mut output).unwrap(); println!("------- Output for NginxConfig"); println!( "Configuration for {} plugin kinds", Color::White.bold().paint( ); println!( "{}", Color::White.dimmed().bold().paint(format!( "=================={}=============", std::iter::repeat('=') .take( .collect::() )) ); println!("{}", output); println!("-------"); }