use crate::{cli::connect::*, command::Command, system_services::*, ConfigError}; use rumqttc::QoS::AtLeastOnce; use rumqttc::{Event, Incoming, MqttOptions, Outgoing, Packet}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::Duration; use tedge_config::*; use tedge_utils::paths::{create_directories, ok_if_not_found, DraftFile}; use which::which; const DEFAULT_HOST: &str = "localhost"; const WAIT_FOR_CHECK_SECONDS: u64 = 10; const C8Y_CONFIG_FILENAME: &str = "c8y-bridge.conf"; const AZURE_CONFIG_FILENAME: &str = "az-bridge.conf"; const RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(10); const MOSQUITTO_RESTART_TIMEOUT_SECONDS: u64 = 5; const MQTT_TLS_PORT: u16 = 8883; const TEDGE_BRIDGE_CONF_DIR_PATH: &str = "mosquitto-conf"; pub struct ConnectCommand { pub config_location: TEdgeConfigLocation, pub config_repository: TEdgeConfigRepository, pub cloud: Cloud, pub common_mosquitto_config: CommonMosquittoConfig, pub is_test_connection: bool, pub service_manager: Arc, } pub enum DeviceStatus { MightBeNew, AlreadyExists, Unknown, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Cloud { Azure, C8y, } impl Cloud { fn dependent_mapper_service(&self) -> SystemService { match self { Cloud::Azure => SystemService::TEdgeMapperAz, Cloud::C8y => SystemService::TEdgeMapperC8y, } } } impl Cloud { fn as_str(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Self::Azure => "Azure", Self::C8y => "Cumulocity", } } } impl Command for ConnectCommand { fn description(&self) -> String { if self.is_test_connection { format!("test connection to {} cloud.", } else { format!("connect {} cloud.", } } fn execute(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut config = self.config_repository.load()?; if self.is_test_connection { let br_config = self.bridge_config(&config)?; if self.check_if_bridge_exists(br_config) { return match self.check_connection(&config) { Ok(_) => Ok(()), Err(err) => Err(err.into()), }; } else { return Err((ConnectError::DeviceNotConnected { cloud:, }) .into()); } } // XXX: Do we really need to persist the defaults? match { Cloud::Azure => assign_default(&mut config, AzureRootCertPathSetting)?, Cloud::C8y => assign_default(&mut config, C8yRootCertPathSetting)?, } let bridge_config = self.bridge_config(&config)?; let updated_mosquitto_config = self .common_mosquitto_config .clone() .with_internal_opts(config.query(MqttPortSetting)?.into()) .with_external_opts( config.query(MqttExternalPortSetting).ok().map(|x| x.into()), config.query(MqttExternalBindAddressSetting).ok(), config.query(MqttExternalBindInterfaceSetting).ok(), config .query(MqttExternalCAPathSetting) .ok() .map(|x| x.to_string()), config .query(MqttExternalCertfileSetting) .ok() .map(|x| x.to_string()), config .query(MqttExternalKeyfileSetting) .ok() .map(|x| x.to_string()), );; new_bridge( &bridge_config, &, &updated_mosquitto_config, self.service_manager.as_ref(), &self.config_location, )?; match self.check_connection(&config) { Ok(DeviceStatus::AlreadyExists) => {} Ok(DeviceStatus::MightBeNew) | Ok(DeviceStatus::Unknown) => { if let Cloud::C8y = { println!("Restarting mosquitto to resubscribe to bridged inbound cloud topics after device creation"); restart_mosquitto( &bridge_config, self.service_manager.as_ref(), &self.config_location, )?; } } Err(_) => { println!( "Warning: Bridge has been configured, but {} connection check failed.\n", ); } } if let Cloud::C8y = { enable_software_management(&bridge_config, self.service_manager.as_ref()); } Ok(()) } } impl ConnectCommand { fn bridge_config(&self, config: &TEdgeConfig) -> Result { match { Cloud::Azure => { let params = BridgeConfigAzureParams { connect_url: config.query(AzureUrlSetting)?, mqtt_tls_port: MQTT_TLS_PORT, config_file: AZURE_CONFIG_FILENAME.into(), bridge_root_cert_path: config.query(AzureRootCertPathSetting)?, remote_clientid: config.query(DeviceIdSetting)?, bridge_certfile: config.query(DeviceCertPathSetting)?, bridge_keyfile: config.query(DeviceKeyPathSetting)?, }; Ok(BridgeConfig::from(params)) } Cloud::C8y => { let params = BridgeConfigC8yParams { connect_url: config.query(C8yUrlSetting)?, mqtt_tls_port: MQTT_TLS_PORT, config_file: C8Y_CONFIG_FILENAME.into(), bridge_root_cert_path: config.query(C8yRootCertPathSetting)?, remote_clientid: config.query(DeviceIdSetting)?, bridge_certfile: config.query(DeviceCertPathSetting)?, bridge_keyfile: config.query(DeviceKeyPathSetting)?, }; Ok(BridgeConfig::from(params)) } } } fn check_connection(&self, config: &TEdgeConfig) -> Result { let port = config.query(MqttPortSetting)?.into(); let device_id = config.query(DeviceIdSetting)?; println!( "Sending packets to check connection. This may take up to {} seconds.\n", WAIT_FOR_CHECK_SECONDS ); match { Cloud::Azure => check_device_status_azure(port), Cloud::C8y => check_device_status_c8y(port, device_id.as_str()), } } fn check_if_bridge_exists(&self, br_config: BridgeConfig) -> bool { let bridge_conf_path = self .config_location .tedge_config_root_path .join(TEDGE_BRIDGE_CONF_DIR_PATH) .join(br_config.config_file); Path::new(&bridge_conf_path).exists() } } // XXX: Improve naming fn assign_default( config: &mut TEdgeConfig, setting: T, ) -> Result<(), ConfigError> where TEdgeConfig: ConfigSettingAccessor, { let value = config.query(setting)?; let () = config.update(setting, value)?; Ok(()) } // Check the connection by using the response of the SmartREST template 100. // If getting the response '41,100,Device already existing', the connection is established. // // If the device is already registered, it can finish in the first try. // If the device is new, the device is going to be registered here and // the check can finish in the second try as there is no error response in the first try. fn check_device_status_c8y(port: u16, device_id: &str) -> Result { for i in 0..2 { println!("Try {} / 2: Sending a message to Cumulocity. ", i + 1,); match create_device(port, device_id) { Ok(DeviceStatus::MightBeNew) => return Ok(DeviceStatus::MightBeNew), Ok(DeviceStatus::AlreadyExists) => { println!("Received expected response message, connection check is successful.\n",); if i == 0 { // If the DeviceAlreadyExists response comes on the first attempt itself, the device definitely was created earlier return Ok(DeviceStatus::AlreadyExists); } else { // If the DeviceAlreadyExists response comes on the second attempt only, // it may have been created on the first attempt or earlier. // The absence of the response on the first attempt can't be considered as definite proof of new device creation // due to the possibility of a DeviceAlreadyExists response from that first attempt getting lost in transit. // So, we could only say that the device might be new, but not entirely sure. return Ok(DeviceStatus::MightBeNew); } } Ok(DeviceStatus::Unknown) => { if i == 0 { println!("... No response. If the device is new, it's normal to get no response in the first try."); } else { println!("... No response. "); return Err(ConnectError::ConnectionCheckError); } } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } } Ok(DeviceStatus::MightBeNew) } fn create_device(port: u16, device_id: &str) -> Result { const C8Y_TOPIC_BUILTIN_MESSAGE_UPSTREAM: &str = "c8y/s/us"; const C8Y_TOPIC_ERROR_MESSAGE_DOWNSTREAM: &str = "c8y/s/e"; const CLIENT_ID: &str = "check_connection_c8y"; const REGISTRATION_ERROR: &[u8] = b"41,100,Device already existing"; const DEVICE_TYPE: &str = ""; let registration_payload = format!("100,{},{}", device_id, DEVICE_TYPE); let mut options = MqttOptions::new(CLIENT_ID, DEFAULT_HOST, port); options.set_keep_alive(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); let (mut client, mut connection) = rumqttc::Client::new(options, 10); let mut acknowledged = false; client.subscribe(C8Y_TOPIC_ERROR_MESSAGE_DOWNSTREAM, AtLeastOnce)?; for event in connection.iter() { match event { Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::SubAck(_))) => { // We are ready to get the response, hence send the request client.publish( C8Y_TOPIC_BUILTIN_MESSAGE_UPSTREAM, AtLeastOnce, false, registration_payload.as_bytes(), )?; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::PubAck(_))) => { // The request has been sent acknowledged = true; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::Publish(response))) => { // We got a response if response.payload == REGISTRATION_ERROR { return Ok(DeviceStatus::AlreadyExists); } } Ok(Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::PingReq)) => { // No messages have been received for a while println!("Local MQTT publish has timed out."); break; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Incoming::Disconnect)) => { eprintln!("ERROR: Disconnected"); break; } Err(err) => { eprintln!("ERROR: {:?}", err); break; } _ => {} } } if acknowledged { // The request has been sent but without a response Ok(DeviceStatus::Unknown) } else { // The request has not even been sent println!("\nMake sure mosquitto is running."); Err(ConnectError::TimeoutElapsedError) } } // Here We check the az device twin properties over mqtt to check if connection has been open. // First the mqtt client will subscribe to a topic az/$iothub/twin/res/#, listen to the // device twin property output. // Empty payload will be published to az/$iothub/twin/GET/?$rid=1, here 1 is request ID. // The result will be published by the iothub on the az/$iothub/twin/res/{status}/?$rid={request id}. // Here if the status is 200 then it's success. fn check_device_status_azure(port: u16) -> Result { const AZURE_TOPIC_DEVICE_TWIN_DOWNSTREAM: &str = r##"az/twin/res/#"##; const AZURE_TOPIC_DEVICE_TWIN_UPSTREAM: &str = r#"az/twin/GET/?$rid=1"#; const CLIENT_ID: &str = "check_connection_az"; const REGISTRATION_PAYLOAD: &[u8] = b""; const REGISTRATION_OK: &str = "200"; let mut options = MqttOptions::new(CLIENT_ID, DEFAULT_HOST, port); options.set_keep_alive(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); let (mut client, mut connection) = rumqttc::Client::new(options, 10); let mut acknowledged = false; client.subscribe(AZURE_TOPIC_DEVICE_TWIN_DOWNSTREAM, AtLeastOnce)?; for event in connection.iter() { match event { Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::SubAck(_))) => { // We are ready to get the response, hence send the request client.publish( AZURE_TOPIC_DEVICE_TWIN_UPSTREAM, AtLeastOnce, false, REGISTRATION_PAYLOAD, )?; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::PubAck(_))) => { // The request has been sent acknowledged = true; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Packet::Publish(response))) => { // We got a response if response.topic.contains(REGISTRATION_OK) { println!("Received expected response message, connection check is successful."); return Ok(DeviceStatus::AlreadyExists); } else { break; } } Ok(Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::PingReq)) => { // No messages have been received for a while println!("Local MQTT publish has timed out."); break; } Ok(Event::Incoming(Incoming::Disconnect)) => { eprintln!("ERROR: Disconnected"); break; } Err(err) => { eprintln!("ERROR: {:?}", err); break; } _ => {} } } if acknowledged { // The request has been sent but without a response Ok(DeviceStatus::Unknown) } else { // The request has not even been sent println!("Make sure mosquitto is running."); Err(ConnectError::TimeoutElapsedError) } } fn new_bridge( bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, cloud: &Cloud, common_mosquitto_config: &CommonMosquittoConfig, service_manager: &dyn SystemServiceManager, config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, ) -> Result<(), ConnectError> { println!("Checking if {} is available.\n",; let service_manager_result = service_manager.check_operational(); if let Err(SystemServiceError::ServiceManagerUnavailable(name)) = &service_manager_result { println!( "Warning: '{}' service manager is not available on the system.\n", name ); } println!("Checking if configuration for requested bridge already exists.\n"); let () = bridge_config_exists(config_location, bridge_config)?; println!("Validating the bridge certificates.\n"); let () = bridge_config.validate()?; println!("Saving configuration for requested bridge.\n"); if let Err(err) = write_bridge_config_to_file(config_location, bridge_config, common_mosquitto_config) { // We want to preserve previous errors and therefore discard result of this function. let _ = clean_up(config_location, bridge_config); return Err(err); } if let Err(err) = service_manager_result { println!("'tedge connect' configured the necessary tedge components, but you will have to start the required services on your own."); println!("Start/restart mosquitto and other thin edge components."); println!(" works seamlessly with 'systemd'.\n"); return Err(err.into()); } restart_mosquitto(bridge_config, service_manager, config_location)?; println!( "Awaiting mosquitto to start. This may take up to {} seconds.\n", MOSQUITTO_RESTART_TIMEOUT_SECONDS ); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs( MOSQUITTO_RESTART_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, )); println!("Enabling mosquitto service on reboots.\n"); if let Err(err) = service_manager.enable_service(SystemService::Mosquitto) { clean_up(config_location, bridge_config)?; return Err(err.into()); } println!("Successfully created bridge connection!\n"); if bridge_config.use_mapper { println!("Checking if tedge-mapper is installed.\n"); if which("tedge_mapper").is_err() { println!("Warning: tedge_mapper is not installed.\n"); } else { service_manager .start_and_enable_service(cloud.dependent_mapper_service(), std::io::stdout()); } } Ok(()) } fn restart_mosquitto( bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, service_manager: &dyn SystemServiceManager, config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, ) -> Result<(), ConnectError> { println!("Restarting mosquitto service.\n"); if let Err(err) = service_manager.restart_service(SystemService::Mosquitto) { clean_up(config_location, bridge_config)?; return Err(err.into()); } Ok(()) } fn enable_software_management( bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, service_manager: &dyn SystemServiceManager, ) { println!("Enabling software management.\n"); if bridge_config.use_agent { println!("Checking if tedge-agent is installed.\n"); if which("tedge_agent").is_ok() { service_manager .start_and_enable_service(SystemService::TEdgeSMAgent, std::io::stdout()); service_manager .start_and_enable_service(SystemService::TEdgeSMMapperC8Y, std::io::stdout()); } else { println!("Info: Software management is not installed. So, skipping enabling related components.\n"); } } } // To preserve error chain and not discard other errors we need to ignore error here // (don't use '?' with the call to this function to preserve original error). fn clean_up( config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, ) -> Result<(), ConnectError> { let path = get_bridge_config_file_path(config_location, bridge_config); let _ = std::fs::remove_file(&path).or_else(ok_if_not_found)?; Ok(()) } fn bridge_config_exists( config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, ) -> Result<(), ConnectError> { let path = get_bridge_config_file_path(config_location, bridge_config); if Path::new(&path).exists() { return Err(ConnectError::ConfigurationExists { cloud: bridge_config.cloud_name.to_string(), }); } Ok(()) } fn write_bridge_config_to_file( config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, common_mosquitto_config: &CommonMosquittoConfig, ) -> Result<(), ConnectError> { let dir_path = config_location .tedge_config_root_path .join(TEDGE_BRIDGE_CONF_DIR_PATH); // This will forcefully create directory structure if it doesn't exist, we should find better way to do it, maybe config should deal with it? let _ = create_directories(&dir_path)?; let common_config_path = get_common_mosquitto_config_file_path(config_location, common_mosquitto_config); let mut common_draft = DraftFile::new(&common_config_path)?; common_mosquitto_config.serialize(&mut common_draft)?; let () = common_draft.persist()?; let config_path = get_bridge_config_file_path(config_location, bridge_config); let mut config_draft = DraftFile::new(config_path)?; bridge_config.serialize(&mut config_draft)?; let () = config_draft.persist()?; Ok(()) } fn get_bridge_config_file_path( config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, bridge_config: &BridgeConfig, ) -> PathBuf { config_location .tedge_config_root_path .join(TEDGE_BRIDGE_CONF_DIR_PATH) .join(&bridge_config.config_file) } fn get_common_mosquitto_config_file_path( config_location: &TEdgeConfigLocation, common_mosquitto_config: &CommonMosquittoConfig, ) -> PathBuf { config_location .tedge_config_root_path .join(TEDGE_BRIDGE_CONF_DIR_PATH) .join(&common_mosquitto_config.config_file) }