use crate::json_c8y::{ C8yCreateEvent, C8yEventResponse, C8yManagedObject, C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse, InternalIdResponse, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use c8y_smartrest::{error::SMCumulocityMapperError, smartrest_deserializer::SmartRestJwtResponse}; use mockall::automock; use mqtt_channel::{Connection, PubChannel, StreamExt, Topic, TopicFilter}; use reqwest::Url; use std::path::Path; use std::{collections::HashMap, time::Duration}; use tedge_config::{ C8yRootCertPathSetting, C8yUrlSetting, ConfigSettingAccessor, ConfigSettingAccessorStringExt, DeviceIdSetting, MqttBindAddressSetting, MqttPortSetting, TEdgeConfig, }; use time::OffsetDateTime; use tracing::{error, info, instrument}; const RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECS: u64 = 60; /// An HttpProxy handles http requests to C8y on behalf of the device. #[automock] #[async_trait] pub trait C8YHttpProxy: Send + Sync { async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError>; fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool; async fn get_jwt_token(&mut self) -> Result; async fn send_event( &mut self, c8y_event: C8yCreateEvent, ) -> Result; async fn send_software_list_http( &mut self, c8y_software_list: &C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse, ) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError>; async fn upload_log_binary( &mut self, log_content: &str, ) -> Result; async fn upload_config_file( &mut self, config_path: &Path, config_type: &str, ) -> Result; } /// Define a C8y endpoint #[derive(Debug)] pub struct C8yEndPoint { c8y_host: String, device_id: String, c8y_internal_id: String, } impl C8yEndPoint { #[cfg(test)] fn new(c8y_host: &str, device_id: &str, c8y_internal_id: &str) -> C8yEndPoint { C8yEndPoint { c8y_host: c8y_host.into(), device_id: device_id.into(), c8y_internal_id: c8y_internal_id.into(), } } fn get_base_url(&self) -> String { let mut url_get_id = String::new(); if !self.c8y_host.starts_with("http") { url_get_id.push_str("https://"); } url_get_id.push_str(&self.c8y_host); url_get_id } fn get_url_for_sw_list(&self) -> String { let mut url_update_swlist = self.get_base_url(); url_update_swlist.push_str("/inventory/managedObjects/"); url_update_swlist.push_str(&self.c8y_internal_id); url_update_swlist } fn get_url_for_get_id(&self) -> String { let mut url_get_id = self.get_base_url(); url_get_id.push_str("/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/"); url_get_id.push_str(&self.device_id); url_get_id } fn get_url_for_create_event(&self) -> String { let mut url_create_event = self.get_base_url(); url_create_event.push_str("/event/events/"); url_create_event } fn get_url_for_event_binary_upload(&self, event_id: &str) -> String { let mut url_event_binary = self.get_url_for_create_event(); url_event_binary.push_str(event_id); url_event_binary.push_str("/binaries"); url_event_binary } fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool { // c8y URL may contain either `Tenant Name` or Tenant Id` so they can be one of following options: // * . eg: // * . eg: // These URLs may be both equivalent and point to the same tenant. // We are going to remove that and only check if the domain is the same. let tenant_uri = &self.c8y_host; let url_host = match Url::parse(url) { Ok(url) => match { Some(host) => host.to_string(), None => return false, }, Err(_err) => { return false; } }; let url_domain = url_host.splitn(2, '.').collect::>(); let tenant_domain = tenant_uri.splitn(2, '.').collect::>(); if url_domain.get(1) == tenant_domain.get(1) { return true; } false } } #[automock] #[async_trait] pub trait C8yJwtTokenRetriever: Send + Sync { async fn get_jwt_token(&mut self) -> Result; } pub struct C8yMqttJwtTokenRetriever { mqtt_con: mqtt_channel::Connection, } impl C8yMqttJwtTokenRetriever { pub fn new(mqtt_con: mqtt_channel::Connection) -> Self { C8yMqttJwtTokenRetriever { mqtt_con } } } #[async_trait] impl C8yJwtTokenRetriever for C8yMqttJwtTokenRetriever { async fn get_jwt_token(&mut self) -> Result { let () = self .mqtt_con .published .publish(mqtt_channel::Message::new( &Topic::new_unchecked("c8y/s/uat"), "".to_string(), )) .await?; let token_smartrest = match tokio::time::timeout( Duration::from_secs(10),, ) .await { Ok(Some(msg)) => msg.payload_str()?.to_string(), Ok(None) => return Err(SMCumulocityMapperError::InvalidMqttMessage), Err(_elapsed) => return Err(SMCumulocityMapperError::RequestTimeout), }; Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::try_new(&token_smartrest)?) } } /// An HttpProxy that uses MQTT to retrieve JWT tokens and authenticate the device /// /// - Keep the connection info to c8y and the internal Id of the device /// - Handle JWT requests pub struct JwtAuthHttpProxy { jwt_token_retriver: Box, http_con: reqwest::Client, end_point: C8yEndPoint, } impl JwtAuthHttpProxy { pub fn new( jwt_token_retriver: Box, http_con: reqwest::Client, c8y_host: &str, device_id: &str, ) -> JwtAuthHttpProxy { JwtAuthHttpProxy { jwt_token_retriver, http_con, end_point: C8yEndPoint { c8y_host: c8y_host.into(), device_id: device_id.into(), c8y_internal_id: "".into(), }, } } pub async fn try_new( tedge_config: &TEdgeConfig, ) -> Result { let c8y_host = tedge_config.query_string(C8yUrlSetting)?; let device_id = tedge_config.query_string(DeviceIdSetting)?; let root_cert = tedge_config.query(C8yRootCertPathSetting)?; let client_builder = reqwest::Client::builder(); let http_con = match std::fs::metadata(&root_cert)?.is_file() { true => { let cert = std::fs::read(root_cert)?; let cert_pem = reqwest::Certificate::from_pem(&cert)?; client_builder.add_root_certificate(cert_pem).build()? } false =>, }; let mqtt_port = tedge_config.query(MqttPortSetting)?.into(); let mqtt_host = tedge_config.query(MqttBindAddressSetting)?.to_string(); let topic = TopicFilter::new("c8y/s/dat")?; let mqtt_config = mqtt_channel::Config::default() .with_port(mqtt_port) .with_clean_session(true) .with_host(mqtt_host) .with_subscriptions(topic); let mut mqtt_con = Connection::new(&mqtt_config).await?; // Ignore errors on this connection let () = mqtt_con.errors.close(); let jwt_token_retriver = Box::new(C8yMqttJwtTokenRetriever::new(mqtt_con)); Ok(JwtAuthHttpProxy::new( jwt_token_retriver, http_con, &c8y_host, &device_id, )) } async fn try_get_and_set_internal_id(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> { self.end_point.c8y_internal_id = self.try_get_internal_id().await?; Ok(()) } async fn try_get_internal_id(&mut self) -> Result { let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?; let url_get_id = self.end_point.get_url_for_get_id(); let internal_id = self .http_con .get(url_get_id) .bearer_auth(token.token()) .send() .await?; let internal_id_response = internal_id.json::().await?; let internal_id =; Ok(internal_id) } fn create_log_event(&self) -> C8yCreateEvent { let c8y_managed_object = C8yManagedObject { id: self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.clone(), }; C8yCreateEvent::new( Some(c8y_managed_object), "c8y_Logfile".to_string(), OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), "software-management".to_string(), HashMap::new(), ) } fn create_event( &self, event_type: String, event_text: Option, event_time: Option, ) -> C8yCreateEvent { let c8y_managed_object = C8yManagedObject { id: self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.clone(), }; C8yCreateEvent::new( Some(c8y_managed_object), event_type.clone(), event_time.unwrap_or(OffsetDateTime::now_utc()), event_text.unwrap_or(event_type), HashMap::new(), ) } async fn send_event_internal( &mut self, c8y_event: C8yCreateEvent, ) -> Result { let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?; let create_event_url = self.end_point.get_url_for_create_event(); let request = self .http_con .post(create_event_url) .json(&c8y_event) .bearer_auth(token.token()) .header("Accept", "application/json") .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000)) .build()?; let response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?; let _ = response.error_for_status_ref()?; let event_response_body = response.json::().await?; Ok( } } #[async_trait] impl C8YHttpProxy for JwtAuthHttpProxy { fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool { self.end_point.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url) } #[instrument(skip(self), name = "init")] async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> { info!("Initialisation"); while self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.is_empty() { if let Err(error) = self.try_get_and_set_internal_id().await { error!( "An error ocurred while retrieving internal Id, operation will retry in {} seconds and mapper will reinitialise.\n Error: {:?}", RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECS, error ); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECS)).await; continue; }; } info!("Initialisation done."); Ok(()) } async fn get_jwt_token(&mut self) -> Result { self.jwt_token_retriver.get_jwt_token().await } async fn send_event( &mut self, mut c8y_event: C8yCreateEvent, ) -> Result { if c8y_event.source.is_none() { c8y_event.source = Some(C8yManagedObject { id: self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.clone(), }); } self.send_event_internal(c8y_event).await } async fn send_software_list_http( &mut self, c8y_software_list: &C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse, ) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> { let url = self.end_point.get_url_for_sw_list(); let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?; let request = self .http_con .put(url) .json(c8y_software_list) .bearer_auth(&token.token()) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000)) .build()?; let _response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?; Ok(()) } async fn upload_log_binary( &mut self, log_content: &str, ) -> Result { let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?; let log_event = self.create_log_event(); let event_response_id = self.send_event_internal(log_event).await?; let binary_upload_event_url = self .end_point .get_url_for_event_binary_upload(&event_response_id); let request = self .http_con .post(&binary_upload_event_url) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("Content-Type", "text/plain") .body(log_content.to_string()) .bearer_auth(token.token()) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000)) .build()?; let _response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?; Ok(binary_upload_event_url) } async fn upload_config_file( &mut self, config_path: &Path, config_type: &str, ) -> Result { let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?; // read the config file contents let config_content = std::fs::read_to_string(config_path)?; let config_file_event = self.create_event(config_type.to_string(), None, None); let event_response_id = self.send_event_internal(config_file_event).await?; let binary_upload_event_url = self .end_point .get_url_for_event_binary_upload(&event_response_id); let request = self .http_con .post(&binary_upload_event_url) .header("Accept", "application/json") .header("Content-Type", "text/plain") .body(config_content.to_string()) .bearer_auth(token.token()) .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000)) .build()?; let _response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?; Ok(binary_upload_event_url) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::io::Write; use super::*; use anyhow::Result; use mockito::{mock, Matcher}; use serde_json::json; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use test_case::test_case; #[test] fn get_url_for_get_id_returns_correct_address() { let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("test_host", "test_device", "internal-id"); let res = c8y.get_url_for_get_id(); assert_eq!( res, "https://test_host/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/test_device" ); } #[test] fn get_url_for_sw_list_returns_correct_address() { let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("test_host", "test_device", "12345"); let res = c8y.get_url_for_sw_list(); assert_eq!(res, "https://test_host/inventory/managedObjects/12345"); } #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("mqtt://")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] fn url_is_my_tenant_correct_urls(url: &str) { let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("", "test_device", "internal-id"); assert!(c8y.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url)); } #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] #[test_case("")] fn url_is_my_tenant_incorrect_urls(url: &str) { let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("", "test_device", "internal-id"); assert!(!c8y.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url)); } #[tokio::test] async fn get_internal_id() -> Result<()> { let device_id = "test-device"; let internal_device_id = "1234"; let _mock = mock("GET", "/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/test-device") .with_status(200) .with_body( json!({ "externalId": device_id, "managedObject": { "id": internal_device_id } }) .to_string(), ) .create(); // An JwtAuthHttpProxy ... let mut jwt_token_retriver = Box::new(MockC8yJwtTokenRetriever::new()); jwt_token_retriver .expect_get_jwt_token() .returning(|| Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::default())); let http_client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); let mut http_proxy = JwtAuthHttpProxy::new( jwt_token_retriver, http_client, mockito::server_url().as_str(), device_id, ); assert_eq!(http_proxy.try_get_internal_id().await?, internal_device_id); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn send_event() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let device_id = "test-device"; let event_id = "456"; // Mock endpoint to return C8Y internal id let _get_internal_id_mock = mock("GET", "/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/test-device") .with_status(200) .with_body( json!({ "externalId": device_id, "managedObject": { "id": "123" } }).to_string(), ) .create(); let _create_event_mock = mock("POST", "/event/events/") .match_body(Matcher::PartialJson( json!({ "type": "clock_event", "text": "tick" }), )) .with_status(201) .with_body(json!({ "id": event_id }).to_string()) .create(); // An JwtAuthHttpProxy ... let mut jwt_token_retriver = Box::new(MockC8yJwtTokenRetriever::new()); jwt_token_retriver .expect_get_jwt_token() .returning(|| Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::default())); let http_client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); let mut http_proxy = JwtAuthHttpProxy::new( jwt_token_retriver, http_client, mockito::server_url().as_str(), device_id, ); let c8y_event = C8yCreateEvent::new( None, "clock_event".to_string(), OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), "tick".to_string(), HashMap::new(), ); // ... creates the event and assert its id assert_eq!(http_proxy.send_event(c8y_event).await?, event_id); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn upload_config_file() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let device_id = "test-device"; let event_id = "456"; // Mock endpoint to return C8Y internal id let _get_internal_id_mock = mock("GET", "/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/test-device") .with_status(200) .with_body( json!({ "externalId": device_id, "managedObject": { "id": "123" } }).to_string(), ) .create(); let config_content = "key=value"; let config_type = "config_type"; let config_file = create_test_config_file_with_content(config_content)?; // Mock endpoint for config upload event creation let _config_file_event_mock = mock("POST", "/event/events/") .match_body(Matcher::PartialJson( json!({ "type": config_type, "text": config_type }), )) .with_status(201) .with_body(json!({ "id": event_id }).to_string()) .create(); let config_binary_url_path = format!("/event/events/{event_id}/binaries"); // Mock endpoint for config file binary upload let _config_binary_upload_mock = mock("POST", config_binary_url_path.as_str()) .match_body(Matcher::Exact(config_content.to_string())) .with_status(201) .with_body("irrelevant response") .create(); // An JwtAuthHttpProxy ... let mut jwt_token_retriver = Box::new(MockC8yJwtTokenRetriever::new()); jwt_token_retriver .expect_get_jwt_token() .returning(|| Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::default())); let http_client = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); let mut http_proxy = JwtAuthHttpProxy::new( jwt_token_retriver, http_client, mockito::server_url().as_str(), device_id, ); // Upload the config file and assert its binary URL assert_eq!( http_proxy .upload_config_file(config_file.path(), config_type) .await?, mockito::server_url() + config_binary_url_path.as_str() ); Ok(()) } fn create_test_config_file_with_content(content: &str) -> Result { let mut file = NamedTempFile::new()?; file.write_all(content.as_bytes())?; Ok(file) } }