#!/usr/bin/bash # Run all available system-tests. # Note: Needs a bash shell to run # # Expected environment variables to be set: # C8YPASS : Cumulocity password # C8YUSERNAME : Cumolocity username # C8YTENANT : Cumolocity tenant # C8YDEVICE : The device name # C8YDEVICEID : The device ID in Cumolocity # TIMEZONE : Your timezone (temporary) # TEBASEDIR : Base directory for the Thin-Edge repo # EXAMPLEDIR : The direcory of the sawtooth example # C8YURL : e.g. https://thin-edge-io.eu-latest.cumulocity.com set -e cd $TEBASEDIR # Check if clients are installed dpkg -s mosquitto-clients sudo cp plugins/tedge_docker_plugin/tedge_docker_plugin.sh /etc/tedge/sm-plugins/docker sudo cp /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin/tedge_dummy_plugin /etc/tedge/sm-plugins/fruits sudo tedge config set software.plugin.default apt sudo mkdir -p /tmp/.tedge_dummy_plugin/ sudo cp tests/PySys/software_management_end_to_end/dummy_plugin_configuration/list-valid.0 /tmp/.tedge_dummy_plugin/list-valid.0 # Run all PySys tests python3 -m venv ~/env-pysys source ~/env-pysys/bin/activate pip3 install -r tests/requirements.txt cd tests/PySys/ # Run all software management tests, including the ones for the # fake- and the docker plugin pysys.py run -v DEBUG 'SoftwareManagement.*' -XmyPlatform='smcontainer' -Xdockerplugin='dockerplugin' -Xfakeplugin='fakeplugin' deactivate sudo tedge config unset software.plugin.default sudo rm -f /etc/tedge/sm-plugins/docker sudo rm -f /etc/tedge/sm-plugins/fruits