name: ci_pipeline # All in one ci pipeline # Note that the jobs system-test_offsite_{abcd} , install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10{abcd} # are there four times and are almost identical. They only differ in a character # a,b,c,d that we use to select a runner. # # TODO: Reduce complexity by moving functionality to bash scripts # TODO: Think about automated generation of this workflow, there is # duplicated code, especially in the later sections # TODO: Smoke testing on Azure is disabled, we should check if it works out # with 4 runners in parallel or enable only one on: push: branches: [main] workflow_dispatch: branches: [main] env: CARGO_TERM_COLOR: always jobs: cargo-fmt: name: Run cargo fmt runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Cargo fmt --version uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: fmt args: --version - name: Cargo fmt uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: fmt args: -- --check python-black: name: Python static checks runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run black uses: rickstaa/action-black@v1 with: black_args: ". --check" cargo-clippy: name: Run cargo clippy runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: enable toolchain via github action uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: 1.58.1 components: rustfmt, clippy override: true - name: Enable cache # uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Cargo clippy --version uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: toolchain: 1.58.1 command: clippy args: --version - name: Cargo clippy uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: toolchain: 1.58.1 command: clippy cargo-test: name: Run cargo test runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: enable toolchain via github action uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: 1.58.1 override: true - name: Enable cache # uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Cargo version uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: version - name: Cargo build dummy plugin uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: build args: -p tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Cargo test uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: test args: --no-fail-fast ############################################################################### build_amd64: name: Build tedge and mapper Debian packages for amd64 runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: enable toolchain via github action # uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: 1.58.1 override: true - name: Enable cache # uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: Install cargo-deb uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: install args: cargo-deb --version 1.34.2 - name: Build tedge debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge - name: Build tedge_mapper debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_mapper - name: Build tedge_apt_plugin debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_apt_plugin - name: Build tedge_apama_plugin debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_apama_plugin - name: Build tedge_agent debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_agent - name: Build tedge_logfile_request_plugin debian package uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_logfile_request_plugin - name: build sawtooth-publisher for amd64 uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: build args: --release -p sawtooth_publisher - name: Upload artifacts as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: debian-packages-amd64 path: target/debian/*.deb - name: upload amd64 sawtooth-publisher as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: sawtooth_publisher_amd64 path: target/release/sawtooth_publisher - name: Build tedge_dummy_plugin uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: build args: --release -p tedge_dummy_plugin - name: upload dummy-plugin # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_amd64 path: target/release/tedge_dummy_plugin build_matrix_arm: name: Build tedge and mapper Debian for armv7 runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 strategy: matrix: # Add only arm targets here as we use a custom strip binary! target: [ aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, aarch64-unknown-linux-musl, arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf, armv7-unknown-linux-musleabihf, ] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: enable toolchain via github action # uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: 1.58.1 target: ${{ }} override: true - name: Enable cache # uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - name: install cargo-deb uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: install args: cargo-deb --version 1.34.2 - name: install cargo-strip uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: install args: cargo-strip - name: build cross release for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: use-cross: true command: build args: --release --target=${{ }} - name: apt update run: sudo apt update # armv7 uses `arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip`; aarch64 uses `aarch64-linux-gnu-strip` # It appears `aarch64-linux-gnu-strip` seems to work explicitly on other arm bins but not other way around. - name: Install binutils to add `strip` for striping arm binaries run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu - name: Strip tedge run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge - name: Strip tedge_mapper run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_mapper || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_mapper - name: Strip tedge_agent run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_agent || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_agent - name: Strip tedge_apt_plugin run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_apt_plugin || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_apt_plugin - name: Strip tedge_apama_plugin run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_apama_plugin || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_apama_plugin - name: Strip tedge_logfile_request_plugin run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_logfile_request_plugin || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_logfile_request_plugin - name: build tedge debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build tedge_mapper debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_mapper --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build tedge_agent debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_agent --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build tedge_apt_plugin debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_apt_plugin --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build tedge_apama_plugin debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_apama_plugin --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build tedge_logfile_request_plugin debian package for target uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: deb args: -p tedge_logfile_request_plugin --no-strip --no-build --target=${{ }} - name: build sawtooth publisher uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: use-cross: true command: build args: --release -p sawtooth_publisher --target=${{ }} - name: Strip workaround sawtooth_publisher run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/sawtooth_publisher || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/sawtooth_publisher - name: upload debian packages as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: debian-packages-${{ }} path: target/${{ }}/debian/*.deb - name: upload sawtooth publisher as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: sawtooth_publisher_${{ }} path: target/${{ }}/release/sawtooth_publisher - name: Build tedge_dummy_plugin uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: build args: --release -p tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Strip workaround for tedge_dummy_plugin run: arm-linux-gnueabihf-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_dummy_plugin || aarch64-linux-gnu-strip target/${{ }}/release/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Upload dummy-plugin # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_${{ }} path: target/${{ }}/release/tedge_dummy_plugin ################################################################################# install-and-use-amd64: runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 needs: [build_amd64] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-amd64 path: debian-package_unpack - name: Workaround Stop collectd mapper run: sudo systemctl stop tedge-mapper-collectd continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect c8y run: sudo tedge disconnect c8y # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect az run: sudo tedge disconnect az # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: purge run: sudo dpkg -P tedge_agent tedge_logfile_request_plugin tedge_mapper tedge_apt_plugin tedge_apama_plugin tedge mosquitto libmosquitto1 collectd-core - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_amd64.deb - name: run tedge help run: tedge --help # For Analytics: replace the default config file with tedge custom config file - name: configure collectd run: sudo cp "/etc/tedge/contrib/collectd/collectd.conf" "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf" cargo-test-features: name: Run cargo test features runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 needs: install-and-use-amd64 steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: enable toolchain via github action uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: 1.58.1 override: true - name: Enable cache # uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-amd64 path: debian-package_unpack - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_amd64.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_amd64.deb - name: Cargo test features (compile) # Compile in advance to avoid that cargo compiles during the test run # this seems to have an impact on some tests as the timing differs uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: test args: --verbose --no-run --features integration-test - name: Cargo build dummy plugin uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 with: command: build args: -p tedge_dummy_plugin # To run the test for features here is kind of experimental # they could fail if GitHub blocks external connections. # It seems like they rarely do. - name: Cargo test features uses: actions-rs/cargo@v1 # with: command: test args: --verbose --features integration-test,requires-sudo -- \ --skip sending_and_receiving_a_message ################################################################################# install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10a: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10a] needs: [build_matrix_arm] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: debian-package_unpack - name: Workaround Stop collectd mapper run: sudo systemctl stop tedge-mapper-collectd continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect c8y run: sudo tedge disconnect c8y # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect az run: sudo tedge disconnect az # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: Stop apama run: sudo systemctl stop apama continue-on-error: true - name: purge run: sudo dpkg -P tedge_agent tedge_logfile_request_plugin tedge_mapper tedge_apt_plugin tedge_apama_plugin tedge mosquitto-clients mosquitto libmosquitto1 collectd-core collectd - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install mosquitto-clients run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto-clients - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core collectd - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_armhf.deb - name: run tedge help run: tedge --help - name: configure collectd run: sudo cp "/etc/tedge/contrib/collectd/collectd.conf" "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf" - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: sawtooth_publisher_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/examples - name: chmod publisher run: chmod +x /home/pi/examples/sawtooth_publisher - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: chmod dummy_plugin run: chmod +x /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Configure Bridge run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} - name: Run smoke test for Cumulocity run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} # Run tests for Azure # Enable this, when we have decided about how many runners we use # # - name: Run Smoke Test for Azure # run: ./ci/ # env: # SASKEYQUEUE: ${{ secrets.SASKEYQUEUE }} # SASKEYIOTHUB: ${{ secrets.SASKEYIOTHUB }} # AZUREENDPOINT: ${{ secrets.AZUREENDPOINT }} # AZUREEVENTHUB: ${{ secrets.AZUREEVENTHUB }} # IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} ################################################################################# install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10b: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10b] needs: [build_matrix_arm] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: debian-package_unpack - name: Workaround Stop collectd mapper run: sudo systemctl stop tedge-mapper-collectd continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect c8y run: sudo tedge disconnect c8y # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect az run: sudo tedge disconnect az # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: Stop apama run: sudo systemctl stop apama continue-on-error: true - name: purge run: sudo dpkg -P tedge_agent tedge_logfile_request_plugin tedge_mapper tedge_apt_plugin tedge_apama_plugin tedge mosquitto-clients mosquitto libmosquitto1 collectd-core collectd - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install mosquitto-clients run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto-clients - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core collectd - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_armhf.deb - name: run tedge help run: tedge --help # replace the default config file with tedge custom config file - name: configure collectd run: sudo cp "/etc/tedge/contrib/collectd/collectd.conf" "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf" - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: sawtooth_publisher_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/examples - name: chmod publisher run: chmod +x /home/pi/examples/sawtooth_publisher - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: chmod dummy_plugin run: chmod +x /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Configure Bridge run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} - name: Run smoke test for Cumulocity run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} # Run tests for Azure # Enable this, when we have decided about how many runners we use # # - name: Run Smoke Test for Azure # run: ./ci/ # env: # SASKEYQUEUE: ${{ secrets.SASKEYQUEUE }} # SASKEYIOTHUB: ${{ secrets.SASKEYIOTHUB }} # AZUREENDPOINT: ${{ secrets.AZUREENDPOINT }} # AZUREEVENTHUB: ${{ secrets.AZUREEVENTHUB }} # IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} ################################################################################# install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10c: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10c] needs: [build_matrix_arm] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: debian-package_unpack - name: Workaround Stop collectd mapper run: sudo systemctl stop tedge-mapper-collectd continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect c8y run: sudo tedge disconnect c8y # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect az run: sudo tedge disconnect az # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: Stop apama run: sudo systemctl stop apama continue-on-error: true - name: purge run: sudo dpkg -P tedge_agent tedge_logfile_request_plugin tedge_mapper tedge_apt_plugin tedge_apama_plugin tedge mosquitto-clients mosquitto libmosquitto1 collectd-core collectd - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install mosquitto-clients run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto-clients - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core collectd - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_armhf.deb - name: run tedge help run: tedge --help # replace the default config file with tedge custom config file - name: configure collectd run: sudo cp "/etc/tedge/contrib/collectd/collectd.conf" "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf" - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: sawtooth_publisher_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/examples - name: chmod publisher run: chmod +x /home/pi/examples/sawtooth_publisher - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: chmod dummy_plugin run: chmod +x /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Configure Bridge run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} - name: Run smoke test for Cumulocity run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} # Run tests for Azure # Enable this, when we have decided about how many runners we use # # - name: Run Smoke Test for Azure # run: ./ci/ # env: # SASKEYQUEUE: ${{ secrets.SASKEYQUEUE }} # SASKEYIOTHUB: ${{ secrets.SASKEYIOTHUB }} # AZUREENDPOINT: ${{ secrets.AZUREENDPOINT }} # AZUREEVENTHUB: ${{ secrets.AZUREEVENTHUB }} # IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} ################################################################################# install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10d: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10d] needs: [build_matrix_arm] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: debian-packages-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: debian-package_unpack - name: Workaround Stop collectd mapper run: sudo systemctl stop tedge-mapper-collectd continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect c8y run: sudo tedge disconnect c8y # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: disconnect az run: sudo tedge disconnect az # We need to continue when there is no tedge already installed continue-on-error: true - name: Stop apama run: sudo systemctl stop apama continue-on-error: true - name: purge run: sudo dpkg -P tedge_agent tedge_logfile_request_plugin tedge_mapper tedge_apt_plugin tedge_apama_plugin tedge mosquitto-clients mosquitto libmosquitto1 collectd-core collectd - name: install mosquitto run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto - name: install libmosquitto1 run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libmosquitto1 - name: install mosquitto-clients run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install mosquitto-clients - name: install collectd-core run: sudo apt-get --assume-yes install collectd-core collectd - name: install tedge package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_0.*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge mapper package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_mapper_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge agent package run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_agent_*_armhf.deb - name: install tedge plugin packages run: sudo dpkg -i ./debian-package_unpack/tedge_*_plugin_*_armhf.deb - name: run tedge help run: tedge --help - name: configure collectd run: sudo cp "/etc/tedge/contrib/collectd/collectd.conf" "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf" - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: sawtooth_publisher_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/examples - name: chmod publisher run: chmod +x /home/pi/examples/sawtooth_publisher - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: tedge_dummy_plugin_armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: chmod dummy_plugin run: chmod +x /home/pi/tedge_dummy_plugin/tedge_dummy_plugin - name: Configure Bridge run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} - name: Run smoke test for Cumulocity run: ./ci/ env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} # Run tests for Azure # Enable this, when we have decided about how many runners we use # # - name: Run Smoke Test for Azure # run: ./ci/ # env: # SASKEYQUEUE: ${{ secrets.SASKEYQUEUE }} # SASKEYIOTHUB: ${{ secrets.SASKEYIOTHUB }} # AZUREENDPOINT: ${{ secrets.AZUREENDPOINT }} # AZUREEVENTHUB: ${{ secrets.AZUREEVENTHUB }} # IOTHUBNAME: ${{ secrets.IOTHUBNAME }} ################################################################################# system-test_offsite_a: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10a] needs: [install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10a] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run all Tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: Run all plugin tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all sm tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all statistics tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10a C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: upload results as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10a path: tests/ ################################################################################# system-test_offsite_b: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10b] needs: [install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10b] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run all Tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: Run all plugin tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all sm tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all statistics tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10b C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: upload results as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10b path: tests/ ################################################################################# system-test_offsite_c: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10c] needs: [install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10c] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run all Tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: Run all plugin tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all sm tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all statistics tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10c C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: upload results as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10c path: tests/ ################################################################################# system-test_offsite_d: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, ARM, offsite_m32sd10d] needs: [install-and-use-rpi_m32sd10d] steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Run all Tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: Run all plugin tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all sm tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples C8YURL: - name: Run all statistics tests run: bash ./ci/ continue-on-error: true if: true env: C8YPASS: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YPASS }} C8YUSERNAME: ${{ secrets.SECRET_C8YUSERNAME }} C8YDEVICE: m32sd10d C8YTENANT: ${{secrets.SECRET_C8YTENANT}} C8YURL: TEBASEDIR: /home/pi/actions-runner/_work/ EXAMPLEDIR: /home/pi/examples - name: upload results as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10d path: tests/ ############################################################################# system-test_postprocessing: needs: [system-test_offsite_a, system-test_offsite_b, system-test_offsite_c, system-test_offsite_d] runs-on: Ubuntu-20.04 steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Trigger repo dispatch here. # This is here a limitation of the amount of workflows # that trigger each other (GitHub Bug). # It would be nicer to use the postprocess trigger instead # Disabled until analytics VM is available # # - name: Repository Dispatch # uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v1 # with: # token: ${{ secrets.SECRET_THEGHTOKEN }} # event-type: postprocess # repository: abelikt/thin-edge.io_analytics - name: download result a uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10a path: results/results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10a - name: download result b uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10b path: results/results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10b - name: download result c uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10c path: results/results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10c - name: download result d uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 # with: name: results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10d path: results/results_pysys_offsite_m32sd10d - name: Build report run: ./ci/report/ - name: upload report as zip # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: report_matrix_${{ github.run_number }} path: results/ - name: upload report as html # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: system-test-report-matrix_${{ github.run_number }} path: results/report-matrix.htm - name: Run ls on analysis folder run: | ls -l ./results - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages # peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./results destination_dir: results commit_message: Results for ci pipeline run ${{ github.run_number }} - name: Final Result # This will fail if there are errors in the reports run: | python3 ./ci/report/ ./results/all_reports.xml