path: root/crates/core/tedge_mapper/src/sm_c8y_mapper/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/core/tedge_mapper/src/sm_c8y_mapper/')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/core/tedge_mapper/src/sm_c8y_mapper/ b/crates/core/tedge_mapper/src/sm_c8y_mapper/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..277b0a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/core/tedge_mapper/src/sm_c8y_mapper/
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+use crate::sm_c8y_mapper::error::SMCumulocityMapperError;
+use crate::sm_c8y_mapper::json_c8y::{
+ C8yCreateEvent, C8yManagedObject, C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse, InternalIdResponse,
+use crate::sm_c8y_mapper::mapper::SmartRestLogEvent;
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use c8y_smartrest::smartrest_deserializer::SmartRestJwtResponse;
+use chrono::{DateTime, Local};
+use mqtt_client::{Client, MqttClient, Topic};
+use reqwest::Url;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use tedge_config::{C8yUrlSetting, ConfigSettingAccessorStringExt, DeviceIdSetting, TEdgeConfig};
+use tracing::{error, info, instrument};
+const RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECS: u64 = 60;
+/// An HttpProxy handles http requests to C8y on behalf of the device.
+pub trait C8YHttpProxy {
+ async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError>;
+ fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool;
+ async fn get_jwt_token(&self) -> Result<SmartRestJwtResponse, SMCumulocityMapperError>;
+ async fn send_software_list_http(
+ &self,
+ c8y_software_list: &C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse,
+ ) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError>;
+ async fn upload_log_binary(&self, log_content: &str)
+ -> Result<String, SMCumulocityMapperError>;
+/// Define a C8y endpoint
+pub struct C8yEndPoint {
+ c8y_host: String,
+ device_id: String,
+ c8y_internal_id: String,
+impl C8yEndPoint {
+ fn new(c8y_host: &str, device_id: &str, c8y_internal_id: &str) -> C8yEndPoint {
+ C8yEndPoint {
+ c8y_host: c8y_host.into(),
+ device_id: device_id.into(),
+ c8y_internal_id: c8y_internal_id.into(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_url_for_sw_list(&self) -> String {
+ let mut url_update_swlist = String::new();
+ url_update_swlist.push_str("https://");
+ url_update_swlist.push_str(&self.c8y_host);
+ url_update_swlist.push_str("/inventory/managedObjects/");
+ url_update_swlist.push_str(&self.c8y_internal_id);
+ url_update_swlist
+ }
+ fn get_url_for_get_id(&self) -> String {
+ let mut url_get_id = String::new();
+ url_get_id.push_str("https://");
+ url_get_id.push_str(&self.c8y_host);
+ url_get_id.push_str("/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/");
+ url_get_id.push_str(&self.device_id);
+ url_get_id
+ }
+ fn get_url_for_create_event(&self) -> String {
+ let mut url_create_event = String::new();
+ url_create_event.push_str("https://");
+ url_create_event.push_str(&self.c8y_host);
+ url_create_event.push_str("/event/events/");
+ url_create_event
+ }
+ fn get_url_for_event_binary_upload(&self, event_id: &str) -> String {
+ let mut url_event_binary = self.get_url_for_create_event();
+ url_event_binary.push_str(event_id);
+ url_event_binary.push_str("/binaries");
+ url_event_binary
+ }
+ fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool {
+ // c8y URL may contain either `Tenant Name` or Tenant Id` so they can be one of following options:
+ // * <tenant_name>.<domain> eg:
+ // * <tenant_id>.<domain> eg:
+ // These URLs may be both equivalent and point to the same tenant.
+ // We are going to remove that and only check if the domain is the same.
+ let tenant_uri = &self.c8y_host;
+ let url_host = match Url::parse(url) {
+ Ok(url) => match {
+ Some(host) => host.to_string(),
+ None => return false,
+ },
+ Err(_err) => {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ let url_domain = url_host.splitn(2, '.').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
+ let tenant_domain = tenant_uri.splitn(2, '.').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
+ if url_domain.get(1) == tenant_domain.get(1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ false
+ }
+/// An HttpProxy that uses MQTT to retrieve JWT tokens and authenticate the device
+/// - Keep the connection info to c8y and the internal Id of the device
+/// - Handle JWT requests
+pub struct JwtAuthHttpProxy {
+ mqtt_con: Client,
+ http_con: reqwest::Client,
+ end_point: C8yEndPoint,
+impl JwtAuthHttpProxy {
+ pub fn new(
+ mqtt_con: Client,
+ http_con: reqwest::Client,
+ c8y_host: &str,
+ device_id: &str,
+ ) -> JwtAuthHttpProxy {
+ JwtAuthHttpProxy {
+ mqtt_con,
+ http_con,
+ end_point: C8yEndPoint {
+ c8y_host: c8y_host.into(),
+ device_id: device_id.into(),
+ c8y_internal_id: "".into(),
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn try_new(
+ mqtt_con: Client,
+ tedge_config: &TEdgeConfig,
+ ) -> Result<JwtAuthHttpProxy, SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let c8y_host = tedge_config.query_string(C8yUrlSetting)?;
+ let device_id = tedge_config.query_string(DeviceIdSetting)?;
+ let http_con = reqwest::ClientBuilder::new().build()?;
+ Ok(JwtAuthHttpProxy::new(
+ mqtt_con, http_con, &c8y_host, &device_id,
+ ))
+ }
+ async fn try_get_and_set_internal_id(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?;
+ let url_get_id = self.end_point.get_url_for_get_id();
+ self.end_point.c8y_internal_id = self
+ .try_get_internal_id(&url_get_id, &token.token())
+ .await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn try_get_internal_id(
+ &self,
+ url_get_id: &str,
+ token: &str,
+ ) -> Result<String, SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let internal_id = self
+ .http_con
+ .get(url_get_id)
+ .bearer_auth(token)
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ let internal_id_response = internal_id.json::<InternalIdResponse>().await?;
+ let internal_id =;
+ Ok(internal_id)
+ }
+ /// Make a POST request to /event/events and return the event id from response body.
+ /// The event id is used to upload the binary.
+ fn create_log_event(&self) -> C8yCreateEvent {
+ let local: DateTime<Local> = Local::now();
+ let c8y_managed_object = C8yManagedObject {
+ id: self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.clone(),
+ };
+ C8yCreateEvent::new(
+ c8y_managed_object.to_owned(),
+ "c8y_Logfile",
+ &local.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").to_string(),
+ "software-management",
+ )
+ }
+ async fn get_event_id(
+ &self,
+ c8y_event: C8yCreateEvent,
+ ) -> Result<String, SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?;
+ let create_event_url = self.end_point.get_url_for_create_event();
+ let request = self
+ .http_con
+ .post(create_event_url)
+ .json(&c8y_event)
+ .bearer_auth(token.token())
+ .header("Accept", "application/json")
+ .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000))
+ .build()?;
+ let response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?;
+ let event_response_body = response.json::<SmartRestLogEvent>().await?;
+ Ok(
+ }
+impl C8YHttpProxy for JwtAuthHttpProxy {
+ fn url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(&self, url: &str) -> bool {
+ self.end_point.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url)
+ }
+ #[instrument(skip(self), name = "init")]
+ async fn init(&mut self) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ info!("Initialisation");
+ while self.end_point.c8y_internal_id.is_empty() {
+ if let Err(error) = self.try_get_and_set_internal_id().await {
+ error!(
+ "An error ocurred while retrieving internal Id, operation will retry in {} seconds and mapper will reinitialise.\n Error: {:?}",
+ );
+ tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(RETRY_TIMEOUT_SECS)).await;
+ continue;
+ };
+ }
+ info!("Initialisation done.");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn get_jwt_token(&self) -> Result<SmartRestJwtResponse, SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let mut subscriber = self
+ .mqtt_con
+ .subscribe(Topic::new("c8y/s/dat")?.filter())
+ .await?;
+ let () = self
+ .mqtt_con
+ .publish(mqtt_client::Message::new(
+ &Topic::new("c8y/s/uat")?,
+ "".to_string(),
+ ))
+ .await?;
+ let token_smartrest =
+ match tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), {
+ Ok(Some(msg)) => msg.payload_str()?.to_string(),
+ Ok(None) => return Err(SMCumulocityMapperError::InvalidMqttMessage),
+ Err(_elapsed) => return Err(SMCumulocityMapperError::RequestTimeout),
+ };
+ Ok(SmartRestJwtResponse::try_new(&token_smartrest)?)
+ }
+ async fn send_software_list_http(
+ &self,
+ c8y_software_list: &C8yUpdateSoftwareListResponse,
+ ) -> Result<(), SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let url = self.end_point.get_url_for_sw_list();
+ let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?;
+ let request = self
+ .http_con
+ .put(url)
+ .json(c8y_software_list)
+ .bearer_auth(&token.token())
+ .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000))
+ .build()?;
+ let _response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn upload_log_binary(
+ &self,
+ log_content: &str,
+ ) -> Result<String, SMCumulocityMapperError> {
+ let token = self.get_jwt_token().await?;
+ let log_event = self.create_log_event();
+ let event_response_id = self.get_event_id(log_event).await?;
+ let binary_upload_event_url = self
+ .end_point
+ .get_url_for_event_binary_upload(&event_response_id);
+ let request = self
+ .http_con
+ .post(&binary_upload_event_url)
+ .header("Accept", "application/json")
+ .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
+ .body(log_content.to_string())
+ .bearer_auth(token.token())
+ .timeout(Duration::from_millis(10000))
+ .build()?;
+ let _response = self.http_con.execute(request).await?;
+ Ok(binary_upload_event_url)
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use test_case::test_case;
+ #[test]
+ fn get_url_for_get_id_returns_correct_address() {
+ let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("test_host", "test_device", "internal-id");
+ let res = c8y.get_url_for_get_id();
+ assert_eq!(
+ res,
+ "https://test_host/identity/externalIds/c8y_Serial/test_device"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn get_url_for_sw_list_returns_correct_address() {
+ let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("test_host", "test_device", "12345");
+ let res = c8y.get_url_for_sw_list();
+ assert_eq!(res, "https://test_host/inventory/managedObjects/12345");
+ }
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("mqtt://")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ fn url_is_my_tenant_correct_urls(url: &str) {
+ let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("", "test_device", "internal-id");
+ assert!(c8y.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url));
+ }
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ #[test_case("")]
+ fn url_is_my_tenant_incorrect_urls(url: &str) {
+ let c8y = C8yEndPoint::new("", "test_device", "internal-id");
+ assert!(!c8y.url_is_in_my_tenant_domain(url));
+ }