path: root/crates/core/plugin_sm/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/core/plugin_sm/src/')
1 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/core/plugin_sm/src/ b/crates/core/plugin_sm/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..977ed88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/core/plugin_sm/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+use crate::logged_command::LoggedCommand;
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use csv::ReaderBuilder;
+use download::Downloader;
+use json_sm::*;
+use std::{path::PathBuf, process::Output};
+use tokio::io::BufWriter;
+use tokio::{fs::File, io::AsyncWriteExt};
+use tracing::error;
+pub trait Plugin {
+ async fn prepare(&self, logger: &mut BufWriter<File>) -> Result<(), SoftwareError>;
+ async fn install(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError>;
+ async fn remove(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError>;
+ async fn update_list(
+ &self,
+ modules: &Vec<SoftwareModuleUpdate>,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError>;
+ async fn finalize(&self, logger: &mut BufWriter<File>) -> Result<(), SoftwareError>;
+ async fn list(
+ &self,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<SoftwareModule>, SoftwareError>;
+ async fn version(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<String>, SoftwareError>;
+ async fn apply(
+ &self,
+ update: &SoftwareModuleUpdate,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ match update.clone() {
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Install { mut module } => {
+ let module_url = module.url.clone();
+ match module_url {
+ Some(url) => self.install_from_url(&mut module, &url, logger).await?,
+ None => self.install(&module, logger).await?,
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Remove { module } => self.remove(&module, logger).await,
+ }
+ }
+ async fn apply_all(
+ &self,
+ mut updates: Vec<SoftwareModuleUpdate>,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Vec<SoftwareError> {
+ let mut failed_updates = Vec::new();
+ // Prepare the updates
+ if let Err(prepare_error) = self.prepare(logger).await {
+ failed_updates.push(prepare_error);
+ return failed_updates;
+ }
+ // Download all modules for which a download URL is provided
+ let mut downloaders = Vec::new();
+ for update in updates.iter_mut() {
+ let module = match update {
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Remove { module } => module,
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Install { module } => module,
+ };
+ let module_url = module.url.clone();
+ if let Some(url) = module_url {
+ match Self::download_from_url(module, &url, logger).await {
+ Err(prepare_error) => {
+ failed_updates.push(prepare_error);
+ break;
+ }
+ Ok(downloader) => downloaders.push(downloader),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Execute the updates
+ if failed_updates.is_empty() {
+ let outcome = self.update_list(&updates, logger).await;
+ if let Err(SoftwareError::UpdateListNotSupported(_)) = outcome {
+ for update in updates.iter() {
+ if let Err(error) = self.apply(update, logger).await {
+ failed_updates.push(error);
+ };
+ }
+ } else if let Err(update_list_error) = outcome {
+ failed_updates.push(update_list_error);
+ }
+ }
+ // Finalize the updates
+ if let Err(finalize_error) = self.finalize(logger).await {
+ failed_updates.push(finalize_error);
+ }
+ // Cleanup all the downloaded modules
+ for downloader in downloaders {
+ if let Err(cleanup_error) = Self::cleanup_downloaded_artefacts(downloader, logger).await
+ {
+ failed_updates.push(cleanup_error);
+ }
+ }
+ failed_updates
+ }
+ async fn install_from_url(
+ &self,
+ module: &mut SoftwareModule,
+ url: &DownloadInfo,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let downloader = Self::download_from_url(module, url, logger).await?;
+ let result = self.install(module, logger).await;
+ Self::cleanup_downloaded_artefacts(downloader, logger).await?;
+ result
+ }
+ async fn download_from_url(
+ module: &mut SoftwareModule,
+ url: &DownloadInfo,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Downloader, SoftwareError> {
+ let downloader = Downloader::new(&, &module.version, "/tmp");
+ logger
+ .write_all(
+ format!(
+ "----- $ Downloading: {} to {} \n",
+ &url.url(),
+ &downloader.filename().to_string_lossy().to_string()
+ )
+ .as_bytes(),
+ )
+ .await?;
+ if let Err(err) =
+ downloader
+ .download(url)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| SoftwareError::DownloadError {
+ reason: err.to_string(),
+ url: url.url().to_string(),
+ })
+ {
+ error!("Download error: {}", &err);
+ logger
+ .write_all(format!("error: {}\n", &err).as_bytes())
+ .await?;
+ return Err(err);
+ }
+ module.file_path = Some(downloader.filename().to_owned());
+ Ok(downloader)
+ }
+ async fn cleanup_downloaded_artefacts(
+ downloader: Downloader,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ if let Err(err) = downloader
+ .cleanup()
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| SoftwareError::IoError {
+ reason: err.to_string(),
+ })
+ {
+ logger
+ .write_all(format!("warn: {}\n", &err).as_bytes())
+ .await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub struct ExternalPluginCommand {
+ pub name: SoftwareType,
+ pub path: PathBuf,
+ pub sudo: Option<PathBuf>,
+impl ExternalPluginCommand {
+ pub fn new(name: impl Into<SoftwareType>, path: impl Into<PathBuf>) -> ExternalPluginCommand {
+ ExternalPluginCommand {
+ name: name.into(),
+ path: path.into(),
+ sudo: Some("sudo".into()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn command(
+ &self,
+ action: &str,
+ maybe_module: Option<&SoftwareModule>,
+ ) -> Result<LoggedCommand, SoftwareError> {
+ let mut command = if let Some(sudo) = &self.sudo {
+ let mut command = LoggedCommand::new(sudo);
+ command.arg(&self.path);
+ command
+ } else {
+ LoggedCommand::new(&self.path)
+ };
+ command.arg(action);
+ if let Some(module) = maybe_module {
+ self.check_module_type(module)?;
+ command.arg(&;
+ if let Some(ref version) = module.version {
+ command.arg("--module-version");
+ command.arg(version);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref path) = module.file_path {
+ command.arg("--file");
+ command.arg(path);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(command)
+ }
+ pub async fn execute(
+ &self,
+ command: LoggedCommand,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Output, SoftwareError> {
+ let output = command
+ .execute(logger)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|err| self.plugin_error(err))?;
+ Ok(output)
+ }
+ pub fn content(&self, bytes: Vec<u8>) -> Result<String, SoftwareError> {
+ String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|err| self.plugin_error(err))
+ }
+ pub fn plugin_error(&self, err: impl std::fmt::Display) -> SoftwareError {
+ SoftwareError::Plugin {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: format!("{}", err),
+ }
+ }
+ /// This test validates if an incoming module can be handled by it, by matching the module type with the plugin type
+ pub fn check_module_type(&self, module: &SoftwareModule) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ match &module.module_type {
+ Some(name) if name == & => Ok(()),
+ Some(name) if name == DEFAULT => Ok(()),
+ Some(name) => Err(SoftwareError::WrongModuleType {
+ actual:,
+ expected: name.clone(),
+ }),
+ None => Ok(()), // A software module without a type can be handled by any plugin that's configured as default plugin
+ }
+ }
+const PREPARE: &str = "prepare";
+const INSTALL: &str = "install";
+const REMOVE: &str = "remove";
+const UPDATE_LIST: &str = "update-list";
+const FINALIZE: &str = "finalize";
+pub const LIST: &str = "list";
+const VERSION: &str = "version";
+impl Plugin for ExternalPluginCommand {
+ async fn prepare(&self, logger: &mut BufWriter<File>) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(PREPARE, None)?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Prepare {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ async fn install(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(INSTALL, Some(module))?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Install {
+ module: module.clone(),
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ async fn remove(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(REMOVE, Some(module))?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Remove {
+ module: module.clone(),
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ async fn update_list(
+ &self,
+ updates: &Vec<SoftwareModuleUpdate>,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let mut command = self.command(UPDATE_LIST, None)?;
+ let mut child = command.spawn()?;
+ let child_stdin =
+ child
+ .inner_child
+ .stdin
+ .as_mut()
+ .ok_or_else(|| SoftwareError::IoError {
+ reason: "Plugin stdin unavailable".into(),
+ })?;
+ for update in updates {
+ let action = match update {
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Install { module } => {
+ format!(
+ "install\t{}\t{}\t{}\n",
+ module.version.clone().map_or("".into(), |v| v),
+ module.file_path.clone().map_or("".into(), |v| v
+ .to_str()
+ .map_or("".into(), |u| u.to_string()))
+ )
+ }
+ SoftwareModuleUpdate::Remove { module } => {
+ format!(
+ "remove\t{}\t{}\t\n",
+ module.version.clone().map_or("".into(), |v| v),
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ child_stdin.write_all(action.as_bytes()).await?
+ }
+ let output = child.wait_with_output(logger).await?;
+ match output.status.code() {
+ Some(0) => Ok(()),
+ Some(1) => Err(SoftwareError::UpdateListNotSupported(,
+ Some(_) => Err(SoftwareError::UpdateList {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ }),
+ None => Err(SoftwareError::UpdateList {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: "Interrupted".into(),
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+ async fn finalize(&self, logger: &mut BufWriter<File>) -> Result<(), SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(FINALIZE, None)?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Finalize {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ async fn list(
+ &self,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<SoftwareModule>, SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(LIST, None)?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ let mut software_list = Vec::new();
+ let mut rdr = ReaderBuilder::new()
+ .has_headers(false)
+ .delimiter(b'\t')
+ .from_reader(output.stdout.as_slice());
+ for module in rdr.deserialize() {
+ let (name, version): (String, Option<String>) = module?;
+ software_list.push(SoftwareModule {
+ name,
+ version,
+ module_type: Some(,
+ file_path: None,
+ url: None,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(software_list)
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Plugin {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ async fn version(
+ &self,
+ module: &SoftwareModule,
+ logger: &mut BufWriter<File>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<String>, SoftwareError> {
+ let command = self.command(VERSION, Some(module))?;
+ let output = self.execute(command, logger).await?;
+ if output.status.success() {
+ let version = String::from(self.content(output.stdout)?.trim());
+ if version.is_empty() {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else {
+ Ok(Some(version))
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(SoftwareError::Plugin {
+ software_type:,
+ reason: self.content(output.stderr)?,
+ })
+ }
+ }